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7 Essences of Existence -- A Guide to Physical Reality

Updated: May 20

A giant factory on an alien planet.

Unveiling the Fabric of Reality

Have you ever pondered the true nature of existence? What separates a mere dream from the solid ground beneath your feet? This article delves into the fundamental building blocks of reality, presenting the seven essences that aim to define what truly exists in the world beyond our limited perception. From the fundamental necessity of materiality to the dynamic nature of change, we begin the journey to understand the fabric of what we can be certain that exists -- the physical realm.

The existence of subjectivity is not as concrete as the physical world since the former depends on something we can't even entirely prove -- the consciousness. That is while the philosophy of solipsism, which claims only the "I", or one's consciousness is the only existing thing, is easily disproveable, as presented in the Guardian query about it and in my article featuring the Genealogical Claim.

So, prepare to have your conceptions challenged as we explore the concepts of separation, atomicity, logic, and location. We'll dissect the role of finitude, contrasting it with the boundless nature of a concept I call "The Great Void". Finally, we'll uncover the ever-present force of change, the essence that ensures nothing remains static.

1.Materiality: Everything that exists for sure, exists as a material. Without material, there would be nothing, not even illusions, for illusions originate from any material that embodies a consciousness, a mind. Furthermore, all material is a product of energy, not only existing in humans. And of course, all material must be in either one of the 22 states of matter in order to exist.

2. Separation: In order to understand a specific existence and distinguish it from another specific existence, that specific existence must be separated and secluded from anything that is not that specific existence. Without separation, there would be no distinction. Withou distinction, there would be no identification. Altough matter may exist in different forms over a course of history, the current form must be seperated from other forms in order to be identified. The same applies in human individuality, to the point it could be reduced to numbers.

3. Quarks and Electrons: It's believed that atoms are the most elementary particles that construct the entire universe and everything that truly exists within it. However, exotic nuclei defy the orthodox definition of what an atom is often possesing an excessive amount of neutrons. Also, most hydrogen atoms do not even have neutrons. Either way, all atoms of any structure contain quarks and electrons. Therefore, in order for something to exist, it must be composed of either of the two elementary particles. Everything that is not composed of these universal building blocks cannot truly exist in physical reality.

4. Logic: Logic is an alternative way to know and understand existence apart from experimentation and experience. In order for something to exist, it must have a logical origin and an identical, specific, and equivalent definition that is synonymous with the existent being itself.

For example, a car is physically originated from manufacture, and an identical definition would be: “a transportation and mechanical device that has wheels and an engine.” However, scientific evidence triumphs logic where it can exist in the first place, making it both important and flawed at the same time.

However, logic necessarily exists, as anything in theory can be explained with it. Expand your knowledge and you can improve your logical reasoning as well. Also, note that things do not need a purpose in order to exist -- only history, which is based in logic (AKA philosophy of history). Purpose subjective to its maker/user (and thus a mental construct). The fact something is designated or was made for a certain functionality, does not mean it must achieve its goal, for failure could always be an inevitable possibility.

5. Location: All things that truly exist must have a space in the universe, so "the Great Void" must contain it. What allows location to inhabit an object is space, which is one of the three expressions of the void. Unlike in video games, more than one being cannot be in the same spot as another. It must have a separate spot, or else it would be an illusion (aka, a mental construct inhabiting the same space as yourself).

The Mental/Abstract Dimension do not necessarily hold a single, specific place. You can have consciousness in a body the same as you could “freeze” and store one in the form of text, painting, video, and so forth. This is known in another article of mine as "represented existence".

Thus, consciousness and every abstract concept, society included, can be seen as an intersubjective illusion, represented in symbolism, culture and media.

The same is with togetherness, because technically you are separated from others whether you are in a heavily populated bus or alone in your home. Location and seperation serve as the footwork for my universal lonerhood theory, the metaphysical reasoning behind loneliness.

6. Finitude: Only the Great Void of the Universe can be infinite, given that the entirety of the universe, which keeps expanding, has always more room to grow.

For something to truly exist, it must have an end, or a possible end, whether that end is physical in the form of shape, or have a chronological end. The universe always keeps expanding, meaning that it always has an end which is simply broken every time expansions are made.

The internet, as another example, while it can be formless, cannot be unconditionally eternal. If the energy sources that generate the internet are to be destroyed, the internet itself will be destroyed. But in general, due to data storage and hosting services costing money, many failing websites like MySpace, were shut down for good. Nothing on the internet is therefore forever, and thus finite in time.

The Great Void is more powerfulin the sense that it is not dependent upon anything in order to exist as it is. It's this universal void that allows all of existence's essences exist and be expressed. There will always be space, meaning the Great Void will last for eternity regardless of circumstance in the Reality Beyond the Mind. Should I manage to edit the article on it, I will also discuss in it something called "point-zero energy", a not-well known form of energy, but one potentially infinite as the void itself, and stemming from it.

7. Change: Everything that truly exists is prone to change by the influence and/or interaction of other things and beings. In other words, nothing that exists truly stays the same for eternity. It is then no surprise that wars may happen, much to people's surprise. However, even drastic changes can be explained by logic, and can be reduced or prevented if we just plan ahead of time.

Final Words

With the Great Void being the sole exception to all, these are the essences I have discovered in my contemplations about what certainly exists, and thus what is known existence, putting spirituality aside. Feel free to share this article if you'd like, and share your thoughts in accordance to site's rules.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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