The Rubinshteinic Critique On Birthdays
Updated: Feb 25
(2025 Note: Using philosophy and neuroplasticity I have recovered from my own autistic symptoms. It's called autism recovery. My mind is forever hidden from you).
I have always found birthdays and other celebrated events to be problematic. There are three reasons for this:
Why celebrate when you could be doing something else, such as something more productive?
Why celebrate when the event in question isn't that important?
Why celebrate when you are already happy and have other pleasures?
I can understand the reasoning behind celebrating birthdays, at least. Why not celebrate the fact that I was born exactly X number of years ago? Celebrating a birthday is also a way to express joy over the fact that someone was born!
However, beyond this reasoning, I don't really understand why I should do something like raise a toast or go out to eat at a diner when I could just resume my life as usual, trying to make the world's best philosophy blog.
After all, I already know that I will get older, so why does it matter whether I celebrate my birthday or not? If I could do something like listen to a documentary, then why should my birthday get in the way of that?
Of course, many of you may find my priorities strange, but keep in mind that my mind is hidden from you, even if you might think I'm autistic. Your theory of mind is often likely to fail given I always develop it using philosophy, as a way to help others with my wisdom and to recover myself.
As far as I can remember from what I've read, people with autism are very strict when it comes to timing and order. However, more-dynamic minds are able, over time, to develop the ability to be more spontaneous. That goes especially for minds of the "mad genius" type.
And for me at least, I know that birthdays are nothing more than perception-disabling societal conventions.
I enjoyed birthdays a lot as a younger person. I enjoyed the attention, the feeling of importance, and so on. However, nowadays, such values are but tools to me, all to serve this very site that you're reading.
Even emotions are tools for me. I don't see emotion as a goal. I just see emotion as something to study and see its connections to health. Beyond that, feeling nothing feels good for me.
In my eyes, my site is more important than me. The 8th of April is far more important to me than my upcoming birthday, you see. I do not see why, in comparison, it is I who should be more important, or as important, than something I plan to be my life's lifelong legacy.
And even when the 8th of April arrives, and the site becomes older itself, I don't really see why I "must" celebrate it. I already know when the date reaches, and I already know what it means.
Where is the necessity of celebration in all of this? So what if I'll have fun? Fun for me is nothing more than respite. I prefer to respite in ways like resting and sleeping instead..
And you know what? The same can be applied to any event where celebration is expected by others. Sometimes you have to cater to other people's expectations for collaborations. However, if you don't have to, then why bother? The more you leave them alone, and they leave you alone, communication turns less and less relevant. In turn, this gives you more free time for other stuff beyond your own survival.
I suffered a lot when we celebrated our graduation from high school. I just wanted to take the diploma and leave. My mental age was too old for that, and over time it will only grow older and older, without the influence of brain-rot.
Of course, weddings are there to symbolize the marriage, or the "alliance", between one partner to another. It's fine! Why not move on, then? It can save one both time and money, over celebrating something that is already known and given.
Do I expect you to agree with the way I see things? Of course not. I simply enjoy integrating my own piece of my always-evolving mind for the greater good of inclusivity. What do to with my perception, is your choice and yours only.
I am regardless, glad that thoughts on my own birthday has inspired me to actually write something new.
With this out of the way, I thank you for reading.