A Writer's Voice (A Poem)
Updated: Mar 13

I wish, to write,
The State gave me the right, to write;
These thoughts, to be published, by me!
And when my energy is revived,
For work it will be utilized.
Then I see the faces,
They visit with eyes, not maces.
So read, my content,
And cherish this right, with me;
As many, are doing so, delightfully!
Although I am just, a man;
Trying to understand the world, around me,
With my rights I know I can,
What is wrong, to see!
Though a developing, baron;
Trying to understand the world, around me,
With my rights I know I can see,
And lead my empire, alone.
For my voice to be heard,
If I must fight, I'll fight,
To let my voice be shared!
Even after death arrives
Philosocom, survives!