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Government and Elections -- Article And Politics Directory

Updated: Mar 15

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Politics Directory:

Article Synopsis by Mr. John Igwe and Co.

The article "Government and Elections: The Necessary Complexities of This World" offers a comprehensive exploration of the complexities inherent in government and elections. Mr. Tomasio skillfully intertwines philosophical reflections with practical advice, creating a rich tapestry that invites readers to contemplate their role in the political process.
The article covers a wide range of topics related to government and elections, from the power of voting and grassroots movements to strategic voting. The inclusion of philosophical quotes and ideas from Christopher Hodgson and Robert T. Kiyosaki adds depth and context to the discussion, encouraging readers to think critically about the principles underpinning political systems and their own beliefs.
The article emphasizes the importance of active participation in the political process, even when the ideal outcome seems unattainable. Balancing ideals and pragmatic considerations is highly relevant, with Mr. Tomasio's personal anecdotes and reflections on add authenticity and relatability. Focusing on education and grassroots movements is crucial for fostering a more engaged and knowledgeable electorate.
The article provides a realistic perspective, acknowledging the imperfections and challenges within political systems, such as the potential for betrayal by political leaders.
Overall, the article is a compelling and thought-provoking exploration of government and elections, blending philosophical insights with practical advice to encourage readers to actively engage with the political process.


Part I: Advocating for Your Vision Despite Imperfections

An ideal government is not something that is likely to be established, nor is it something whose image can be agreed upon. However, using the power of the ballot box, one should not be prevented from advocating for their own vision of government. Voting is a tool that can be both powerful and partially insignificant (As voting is not created equal in all places where voting is held). Its power lies in its ability to change and retain leadership, shaping the course of a nation.

Yet, it can also feel insignificant because not all votes carry equal weight, as said. This depends heavily on the party system within your country. A vote in a two-party system has different value than a vote in a multi-party system. And of course, it holds no real value whenever its fabricated.

If your ideal party, one whose ideology aligns perfectly with your vision, has a slim chance of winning, your vote might seem insignificant. However, this doesn't make participation futile. In fact, to think it is futile, is a product of the Futility Fallacy/Appeal to Futility. Arguably, it's also known as the Nirvana Fallacy.

The Power of Information and Education

In an age of constant information flow, knowledge is a powerful tool for advocating for your vision. Research the platforms of different candidates and parties. Share this information with friends and family, encouraging them to become informed voters. Research together in groups, try to mutually learn from each other. Support organizations that promote voter education and civic engagement. Lambast them if necessary to learn more about them.

By empowering others with knowledge, you can create a more informed electorate that holds leaders accountable to their promises.

The Long-Term Impact of Grassroots Movements

A grassroots movement is an organized effort undertaken by groups of individuals in a given geographic area to bring about changes in social policy or influence an outcome, often of a political issue. -- Robert Longley

Even if your ideal candidate or party doesn't win immediately, your participation can be a stepping stone for long-term change. For greater relevance, Support grassroots movements that align with your vision. These movements can raise awareness, mobilize communities, and build momentum for future elections.  

Failure is part of the process of success. People who avoid failure also avoid success.” —Robert T. Kiyosaki

By working alongside others who share your values, you can build a powerful force for positive change over time. That's of course as long as you're not being manipulated with ulterior motives. Otherwise, significant social and political advancements rarely happen overnight. Persistence and dedication are key to achieving lasting progress.

Part II: The Essence of Strategic Voting

People do not always vote for the party that they like the most. Sometimes, they choose to vote for another one because they want to maximize their influence on the outcome of the election. This behavior driven by strategic considerations is often labeled as “strategic voting.” It is opposed to “sincere voting,” which refers to the act of voting for one’s favorite party. -- Damien Bol and Tom Verthé

While voting is an expression of personal beliefs, blind loyalty to a party's ideology can sometimes be a roadblock to achieving change. Voters must navigate a balance between their ideal vision and the pragmatic reality of who has a strong chance of being elected. Strategic voting, which involves considering the viability of a party's success alongside your principles, can be a powerful tool for influencing the political landscape.

Additionally, witnessing a party leader's complete betrayal of their ideology, leaving your own beliefs unrepresented, can be a disheartening experience.... And yes, my first vote was for a party whose leader betrayed her party's values, joining the coalition instead... For the emotionally inclined, perhaps such betrayal can feel as painful as the one in marriage.

This also helped me further realize how ideology is but a tool in its role, along with the value of one's importance.

After all...

Dividing and Conquering

Despite the challenges, a multi-party system allows for a more in-depth and diverse political discourse. Understanding the divisive nature of the system and strategically engaging with the options available, voters can still make their voices heard and influence the direction of the country, even if it means compromising slightly on their ideal candidate.

The divide between political parties and their followers... is it inherit or is it a social construct? According to Christopher Hodgson:

The media would have you believe that we are divided. They would have you believe that there is a civil war on the horizon. But it’s not true. Most people just want to live a good and happy life. They push certain agendas, whether that be BLM, LGBTQ+, or Equal rights. It’s always a movement that is never positive and always looks for the issues rather than the good.

I have no desire to have my critical thinking compromised by the affiliation bias. I prefer to help those I can and those who won't refuse or abuse me, regardless of their gender, race and political views. I care not for factionalism. I care for humanity. For world rectification, others, like my mother who almost died, won't have to be further traumatized. Trauma is horrible, and comes too naturally in society. Politics is no excuse to enable it further.

Riding the Political Seas As the Eccentric "Madman"

Imagine how the fate of a multi-party nation would be if, let's say, all the voters who won for parties that do not have the chance to make it, voted for far more relevant and powerful parties instead. That could change the future of one's country through the underrated power of compromise.

It's one of the most insignificant parties in my country. However, I actually sympathize with 2 of its major principles: free internet as a basic right, and increased freedom of speech.

Making a change, in other words, doesn't mean you have to do it with full loyalty to your ideology, as that could be counterproductive. As said, ideology can be used as a tool. Not only by politicians to live and die by power, but by voters to work towards a better life.

Part III: When Your Ideal Party Isn't on the Horizon

There are two ways to make your vote count: sway others to your side, or strategically compromise. For introverts like myself, influence campaigns might be an idea full of despair.

Here's the reality: Like with Philosocom and the rest of the internet, even with a dedicated following, it's tough to compete with social media giants, despite their corruption. Despite the fact that they further divide the world's populations through their personalized algorithms. Thus, those who seek more followers, are often those who crave it. Megalomaniacs, narcissists, psychopaths.

The frustration of a government you dislike isn't always due to manipulated voters, whether through love-bombing, religion or otherwise. Sometimes, the opposing side is more enticing... Make sure you're not being manipulated yourself, so doubt yourself. Remember, even majority rule is a form of compromise through elimination, and even the majority can deter democracy itself, capable of turning into tyranny.

A Reality Prone to Change

An ideal government might be a utopia, but that shouldn't stop us from advocating for our vision through voting. For that utopia might be there as merely a short term, and be ruined by militarist forces, revolutionary potential used for evil and other such unfortunate events. Remember:

Nothing's forever. Forever's a lie. All we have is what's between hello and goodbye. -- Marilyn Bergman

Voting is a powerful tool for shaping leadership, but even the strongest of leaders can be broken, by either bone or spirit. Every vote of yours, therefore, is for a temporary effect. Whether it lasts a year or leads to a leader's longest reign in national history, never forget that no ideal or depravity lasts as immortality. All will be broken, eventually, as existence demands.

However, do not fall victim to the eternity fallacy. Whether you're happy with the current rule of feel alienated and robbed, none of it lasts forever anyways.

The highest good is the synthesis of the natural and moral goods: Happiness in perfect proportion to virtue. Kant's justification for including this idea in his theory of practical reason arises from the need to overcome the dualism that emerges between these two goods. Happiness and virtue are both justified objects for the will of a finite rational being. -- Eoin O'Connell

When casting your vote, blind idealism can be a political shipwreck, because you do not exist in a void. You can't convince everyone to see things your way. The happiness you seek is not everyone else's necessarily. Sticking rigidly to your perfect vision might leave you throwing your vote away on a party with no realistic chance of winning, as the populace have their own visions.

Effective participation requires navigating a course between your ideal vision of government and the practicalities of the political landscape and the rest of the people's wants and needs. Sometimes, achieving change necessitates compromise. And it might mean swallowing a minor policy disagreement for the sake of progress on a more critical issue.

Think of it like sailing a complex course. While you have a desired destination (your ideal government), you need to adjust your sails (voting strategically) based on the prevailing winds (the current political climate) to reach a closer port (achievable progress). You're never a lone sailor, and your vote should be seen as a synthesis of individual and collective demand.

Recognizing a significant change often requires sacrifice of individual interest. It's all about having a prioritization theory. By supporting a party that aligns with your most important priorities, which can be shared by like-minded people, you contribute to a larger movement for positive change.

Plan ahead. Chart a pragmatic course, raise your sails, and set sail for a brighter future. However, be careful what you wish for... And specifically, WHO you wish for.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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