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13 Beneficial Words of Wisdom - How To Become A Wiser Being

Updated: Aug 29, 2024

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  1. Do not be afraid to use your own thinking when you have a decision to make. Always relying on other people and sources may result in the decrease of one’s ability to think and compose independently and more freely from external influence. Society deserves critics so it won't solidify its own herd mentality.

2. On the other hand, always consider the opinions of others. The advancement of the mind and of the intellect is built on controversy and skepticism. Try to not dismiss their opinions so easily when you can use them to further understand reality and/or yourself.

Even when there is a disagreement, it is nevertheless possible, and the realistic option, to accept that other people think differently from you. Their different viewpoints shouldn't threaten you when both them and their opinions can become beneficial to you becoming a better person

A controversial opinion shouldn't be condemned just because of its mixed perception. It might as well be controversial specifically because it can contribute more exceptionally. You cannot tolerate other opinions under the majority's tyranny of cancel culture. Do not shut out resources that can potentially contribute To you and the ambitions you wish to achieve in this life. Other viewpoints could also be seen as such.

3. Always respect the authorities, even if you find them and their policies irrational. That is unless they're actually threatening you. Even when there is a possible clash, it is always important to remember that the authorities are there to serve the citizenry, the public order, and the security of the country. At least in theory, that is their business interest.

It is possible (if you live in a democracy) to state your disagreement with the law by words of complaint, and violence is not recommended if you wish to stay free from imprisonment and harm. It would be reccomended, however, if they are actively violent towards you, and seek to kill you or your people (ethnic group, family, etc.).

Then, freedom is to be fought for, collectively, in the name of a better future. For there is no greater irrational policy than a country that seeks to counter-intuitively dispose of its own people in the name of maintaining power (See the Cambodian genocide as an example).

4. Revenge on others is futile when it is possible to accept and acknowledge the issue, take responsibility, grow up mentally, and forgive the one who made you resent them. Even if forgiving is hard, you might find out that there are times where it is beneficial for your interests to do so.

Gradually, you can find other things to occupy your mind. Try to appreciate your limited time, instead of killing it through pointless pursuits (AKA, pursuits that yield no benefit).

5. Fun does not always ensure health, security, or any other benefit beyond itself. This is what makes fun absurd. Be careful not to give in to fun temptations and seductions if they may unnecessarily hurt you or others in the future. Even agony has its benefits.

Back to fun -- there are alternatives for it that are harmless and safe, allowing you to enjoy your time without unnecessarily making your experience risky or expensive. If we want to respect and tolerate all forms of fun we better also understand the downsides of each form. Traveling abroad, for example, could make you end up in prison in a foreign country if you accidentally break its rules.

In Laos, for example, some drug dealers may turn you in to the police if you buy their goods. You can have a fun time doing something else in that nation, without resorting to practicing extreme caution.

6. Always be thankful for those who have helped you and promoted you in life. Human beings are not tools of chess. They are entities with thoughts and feelings of their own. They may either make you pay or cause you to feel shame and regret in an attempt to restore their honor in their own eyes and/of others. You don't want to create enemies unnecessarily as those can evitably make it hard for you to fulfill your hopes and dreams.

The very same people who could've been assets for your cause can make you feel paranoid and not safe. As such, it is often wiser to do good and to be moral for the intention of being able to live and work in greater, inner peace. Personally, I may disable commenting in some platforms online just so I could con delivering to you the high-quality content I believe you deserve. After all I have no use for petty disputes by those who are easily tempted by hatred.

7. Some things are indeed unfixable, and therefore out of one’s control. Attempts to change the unchangeable may result in useless misery, resentment, and suffering. We need to have the Beneficial Words of Wisdom to accept what we cannot change, recognize what we can change, and work towards the life we want, by working on the latter, instead of being miserable, by the former. That's only possible by achieving the required power for the individual matter-at-hands. And in a way, power is everything.

8. Let go of shame and guilt when the deeds you have done do not deserve atonement. Tiny mishaps, for example, are not necessarily as severe as you might think. While it is wrong to murder someone, it is not shameful to be fat, short, ugly, or unattractive.

The ideals of normative perspectives should be challenged in order to develop beyond the limits they impose on you. While they may be normative, they are not necessarily logical nor moral. Whether if they are or aren't depend on each individual case.

9. There is no shame in loving someone else who does not love you in return. Your emotions always belong to you and to you only. You decide what to do with them, if at all. A society that condemns emotions as either right or wrong is one of weaklings. It is one that condemns emotions which makes it too uncomfortable, and praises emotions it finds comfortable and/or enjoys from.

But to be there for others in their dark hours, we must be strong ourselves. The weak can't help the other much for it lacks the strength to do so. As such we shouldn't enable weakness, but work towards the cultivation of inner strength so others would suffer less unnecessarily. People need not to be condemned for having emotion, if we want to live in a more altruistic, compassionate society.

But until then, if it will ever happen, we need to be ruthless towards ourselves merely to survive in the absence of such strong people. Ruthless, to become stronger with or without them.

10. The desire to “be like everybody” is a sin against one’s individuality and unique characteristics and set of merits each one of us has to a certain degree. Similarity leads to mediocrity because diversity of skills is what makes a successful society/organization. In fact, some CEOs would tell you that diversity is imperative for a company's success.

11. Passion, in theory, stems from the desire to escape from one’s lack of satisfaction with oneself or with a situation. Self acceptance and acceptance in general could help you be more productive. That's because it allows you to desire to escape less, and try to make the best use out of what you already have, and of who you are. Who knows, maybe other people can benefit from your uniqueness, and not only yourself.

Align your passions with reality, AKA with what you are really capable of doing, and you might be even more useful than before to others and to yourself. Reality deserves to be fixed, to undergo a "tikkun", in the name of improving our and others' lives. As such, a passion is most useful when something can come out of it. Not when it is merely used for daydreaming.

12. Don’t put your full trust in anyone you meet. Regardless of whether they hide something from you or not, you first need to trust yourself that you are strong enough when your expectations do not meet the outcomes of reality. If you lack this self-trust, why make friends with new people if it has the potential to damage you in some way in the future?

To endure betrayal, inner strength is a must. And the weak would backstab you more for they lack either the integrity or loyalty to appreciate your own usefulness. They would not pretend that they care about you, and won't deceive you just to use your help. To reduce your grief, you must learn to see beyond their false presentation.

13. Use the insights and words of wisdom you have gathered throughout your life like a warrior in a battlefield who uses the equipment and armor which are scattered around. Do not let them go to waste when they could serve you upon closer inspection.

Not only can anything symbolize something bigger and even philosophical, but every little piece of information can be used in the name of benefit, development, and, at times, even survival and protection. Since power is everything, the production of insight from these resources can make you a wiser being. And knowledge is power as well.


Feel free to share this article so those who are important to you would become wiser as well. Thank you for reading.


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Philosophy of Change

Change brings pain—again and again.

Pain brings suffering—uttering, muttering

Suffering brings tolerance—with much endurance.

Tolerance brings thinking—and good ideas linking.

Thinking brings knowledge—saves going to college.

Knowledge brings understanding—sensibility expanding.

 Understanding brings wisdom—and where it comes from.

And wisdom makes life bearable—happily declarable!


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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