Content Matrix -- Delving Into The Philosophy of Content, Society and The Self (By Mr. Nathan Lasher)
Updated: Feb 17

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Summary by Anonymous
The article explores the concept of a metaphorical "matrix" representing the shared reality shaped by communication and social interaction.
Mr. Nathan argues that people are immersed in this matrix of digital content and social perception. Our sense of self is influenced by how we present ourselves and how others perceive us.
Success and fulfillment come from understanding how this matrix functions. By strategically communicating and taking actions that resonate with others, we can build a positive external self and achieve our goals.
Mr. Nathan emphasizes the importance of taking action and putting yourself "out there" to establish a place in the matrix. This can be achieved through self-expression, marketing, and creating value for others.
The article concludes by highlighting the power of emotions and communication in shaping our shared reality. The choices we make and the information we share contribute to the collective "matrix" we all inhabit.
Much like in the movie "the matrix" people are tapping into a virtual world of content. Endless supplies of content made readily available by the internet. But where does this content come from? I shall voyage into the depths of my mind and try to come up with a philosophy on where content comes from. Certain content is powerful enough to invoke emotions in people.
I had a sort of existential crisis going on a little bit ago. I couldn’t quite figure out how to express my intelligence. I’m 35 years old and for most of my life I had only seen random expressions of it. So to me higher intelligence, thanks to negative reinforcement from adults, was something I only randomly experienced. Usually directed towards something I wasn’t meant to be focused on.
The point I am trying to make is that the matrix is real. People are immersed in the matrix of digital content. Many people’s lives revolve around content they have experienced. Content is the thing which adds value to people's lives. Sadly, many people are judged by the content that they produce. In a world of cancel culture, a world of "scared selves" exist. People are too worried about the preferable self that exists. People do not "exist". Only the "them" other people talk about is how many view themselves.
So, how does one discard the stigma of cancel culture and protect the well-known self which exists because it exists in other people's minds? It stands to reason to ask this question to yourself. If you were to pass from this existence tomorrow, how much evidence of yourself will still exist? Is your self "plugged" into the matrix in an effective way? Or are you a hermit who leaves no trace of an existence?
Content is a way we can transform ourselves from a person of self to a person for the self. I don’t mean to be greedy when I say that. On the contrary, what are you sending out into the world? We exist because we conduct ourselves in a manner worthy of being remembered.
In my instance, I am understanding sociality without having spent a day studying it. So, I am realizing that different selves exist. You have the cognitive self, much like reality, is the person you appear as to yourself. Then you have the external self which is how people see you. Don’t worry about this concept so much. Your external self becomes a worry wart by doing so. You become too worried about the wrong things.
Worry is a construct created in people’s minds to determine how someone feels about something. If something has much value to something than they will worry more. There is an illusion that the way that we feel about something is the value we place on that thing. You will see an activity and think of a particular person based upon past experiences doing similar things. You don’t even have to try and think about that person. They sort of just automatically pop into your mind. This is the external "them" that they are seeing.
The moral of the story is your internal self is one you express with words to yourself. It's also known as how you see yourself versus your external self or how other people see you. Because you thought of the activity you are filled with emotions about it you are drawn to think about those people who create a similar emotion for you. A brief look into the idea of herd mentality. It is a result of similar emotions being attracted to each other.
Simple as that. Your brain is trying to feel a certain way and that person ends up making you feel that way. That is the emotion matrix created among friends. When you're with that person your entire world becomes a momentary emotional reality. You might experience a feeling of euphoria because that person reminds you of something pleasant. That is the basis of the matrix we are all in. A matrix which is a resemblance of our actions.
The important thing you need to know about the matrix is you have more control over it than you know. Much like the main characters move around in it in the movie. If you want to see changes in your reality (matrix), simply go do an action which will warrant the appropriate response. Making money is easy when you understand the matrix people are plugged into through years of genetic delusion.
The generations have used less and less of their brains. Think about it from a childhood perspective: You used to use your imagination to change the world around you. Yet, that is one expression of intelligence which adults have learned to use less and less and get children to as well.
When will people realize that they have more control over the matrix than they think? Making money for instance is easy. You must just find that one thing which people are willing to spend money letting them do as well. The start of an empire within the matrix is learned by tapping into this. You start by getting people to sponsor and support you.
As you hold more dominance in the matrix, a distinction of how the general populace sees your external self, meaning how many people know you exist. The more attention leading to more sponsorship. If you want to know the secret to why businesses fail most of the time: Either they are trying to fix a need people don’t find important, or they did a horrible job marketing and making sure people were aware of it. Does a cave full of buried treasure still exist if nobody is aware of it? No. It "becomes real" by the story telling people do.
Through writing, I ensure my external self exists beyond my physical life. Not to mention, the potential which exists for my external self by putting myself out there.
The secret to the matrix is that in order to create change in it action must be taken. Whether we exist in a simulation or a far stranger reality isn’t a matter of concern. These philosophical truths exist regardless of the reality.
Humans are pathological creatures meaning they are quick to change their own cognitive realities in order to fit their needs. They have guarded feelings of "how reality must exist". If anyone goes against it, they are deemed "an assailant". What happens when a person becomes an assailant? They are deemed a hostile entity which you begin to feel guarded towards.
My journey has led to some fundamental truths and I am using myself as a proof of concept for them. Be the change you want to see in the world and a beautiful life awaits you.
A dive into the law of attraction is that when you think about certain positive things you start to create a positive vibe. That vibe has fundamental physical aspects where people of similar nature are drawn towards each other. A basic example is that, if someone wants to be a more social person, does deciding to be or not be really make them so? The answer is yes, actions dictate our reality.
Business owners understand how the matrix works. Big business secret: they don’t tell you about what it takes for success. You must supply a need or want which people are willing to spend money towards. That, and people must be aware that it is an action you specialize in. The big secret to business success is the importance of building a customer base. Businesses live and die by the presence of their external selves.
You can have the greatest product in the world and cognitively might believe it could help so many people. You wonder why you didn’t succeed. You failed to tap into the matrix and earn your place in it. Your business succeeds by people being aware that it meets a certain need or want. With wants you need to communicate that you do it better than the rest of your competition. People might just think pizza on a Friday night, but as far as where they go will depend upon their preferences. You learn to become a part of someone’s preference when you make them aware of your existence.
This is what the matrix teaches us: The collective consciousness is impacted when we take actions to change it. It becomes collective by multiple people having it a part of their own cognitive reality. Instead of simply pizza, you now crave a certain place on Friday nights. All because somewhere they originally found out about it.
This is what tapping into the matrix is. It is simply putting yourself out there in a greater sense than just yourself. Use this article for instance. It is me tapping into the matrix of reality by putting myself out there with my words. You’ve all used the expression using the system. What if these people were all right?
Learn to work the matrix to your benefit. I am not a socialist by any means but I do gain some benefit from social welfare. See how the matrix can be wonderful when you figure out how to change it for your benefit. Much as the heroes did in the movie when they went back into it.
Just remember that each and every day when you go out into the world you are tapping into a custom tailored version of a matrix.
Want to see the ripple effect of an action? Make one basic change to something that is regular and see how many people aren’t thrown off by this. Imagine this thought experiment. A billionaire with time to kill buys a gas station and runs it as is for about a year. Then, he decides to swap all the pumps so they are going in the opposite direction. See how messy it gets in the parking lot.
What is this matrix I speak of? It is the matrix of life that is happening all around us. That is the source code of the matrix: Communication and spreading of knowledge.
Success comes from discovering the matrix I speak of. Understanding the power of marketing your way into people's cognitive realities. You could build the next big thing and it will die with you all because you never shared it with the rest of the matrix. People are attracted towards new things. Word of mouth is the primary way that information gets spread throughout the matrix.
I’m talking about the matrix as an allegory. What it teaches us is the power we hold when we tap into the matrix of life. It isn’t very surprising, that people don’t understand what the secret to life is: It is about making yourself as as expansive as possible, thus turning you from a person to a concept.
Concepts are the dangerous part of today's society. Cancel culture runs the risk of a concept being banned. This is when your external self suffers personal damage. This damage isn’t physical but more in a "verb sense". Your external self can be tarnished by one simple action. This leads to my next thought: How a person can tap into the matrix?
Emotions are the currency of the matrix. You command authority when you command control over people’s emotions. It is the language of the matrix. Anything can be done if you have a good enough reason for doing it.
To more fully understand the matrix as a concept I am referring to it as one simply has to imagine the matrix as all actions happening around you at any given point. I hope to one day use this understanding for good. Not quite sure how the emotional aspect of the matrix works out. I could use it for evil means or I could use it for good. I want to use it for good, but humans are complex creatures and I am afraid there are few people out there with enough vision to see my sights.
Nobody's life is mapped out in ink. Only you decide what future generations will say about you. My hopes are to get enough attention that my insights are shared in future generations' history.
Will people be aware of your actions? Will they have any impact on anyone else’s life? That is the purpose of life. To impact as many people as you can so what you know can live on for years past your passing. The more people who are aware of the action you take the more territory your external self resides in. You become a person that person will think about whenever the need arises. That is because you tapped into the matrix to make sure people were aware of your existence. It's amazing what tapping into the matrix can do for you.