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Why Analytic Philosophy Corrupts The Planet and Corruption Directory

Updated: 2 days ago

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The Directory


Analytic philosophy, that is to say, can very occasionally produce practically conclusive results of a negative kind... -- Alasdair MacIntyre

Analytic philosophy, at its basis, is a methodological approach in philosophy, which prioritizes the cold, stern and intellectual-based research of philosophical text. It is a pragmatic approach, aimed at delivering practical results in philosophical fields which are mainly text and literary-based. In other words, analytic philosophy is a methodological, specified approach in understanding.

Conventionally, analytic philosophy is a popular demonstration of what I call the dark side of enlightenment. In other words, the analytic philosopher would reduce everything to mere data, and prioritize, in a very "robotic" way, what he deems more important, and might deem that "important" aspect, the "objective importance", irrespective of what you might think or feel.

Analytic philosophy is often emotionless, computer-like, and might often make you and your massive accomplishments, feel unimportant by comparison.

As such, although philosophy is a social risk overall, analytic philosophy is a social risk specifically.

To Overcome Bias

By developing, however, the habit of looking both ways, one can see the virtue in everything. That goes for this cold, ruthless philosophy..

  1. Analytic philosophy can help much in mathematics.

  2. Analytic philosophy is oriented towards clarity and simplicity.

  3. A. P. is oriented towards making text short and concise and less repetitive.

  4. A. P. is a classic example of how, often, emotion can, indeed, be weakness, like when it comes to the reading of dark and difficult text (See: The Rubinshteinic Butcher).

  5. Analysis is often easier than synthesis. Synthesis requires creativity and unconventionality, and both traits are virtues most people lose when they grow up. It is, indeed, often children who are better synthesizers of concepts (and even technology) than adults.

  6. A. P. goes against digressions demonstrated in point 5, due to point 2.

  7. A. P., excelling in mathematics, excels by extension also in the sciences. Specifically, the technical sciences. The natural sciences, like biology and even the abstract world of love and romance, is more foreign in analytical philosophy.

  8. A. P. encourages people to contemplate in solitude and be less involved in interactions which might trigger unnecessary, avoidable battles with people (Especially your dear ones!).

The Negative Implications of Analytic Philosophy on the World Today

  • Analytic philosophy ignores the pain and suffering of people worldwide, leaving such people to fend off for themselves.

  • Occam's Razor is often used in analytic philosophy with little awareness towards the appreciation of the human condition. In my opinion it is best used in ethics, however..

  • Most humans are hardwired towards negativity. As a result, analytical thinkers focus on negating humane opportunity (For instance: Giving charity to the homeless; seeing the world for its beauty, displaying empathy, and so on).

  • Analytic thinking, as a result, is one of the reasons sociopathic tendencies are often developed in today's world, as a very normal trend.

  • Sociopathic behavior includes manipulation and harming one's psychological safety as a means to an end.

  • Immanuel Kant advocated rationalism. A rationalist approach to reality is often analytical, and focuses on negating empiric opportunity.

  • Many people live trial and error as a regular way of life. As such, many people are not analytical thinkers, as they focus on seeing and feeling the world for its beauty and wonder.

  • Most people, according to my own observations, are an undefined mixture of analytic and more-empiric thought. That is, even though this trend might change as a result of the AI revolution, and as a result of the realistic possibility of a real-life cyberpunk age...

How Analytical Thinking Promotes A Cyberpunk World

A cyberpunk world is a world where there are extreme divides between the rich and the poor. It is a morally-bankrupt age, which focuses not only on industrial and technological revolutions, but also on the remorseless exploitation of the financially poor.

It is a world where the human element is discarded and reduced to a mere set of labels and titles. It is a world where humans are not seen beyond their titles, beyond their conventional status; It is a world where passionate work is not profitable. It is a world that encourages incompetence, and increases the unemployment of humans, as they get replaced, more and more, by AI applications.

A cyberpunk world is not a utopia but a dystopia. It is a world where financial gain is the highest priority of all humans. A world where exploitation and manipulation is encouraged even on your own family, not just on your friends or even in the workplace.

A cyberpunk world is a world that comes from democracies being heavily corrupt over time by the very leaders that often get elected legally.

It is a world where people often find themselves giving up on being alive, and if not on life itself, then on enjoying the fruits and wonder of love.

A cyberpunk world is an anti-love world. It is a world that encourages humans to give on their own humanity, because of technology's potential to artificially improve how they look (See: facial surgery), and even to turn them into cyborgs.

A cyberpunk world is a world where de-humanization is normal no matter if you are hermit or are an extrovert with a lot of friends. It is a world that will always condemn you because of negation.

While humans are hardwired towards negativity, as it allows them to survive... it also comes at the cost of mental health.

The harder it is to gain money, the more humans will suffer from mental health issues, biasing them towards despair, than hope.

  • Analytical thinking promotes abandoning other people because "they are hard to deal with".

  • A. P. destroys the perceived wonder of life, and deems those with much emotion, as either insane, pitiful, weird and all other, pro-rejection labels.

  • A. P. ironically sabotages philosophy itself by focusing on impressions, than the world beyond the analytical mind. Therefore, A. P. ironically leaves the analytical thinker in a Platonic Cave, even when said thinker is social.

  • A. P. is anti-intuition and anti-passion. A. P. therefore is anti-nature.

Continental Philosophy (Or, Why is Nietzsche Still Relevant 200 Years Later)

Continental philosophy is the rival school of analytical philosophy.

  • C. P. prioritizes creative thinking and synthesis.

  • C. P. focuses more on the human condition, and on human emotion, and even on the wonders and joys of love and romance.

  • As such, Nietzsche is extremely hard for people to understand to this very day, due to his emphasis on creativity.

  • Example 1: "Thus Spoke Zarathustra" is a half-philosophy book, half-story. Such creativity is unconventional, making T. S. Z. very hard to comprehend.

  • Example 2: "The Gay Science" is about the pursuit of joy. "Science" here is not to be taken literally, but emotionally.

  • A. P. takes philosophy literally (Analytically), while C. P. takes philosophy creatively (Synthetically).

  • C. P. discards Occam's Razor quite often, instead focusing on existentialism (Or, about making sense out of life itself).

Such creation of unconventional parallels, highlight the value of being connected to one's inner child of light.

  • Your inner child is the metaphorical version of yourself who is happy. Thus, C. P. is often about a life that is truly well-lived for each and every one of us.

  • If you examine your own life creatively, rather than literally, as a way of habit, you might find yourself becoming happy over time, thanks to philosophy itself!

  • Creativity is how people can find themselves happier over time, just like when they were children.

  • Creative minds live life as if they are children, even when they are adults. By synthesizing/integrating virtue ethics, one can live life creatively and happily without being shamed and rejected for "acting like a child".

  • Thus, it is our choice to either cater to the academy or to reject it entirely.

  • I believe that education is a fake need created by a fake world.

  • The term "warm logic", considers the human condition, and the heart, as legitimate aspects in logic.

  • I believe conventional logic, which is often analytical, is highly limited because analytical philosophy is strictly limited.

  • Analytical/conventional logic may falsely treat individuals as specific cases, instead of the very environment they grew up in.

  • C. P. may focus on bravery and on the ability to dare to visit and even study under eccentric, rejected geniuses.

  • C. P. can help people believe in themselves often, and have people living philosophy as a way of life, becoming masters in their own way, as well.

  • I relish in inspiring you and I relish in improving this world by surpassing my late master and by philosophizing for as long as I can!

Hail Philosocom Article Empire!


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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