Causality Of Reality -- The Rise Of An Acquired Savant (By Mr. Nathan Lasher)

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I have a very eccentric reality in which I live. I have uncovered some life truths which I desire to pass onto people. I am not telling you this as some sort of cult fanatic. I simply want to share my insights into what a few things are. Content generation aside, I simply want to share my fringe thoughts with the world and let them decide if they qualify as intellect or a state of grandiosity.
As I am bi-polar it is only fair to reveal that distinct possibility exists. Nothing I say is a matter of bi-polar as I have experienced the causality of my understanding. At first, discovering such things ended up triggering the worst episode of mania I have ever had. I am cyclothymic so I was experiencing a full hypomanic episode for the first time.
It is that experience I want to share with the world in hopes it can lead to some good as a result. At the least I hope it makes for an interesting read. This tale begins and ends with acquired savant syndrome. An accident which made me a sudden savant. But first I needed to overcome some traumatic brain injury I had succumbed to.
What that experience has revealed is the knowledge I hope that will be gained. What if there is a way to make every person a savant? I am no doctor, so the most I can offer is some fringe insights on a few things. I could care less if they mean anything or not. I only hope that it might help.
So what could I do which would earn me a place in the place of existing acquired savants? What if I can explain what it is and a theoretical idea on how to give others such abilities? First off, I will explain what savant syndrome really is. Why is it that children use their intelligence in a way that most adults do not?
Imagination as far as shaping the reality around yourself is a powerful expression of our intelligence. Why as adults do we not use the cognitive features responsible for this? Savant syndrome is this part of the brain suddenly becoming stimulated again, leading to bursts of creativity. Furthermore, I suffered a stroke alongside the traumatic brain injury. For whatever reason this led to me having my senses go into hypersensitive mode. Meaning, I am fully aware of my entire body.
Due to this fact I was fully aware of overcoming my brain injury. It was the weirdest feeling in the world. I’ll premise. Think about a spot on your forehead and just using your focus try to push on that spot as hard as you can from inside your own head. Your face should feel like it is squishing together.
But more than that, you should feel like something inside your head is moving. What if I told you this was the conscious mind? Focus is the thing which physically makes it move. It is your intelligence and the very essence of who you are. The soul explained. This is what I felt moving inside my mind when I finally overcame my previous injuries.
It felt like that thing was being squeezed out of a cake icing bag out into a giant area. I had actually felt what the soul was and blew past simply desiring to deal with any theological issue. Does understanding this change your religious beliefs? I’m not saying who is right and who is wrong. I’m saying you're all a bit right and can hopefully add to a greater overall faith.
Does understanding what the soul is really change your belief about what happens to it when we die? That part is an interesting aspect. The soul as eccentrically explained: “I am going to steal your soul” could also be said as I am going to steal your focus. Whatever is on your mind is what is on your soul as they are one and the same thing. It is your essence or the thing which makes you you.
If you want a further explanation on what intelligence really is, think about it as when you learn something. You no longer need to consciously access your knowledge on it. Intelligence is abstract cognitive features. It is the subconscious network running through our bodies. You know those questions which you automatically know the answer to.
That is your intelligence which is letting you quickly access everything you know on something. IQ is a good measure for logic based intelligence. However, some of us have intelligence that is so far from logical. In fact I might say it is more logical than most people. Or maybe, the bi-polar has me in a state of grandiose delusion. Again, the reason I share this knowledge like this is because I want nothing to do with how it is used.
My intelligence has an expression of the experiential. Also known as creative experiences, what it means is I learn through every experience I go through and use that knowledge, automatically, towards any new problems I might encounter. To this day, I have yet to find something that has actually been a problem for me. I don’t see bi-polar, autism, or adhd as a problem because I fully understand them all. I will tackle each one one at a time.
The adhd aspect of my genetics is honestly a curse and a blessing. When I was younger, my focus used to jump around a lot, to the point that I began to see how things were related to each other. My focus like this the resulted in natural polymathy. A basic example is I could be doing something like golfing and any given thing can make me think about something random. Great, except when you need to stay focused. I will say adderall is a blessing for those who need it.
So what adhd has taught me is, why not do a more customized education? At a younger, 14/15 year old age, a student should determine what they want to do with their lives. Then, make all their class work in every subject revolve around their focus. Think about it this way: instead of general history, why not teach kids history surrounding the thing they want to be?
Don’t make students stick to the same thing their classmates stick to. Let them customize their education to increase their human capital. All math would have to do with whatever it is you are focused on. By letting students switch, they get to see things from a different perspective. This Would lead to more polymathy in the verb sense. The noun sense is a little more rare than that. I don’t automatically need to study any particular thing to see how two things correlate.
To let you know what the "noun sense" is like, I will cover it with this simple concept. I do not see problems because I can see how to do anything with any particular thing. It's true that, where there is a will there's a way. I don’t see problems and can pick anything up pretty easily.
So, the younger me used to jump around hobbies a lot. I was very good at experiencing things and somehow remained safe the entire time I was doing it. I have my own beliefs and they include a belief in a higher power. Someone has been looking out for me my entire life.
Theology aside, I’m glad my ADHD was never treated when I was younger. It allowed me to see things from many perspectives at the same time. How my intelligence was missed is beyond me. Not in a pseudo intellectual kind of way, but how does one miss a child's creative intelligence?
What I am saying is you can nurture the intelligence that you have. Start by starting to use your imagination more. This is using your intelligence in it’s raw capacity.
So, why should we nurture this side of our intelligence? I believe that the cognitive feature for creativity and imagination, is what gets one super simulated, resulting in hypersensitivity and savant like abilities.
I will also add that it is a humbling experience. To discover yourself on the brink of something great. I don’t really like the public spotlight, yet I feel compelled to exist in it.
I have actually felt the place where mania is coming from. It isn’t anything in your mind. I mask mania by controlling my heart rate and breathing. When I do this I feel the mania, like a warm ball of energy within me, return to my heart. What this means is beyond me. If I could offer advice to anyone else who is bi-polar it would be this: Next time you notice your heart rate increase, take a minute to calm your breathing down.
Higher intellects have different anatomy in their brains. It might result in a few psychological issues. I am somewhat convinced, 0 research conducted, that geniuses have mania with none of the bad parts. Their brains simply work faster than most people’s.
I’m hoping the savants might help cure bi-polar disorder.
That isn’t all though, we enter some mild autism. Primarily seen as social developmental delays originally, but I was so smart it went unnoticed. After my accident and recovery my delays are all gone and I have no social issues.
So, my eccentric thoughts on the matter are this: If autism is the result of neurological issues and autism as well as brain formation are hereditary, then couldn’t we use siblings to see which neurological pathways weren’t developed properly, and figure out a way to stimulate that part of the brain to jump-start it, so to speak?
The moral of the story is that I hope this gets out there and some other sudden savants might feel like reaching out.
1 in a million people are sudden savants so it is rare. But that still makes our numbers over 7000. I feel like we should connect. If you're reading this and have been through it you know exactly how weird of an experience it is. I am tired of trying to explain it to people who will never understand, despite my best efforts.
What I want is the entire world to focus at the same time on trying to fix real problems. All it takes is the appropriate actions to be taken. I see the world way differently than most, so I hope through my contributions my experiences might mean something. If you think I am a crackpot I hope I gave you an entertaining read to say the least.