3 Steps to Become a Respected Philosopher
Updated: Jan 15

Article Synopsis by Mr. John Igwe and Co.
The article "3 Steps to Become a Respected Philosopher" provides a guide for those aspiring to make a significant impact in the field of philosophy. It emphasizes the importance of being a content creator, offering unique perspectives, connecting with the audience, and committing to truth.
Philosophy can also serve as a lifeline, providing hope and meaning for those struggling with despair. It should be accessible and relevant, reaching out to those seeking answers to profound questions. The digital age offers unparalleled opportunities for philosophical reach, allowing anyone with dedication to build a global audience and become recognized in their niche.
Modern tools allow for monetization through ads, sponsorships, and online courses, making philosophy accessible to all. The article encourages aspiring philosophers to embrace these steps, refine their skills, and boldly share their philosophical insights with the world.
1. The Philosopher as Content Creator: Breathing Life into Thought
A philosopher is, first and foremost, a content creator and a practitioner of philosophizing. This means that the essence of being a philosopher lies in actively generating original thought through observation and reflection of reality, then converting it to insightful content for the external world to consume. A philosopher without something to say is like humanity without air: deprived of the very element that fuels their existence.
While referencing past thinkers has its merits, it's not the sole defining characteristic of a philosopher, nor necessarily its primary one. The true power of a profound philosophical mind, lies in the individual's own internal exploration of existential questions, and the discoveries that stem from it. This deep engagement with thought leads to discoveries that may enlighten the minds of those who encounter them. Once shared with humanity, they can be enlightened as well.
And while the journalist may seek their findings through external research, philosophy is very little without the internal exploration of the philosopher's own mind. As such, each renown philosopher is renowned also for their distinct viewpoints of reality. Each philosopher is his or her own "brand" of reality. They "cook" their own distinct "potions" that might as well forever distinguish them from the minds of many other people, as well as their own intellectual counterparts.
Thus, when becoming a distinguished philosopher, you also slowly become the creator and advocator of your own brand of content creation.
The First Step is the essence of the philosopher as a content creator: to offer refreshing, distinct perspectives and thought-provoking solutions that resonate with their audience, and make them ponder further on the nature of reality.
Philosophers have many expressions and do not have confine itself to metaphorical ivory towers. Their relevance lies in their ability to touch the lives of real people, by being themselves. And when you are being yourself, and are a distinguished man or woman, you can have the power to motivate others, and inspire hope into their hearts, to live in accordance to what they believe to be the truth.
A dishonest philosopher is almost like an oxymoron. The competent philosopher lives and creates in accordance to the virtue of truth. Or specifically, what they regard to be the truth, as they keep digging further into it through inquisition.
Whether it be practical solutions to everyday problems or intellectually stimulating discourses of the human condition, new philosophical work has the potential to not only inform but also empower. This is the promise that makes philosophy not just a relic of the past, but a vital force for the future.
For the future cannot be driven towards its development without the empowerment of clarity, that can be used for the better. Drive a car into a pitch-black tunnel, and most likely it will collide and crush. It is through the clarifying content of the philosopher, that the "car" can find its way.
2. Philosophy's Light in the Darkest Hours: Belief, Meaning, and the Will to Live
Philosophy isn't just about abstract ideas and books gathering dust. It can be a powerful force in the battle against despair. A light in the darkest hours. This, perhaps, is its most critical function in our time. By helping people believe in themselves and find reasons to stay alive, philosophy offers not just intellectual clarity, but a lifeline towards a better future.
Imagine a world where philosophy doesn't just analyze existence, but provides a framework for understanding it. This very framework can serve as a competent basis to see reality in a clearer way and make people realize insights they otherwise would've not thought of in the first place.
For someone struggling with despair, this shift in perspective can be truly transformative. Instead of viewing their challenges as insurmountable barriers, they can begin to see them as obstacles to overcome. This reframing can offer a glimmer of hope and a renewed sense of purpose, potentially preventing a tragic outcome. And, that can certainly spark a flicker of hope into a world composed mainly of the mercenary's mindset.
Furthermore, philosophy can serve as a breeding ground for the finding of purpose. When someone contemplates the void, a reason to exist, a cause to be devoted to, can be the anchor that pulls them back from the cliff of hopelessness. This purpose can be personal, societal, or even cosmic, offering a guiding light in the storm.
Finally, philosophy equips individuals with practical ways to navigate the treacherous waters of difficult emotions, as in the example of stoicism. By understanding and managing their inner turmoil, those struggling with self-sacrifice can learn to meddle with their inner storms and find solace within themselves. They might as well, with philosophy, find solace in things they overestimated.
While the world of philosophy may not offer the traditional career paths of other fields, its potential as a niche within content creation is undeniable in a world largely lead by democracies. Just like any business, the goal is to attractively present ideas and resonate with an loyal audience.
And what audience could be more receptive than those seeking answers to life's most profound questions? Imagine a world with podcasts dedicated to, YouTube channels exploring existential meaning, or blogs offering perspectives on navigating difficult emotions through self-reflection.
The Second Step is to appeal to the future of philosophy: accessible, relevant, and potentially life-saving content, is to be created by the philosopher in the name of showing humanity the practicality of truth-resonating insights. Insights that can spark hope and passion to the hearts and minds of those who deem reality too granted, and thus, too disposeable.
The fact that there are few "philosopher" job listings is irrelevant. The true value lies in the impact of the ideas themselves, and the potential for those ideas to touch lives and change destinies. By making philosophy a compelling and accessible form of content creation, we can encourage individuals to find meaning, purpose, and, ultimately, the will to live.
3. Philosophy's Global Reach in the Digital Age
Fear of ridicule can be a discouraging force, especially when venturing into the toxic arena of the online world. Take an ad campaign: the more visible it is, the more likely it is to draw haters.
But to dismiss this potential for mockery, is also to throw the baby out with the bathwater. In today's internet-connected world, the possibilities for philosophical reach are at their peak, and the rewards far outweigh the risks. That is especially true, the less sensitive you are to insults.
Building a website, a platform to attract a global audience, was never the exclusive domain of tech giants and media moguls. With enough dedication, anyone can become a beacon of philosophical thought, recognized as an authority in their chosen niche. My own website, visited by readers from across the globe, is a testament to this democratized access, that is merely outshined by social media addiction.
Increased readership can fuel the fire of your ideas, while the modern world offers a plethora of ways to monetize your content. Advertisements, sponsorships, even online courses – all it takes is a business mindset of an ambitious manager.
The digital age has shattered the ivory towers of philosophy, making it accessible to anyone with the passion for inquiry and the ability to craft compelling arguments, to be distributed to the eyes of countless people worldwide. No longer confined to the privileged, intellectual elite, the mantle of philosopher now rests on the shoulders of anyone willing to embrace the challenge to prove themselves worthy enough to not be pretentious.
So, The Third Step is to cherish this democratization of wisdom, and the slow decay of the academic institutions as the gatekeepers and validators of knowledge and much of education.
Hone your skill, refine your voice, and step into the digital realm, as new, different individuals and organizations in the this field enter into the public domain and compete for the greatest resource of all, when it comes to being remembered for years to come: Relevancy.
The world awaits, eager for the insights you bring. Aspire to include all three steps within the best version of yourself, and let your philosophical light shine for all to see. Who knows, in theory, where your writings will end up in? Who knows where in the world you will be quoted?
For all three to come into fruition, you must dare.