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The Possible Purpose of Life: Free Time

Updated: Dec 29, 2024

A beautiful field that can be explored on one's free time.

The Possible Purpose of Life: Free Time

Not everyone may agree with this perspective, but for many, whether they are consciously aware of it or not, the essence of our ambition in life often revolves around attaining more free time. Much of our daily activities—fulfilling basic needs, paying bills, working, and learning—are ultimately aimed at gaining this precious resource: free time.

But why is this so? What is the true significance of free time? For some, the search for higher meaning leads to existential questions such as, "Why am I here?" If we dig deep into this question, we might find that our presence is aimed at experiencing more moments of leisure—watching TV, spending time with loved ones, resting, or playing. These activities define what many of us consider as the true essence of "free time."

Defining Free Time: The Period of Genuine Choice

Free time is the one period in our lives where we hold complete autonomy, unbound by external obligations. It is when we have the rare opportunity to act according to our own genuine desires. While we might work for money or study for grades, free time offers a realm where our decisions are untethered by such external motivations. It’s a time when we are our own masters.

Consider this: How many of us can honestly say that we work because we love it, or that we pursue education solely for the joy of learning rather than for the tangible rewards—grades, degrees, or career advancement? Civilization has been built around the pursuit of money, making it almost inevitable that we strive to earn as much as possible. This is not merely for survival but also for comfort, entertainment, and the ability to support our families.

Yet, beyond survival, who truly dislikes free time? It's a domain where our authority is absolute. When we have free time, no boss, teacher, or external figure dictates our actions. We become the supreme authority over our schedule. And in those moments, we can engage in anything that fulfills us, moving from one activity to another without the constraints of others' expectations.

The Unique Power of Free Time

This is precisely why vacations, days off, and private spaces are so cherished. They symbolize autonomy, an escape from societal demands, and a chance to pursue our truest desires without interruption. When we gain the freedom to explore our genuine interests and passions, we reach a state of profound self-awareness and satisfaction. This awareness can guide us to optimize our time on Earth and find deeper fulfillment.

However, the struggle for many is understanding what to do with their free time. Boredom often creeps in, suggesting that some have yet to discover what brings them true joy and satisfaction. Imagine having an army at your disposal but no clear command to give—this is similar to having free time but not knowing how to use it. Without purpose, our most valuable resource—time—remains underutilized, much like a powerful but idle force.

Free Time: A Rare and Precious Commodity

For some, free time is a rarity, a treasure to be guarded. Those who work multiple jobs, face imprisonment, or juggle countless responsibilities often long for the luxury of having time to themselves. In contrast, those who find themselves with abundant free time are in a privileged position. They have the potential to explore, create, and reflect. Wasting this time in boredom or idle activities can be seen as a disservice, not only to oneself but to the countless others who long for such freedom.

It’s essential to recognize that our free time isn’t just a break from obligations; it’s an opportunity to shape our lives according to our deepest values and desires. It’s where our truest self emerges, free from societal roles and expectations.

The Purpose Behind Obligations: Achieving Free Time

Every obligation we fulfill, whether at work or in our studies, is a step toward earning more free time. It’s a cycle: we serve the outside world to eventually gain the freedom to serve ourselves. Weekends, holidays, and even brief moments during the workday are chances for us to find happiness, engage in our interests, and feel liberated from our routine duties.

I once had to work to afford a home in my country’s bustling metropolis, a place I’ve lived for much of my life. Living expenses were, and remain, quite high. During that time, even while living with my mother, I had to contribute to rent despite her also being employed. It wasn’t a matter of poverty; it was simply the reality of the environment we lived in.

But now, I find myself in a different situation—one where I am no longer part of the "rat race." I don’t need to work to survive. This rare position has allowed me to dedicate my time to a pursuit I cherish: running and developing this site. The insights and reflections I share here are a result of the freedom I have to focus and contemplate, unhindered by unwanted labor.

A Reflection on the Human Condition

Ultimately, many of us live in anticipation of gaining more free time. For some, it’s the weekend; for others, it’s retirement. For a fortunate few like myself, it’s a daily reality. The possibility of life’s purpose being tied to the quality and quantity of our free time is worth contemplating. When we have the freedom to spend our time as we wish, we unlock a deeper level of living—one filled with choice, autonomy, and, hopefully, fulfillment.



Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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