What Sound Does a Rabbit Make? Communication Guide for Geniuses (Mr. N. Lasher)
Updated: Feb 17

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Language is bigger on the inside. -- Mark Bloom
Communication Guide to Geniuses: Introduction
I exist in a sea of endless content which makes prioritizing it quite difficult. Yet, I choose to return for the sake of helping to make this world a far better place than it is... A place where people like myself, can be heard, accepted, and learned from.
In this article yet again about myself, we arrive at the question of genius. Am I smart? Am I pseudo intellectual, or am I under some profound bi-polar half-delusion?
Each aspect is a distinct possibility in their own right (and not just distinct!). See, I’m hexed with the awareness of how much stuff there is to know... And, I realize how very little I know in retrospect, at the same time!
I was recently made aware that I have a really high hubris. It remains a challenge to not have that when most of what you say is brilliant. After all, how can you expect to distinguish between what I say, and myself, when you might be influenced by ad-hominem bias?
Well, I DO, speak with confidence with a tiny realization that my intent is only to create as much content as possible. I am quite inspired by Mr. Tomasio's relentless advance after all!
Of Rabbits and Men
There is an example of my intellectual curiosity. It derives from a life realization that I ask many questions which nobody, or what seems like nobody, has an answer to.
The education system creates drones which follow text to understand things. We have long lost our ability to be creative. How can we be creative when we are taught to be drones? Are drones supposed to be creative? No! Are HUMANS, supposed to be drones? NO!
It is rare, as in the case of George Lucas, that a person moves past this stereotype. Nobody has the ability to think for themselves and most of their life is scripted endeavors, as if their life was a plain old RPG. I don't see this as a good way to live life!
So I ask you again, what sound does a rabbit make? I imagine the answer to this question might be a soft noise which is hard to hear....
So much like the rabbit I am throwing content out there that nobody can hear, into the great philosophical underground hole of sage wisdom that is the Philosocom Article Empire!
My content turns into a dusty book on a library shelf which nobody ends up reading. So much like the rabbit I say things which most people don’t hear. Why would they hear it in the first place? Why would they want to understand the world around them when they have other things to do, other than understanding reality on a very profound level?
I usher in my polymathy to realize I want to take this article in multiple directions...
I could research rabbits and figure out what sound they actually make... but why should I do that?
The imagery that they have tiny voices is the point I am trying to arrive at.
Much like the rabbit in my instance, I could be saying amazing and brilliant things but they remain unheard by the masses.
Communication Determination
My philosophical endeavor is the learn how to be more like a lion and less like a rabbit. I want my content to come out as a roar which a lot of people hear. Why wouldn't I want to be heard as a writer and philosopher as well? What writer doesn't like to be heard when he or she writes online?
Sure, I could mirror people and talk, but what I am saying is superficial at best...
I talk about things which are important to other people yet where I struggle is in telling them about things which are important to me. Day to day pleasantries are areas where I roar. Talking about stuff which most people can’t understand is where I am as a rabbit trying to say stuff. I want to learn to yell my inner truth, without actually need to yell at anyone! Know what I mean?
That is where this article comes into play. It is an avenue which I can use to eject content to but in a way that it only ends up being to the people who want to hear it. Why would I want to force anyone to read what I write? What am I, an evil villain? NO!
This article allows me to remain like a rabbit and say things softly.... Softly say my wisdom for the people of the world to enjoy without seeing me as a weirdly-aggressive bad guy.
I mean, understanding HAS to come from other people. This is why other people should want to hear what I say!
What brought about this soft-rabbit analogy is the fact that to most people I am speaking in a different language.
Not that I am not using English but rather it is a matter of understanding. My understanding is different, and I understand people more than they think. They just... don't understand me, and don't realize I understand them, more than they understand me.
My curiosity has gotten the better of me one more time....
A Coffee Shot Reflection of the Rabbit
Utilizing human intelligence as a scale, I wonder where the rabbit falls as far as animal intelligence. I could dive into talking about animal intelligence but I’ll resist that urge. Resisting urges is the Jedi way, after all, and Jedi are good people. And me too, in the world beyond the mind.
So, my point remains the same. Rabbits aren’t loud animals so... how do they get heard?
I didn’t wake up this morning with any idea that I would be writing about rabbits but here we are.
Yeah, my genius belongs to the sorcerer faction, not the wizard faction. Sorcerers are weirdly "mad", wizards are highly technical and pragmatic, rather than creative as I or others on Philosocom.
The only point about them that I want to make is that rabbit communication must be softly spoken so in a world that is as loud as it is how are they heard?
To this I say, that people should inspire to be more like the rabbit and only speak as loud as you need to in order to be heard. Yes, we need to learn from rabbits, if you ask me. "Mad", I know.
So how is a rabbit heard when it’s voice is so small? Polymathy takes hold again and makes me curious what the hubris of a rabbit is....
The Stroke of Surprise!
How is it possible that the words I say are coming from me? Me, a man considered "disabled" and "autistic" and whatever other "label" you may put on me?
You see, Higher intelligence is so rare, what are the chances you inherited that genetic predisposition? They are as slim as they are in many other geniuses and prodigies!
I spent my life trying to be like everyone else when I should have been spending the time learning how to best be myself. That was my personal sin, and you might find this somehow offensive, despite you not understanding my uniqueness.
I’ll say something now a days and instantly go “What right do I have to be saying that” which is where the cognitive dissonance comes into play... Spend over 30 years thinking your an orange and discover your really an apple. How awkward, I know.
The Path to Precise Loudness
The idea is, you can say everything you want to but does it mean people are going to hear it? Of course not. Only the loudest are heard. We live in a loud world so what is the best way to be heard?
Shouting aside, how does one speak in a way that people will want to hear? I am having a realization on how to express intelligence..... I do so by simply talking about stuff with no intent other than getting stuff off of my mind. Maybe that would work?
I arrive at a hypersensitivity occurring within my hippocampus.... Creativity and imagination. so think about my content less as right or wrong and simply a matter of where my polymathy takes me. Curiosity is important because it is a core of us being human....
We are designed to be as aware as possible. Curiosity is an extension of that awareness seeking. That awareness gives us the functionality of understanding, and understanding allows us to navigate reality.
So, my conclusion is this: Work endlessly on your own content and have it prepared to be presented in the best light possible.... Although, either way, even the best light will make people focus on the fact I am weird, and will deny my own genius as a result...
My ambivert nature means I can go both more or less introverted and extroverted whatever my needs are. That's how I know we are an extension of awareness... Just because you know something doesn’t mean you need to share it right away with other people. That's the value of timing bias after all.
My point is this: Work on your content and what you know so that when the time is right you can present it as well as possible. Be ruthless and unrelenting in this attempt! Be like the rabbit and speak gently but also be like a lion when the time is right and roar.
Think of your wisdom, analyze it, and work on expanding it and its presentation. And then, when the time is right you present some quality content!
It's much like a public speaker practices their speech so that on game day they will present it really well. All your content should be like that public speech! That public speech made on that one sports event, should be your role model to aspire to when making content and when communicating in general!
Keep it close to the chest until the time is right.
What sound does a rabbit make? He makes a sounds only when he needs to. And when he does, he does it so good, then he returns back to his hole.
And that's that.