How and Why I Cope With My Embraced Purpose (And Master Numi Directory)
Updated: 2 days ago

(Articles on Master Numi:
Article Synopsis by Mr. J. Igwe and Co.
The article "How and Why I Cope With My Embraced Purpose (And Master Numi Directory)" is a profound exploration of identity, purpose, and the influence of a mysterious grandmother called Master Numi. It showcases the writer's personal emotions and thoughts, engaging readers with the philosopher's journey.
The philosophical depth of the article, including references to asceticism, detachment, and existential dilemmas, provides a rich backdrop for the narrative. The vivid imagery and metaphors used, such as comparing oneself to Darth Vader and comparing life experiences to that of a "Tekken fighter," make the ideas relatable and make Mr. Tomasio's ideas more relatable.
The article's complex characterization adds depth to the writing, revealing a persona grappling with love, hatred, hope, and disillusionment.
In conclusion, the article stands out as a bold, philosophical exploration of identity, purpose, and resilience.
We are the living energy of the Universe, being born and reborn. To experience every aspect of existence via every possible perspective. We exist in every form and shape. Across every environment.
We share an innate need to see and feel, and understand exactly what we are. Flesh is only the tool temporarily used -- Mr. John Duran
Numi Made Me (And Philosocom, by Proxy)
Instead of becoming a drug baron that is ruthless towards others, I became an article baron that is ruthless towards myself. Only sometimes ruthless towards others.
Numi, my grandmother, made me who I am today. Made me.
Me, an ascetic man that can restore himself fairly quickly back to health. Very few people can actually understand how I think, as I transform all the time in solitude, and change and evolve like a snake who constantly sheds his skin. To understand eccentric people like me, you might feel compelled to be an apprentice, rather than a friend.
Me, a person that can easily overwhelm people without batting an eye, and then they simply state why they came to talk to me in the first place/who they are in their relation to me.
Me, the Heisenberg of philosophy. An obvious goofball. Far less obvious are... the intricate elements.
Me, a man who secretly saved people from their own hands, and will use this fact constantly to make you reconsider the idea of spending time with me, in real life.
Me, a biased judge of life and death, who is always biased towards life. Biased, in the name of life.
Me, who decided to open up a massive article empire in my mysterious, degreeless understanding.
Me, who doesn't have friends. Only apprentices and equal intellects, at this point.
Me, who experiences being forsaken by the world... as something wonderful.
Me, a mysterious shadowy man none of you succeed in understanding properly, except very, very few people.
Me, a man that built himself in isolation to be a contra to this world's depravities.
Me, a person you may easily judge as just an autistic, socially awkward geek.
A person you merely believe you understand despite your lack of demonstrated curiosity.
A Critique of Conventional Perceptions
I don't even need to mislead you. You already mislead yourselves... unfortunately. I move on and rectify the world, and you all just jump to your conclusions, as your understanding remains unquestioning. Uncritical. Conventional. And... well? I like it. Specifically, I just utilize everything as an opportunity for something.
I like to be left alone. And, I use negativity to help others too. Help them improve. Help them stay away from being attached to me. Very few people, I seek to be attached to me. I dislike attachments, as attachments drive you to rage and pain and agony. I just watch it. Watch, and learn. Learn, and grow according to the data my genius brain processes.
I am a very ambitious, relentless man, despite what I may appear to the naked eye. I am negative because I am using the very same negativity to grow myself. Think of Darth Vader who gives in to his rage, and becomes more powerful as a result.
In fact, Darth Vader is fueled by pain, as his suit was made to give him pain at all times. To mentally survive and to grow extremely competent, Vader all the time transmutes his energies to become the best dark lord he can ever be. That of course allowed him to overthrow the Emperor himself.
Not even the entire rebel alliance managed to take Palpatine. Their hopes and their optimism and their joy, paled in comparison to Vader's negativity.
All the world's negativity, I study, and I transmute. Transmute this energy, to serve her better.... Numi.
Why I Saved Her And Easily Endure This Fact
By saving Master Numi, my beloved grandmother, as a child, I have altered my life's trajectory forever. Technically, I could've let her die. However, letting her die meant others would've died as well. Die, by heartache. After all, in the social world, no man is an island...
That is why, to mentally survive a world I find absurd, I also took upon myself to save myself from the same fate as my true master, by questioning my social nature, becoming an ascetic, and living a life of adversity, in the name of world rectification. Impediment after impediments.... all are challenges to me. Opportunities to learn, apply, and repeat this pattern I find basic.
My life was never easy. It will never be easy either. You might want to seek a life of ease, and that might be because you are not strong enough internally like a Tekken fighter, to live the hard life I take upon myself to live. I don't even want to have fun, or at least, waste my life away on petty pleasantries that prevent me from becoming the best version of myself. Focusing on self-improvement, is necessary to help this dumb planet we all live on. All of us. A planet we can't even escape from just yet...
The Wonders of Adversities Transmuted
"If I was in your condition, I would've killed myself a long time ago"
One of my site contributors discreetly said, during a period I call the Reaping Fatigue Era, where I found myself a handicap.
Yet, a life of adversity gives me the strength, the power, the bravery and perhaps the arrogance too, to dare. Dare do what others are too foolishly human to do.... to save people, by being the one man, the one man, that bothers to encourage them, to believe in themselves. To inspire hope into their hearts. To live despite the struggle, using my free philosophical articles and in general.
Ever before the death of my grandmother, as she crowned me as World Rectificator, I took upon myself to live a life of mystery and isolation, necessary to help others while remaining non-attached to the very world I am a part of.
For some weird reason, I still have the hope to find more and more people as smart as I am around me, whenever I am... I am only feeling, however, bitterness of disappointment I don't even show.
No. I use this emotion as well, to learn and grow.
My Attempt to Understand This World I am Part Of
As I depersonalized myself willingly using asceticism and my Master's moral teachings, my specific life will always, always be unique. My life will never have any conventionality in it. This is the life I choose to live, necessary to help others, who often, for some reason.... fail to think for themselves. When they get to think, it is usually after they lash out at me for my brutal honesty....
Lash out, not before they are consumed by emotion, and the false information their emotions tell them in their respective distresses, in front of my truth. In front of my ruthless philosophy I tell them to help them.
Perhaps, when they sleep, they learn as well. Learn to keep their distance from me, like most of this world should on a personal level. All I care about is philosophy, and I only see and interact with the world using my ever growing philosophical mastery. I interact with the world, to help it. Help it, regardless of what exactly I choose to do.
My Unrelenting Refusal to be Like Many of You
A mere child, and I was already faced with a moral dilemma involving several lives. It was the choice of saving her and traumatizing myself.... or forsaking her... like the rest of the planet did.
I cannot allow myself to live a life of ease. I cannot. I cannot when most of humanity is too afraid. Too afraid to decide. Too afraid to think. Too afraid to resist, the very fear that governs their hearts in matters of adversity.
With all the people I have interacted with, offline and online, I unfortunately have yet to find a man with a will to power, as strong as I have. I overwhelm others easily. I overwhelm them by the fact I exist. You see this as pride, I see this is a mere fact. An... unfortunate fact.
I therefore enjoy distance, as to spare humanity of all my shocking carelessness. Humanity, the very species that forsaken my granny. The very species I am a member of. The very species I enjoy opposing like an anti-villain. Out of love. Love for a better world.
Love.... for Paradise Incarnate.
How could I forgive myself... even as a child, if I just forsaken my own grandma, who loved me more than anyone in this world in her final years, I wonder?
I couldn't. I couldn't...
The Nature of My Deceased Master
It was too hard for people to handle my Master Numi due to her total disregard to the very norms that confined them to their small, mental cages. Her brutal honesty echoed the words of Plato:
“No one is more hated than he who speaks the truth.” -- Plato
Her honesty wasn't anti-social, but the most humane I have ever witnessed. Overly concerned for the wellbeing of others, and feeling helpless for her inability to relieve her concerns by taking care of others, Master Numi fell from grace by her own excessive heart.
She fell into deep isolation she wasn't fond of at all. Even then, as a child, I attempted helping her with her problems, and listening to her. Her problems stemmed from the very understanding she, too, isn't an island like it may appear. No. Not an island she was. Her interconnectivity to the world was as obvious to her as the sun.
My True Master's Verdict of Being
And yet, the philosophical fluffs of an old, eccentric retired lady didn't matter to anyone, as this intellect sat all alone in her apartment, unable to host the different types of people throughout her life, which she loved so much (as she was full of love in general). She was an intellect that refused to be misused; An intellect that refused to be used for abuse. An intellect that just wanted to be morally used....
Used by me. Me. Her only apprentice. Her moral, mortal executor.
With her naive, impulsive honesty, with her lack of social competence, and a heart as big as that of a puppy, she failed to rectify the world on her own.
Instead, she talked and she lectured like the underground philosopher she was. Lectured me, specifically. With her brutal insensitivity, along with the false premise that people want to understand her, she talked. They did not want to learn from her. Instead, humanity preferred to go away, intimidated by her. Humanity preferred to yell in blind rage at the old lady, leading her to collapse on the floor in tears, and cry that the world has abandoned her.
The Growing Exception
All didn't listen, but me. The child who silently sat there and observed and studied. The child people didn't know who did that until this very day... And they still don't know. None of them. I silently sat, and observed my surroundings, and for some reason, I weirdly grew up to be like her, as her secretive successor. The one she attempted preparing.
The one she succeeded in preparing. The one to execute her orders.
The Growing Anti-Villainous "Misanthrope"
As people try to come to me, and tell me that I need to smile, and that I need to be happy and enjoy life...
I.... I refuse. I refuse being this stupid. Stupid like them, who are unable to realize by themselves, that people die all the time like flies across this planet. They easily ignore them in their infantile innocence, deeming themselves the grown, well-versed adults. Ignoring these people who live. Ignoring, and living in their own small mental prisons. The ignoring, which are people who think I care for their stupid, stupid banter, that meddles with my cerebral cortex in their naivety, as I keep being a relentless, detached altruist.
I refuse. Refuse to cater to the wants and needs of those I eventually realize are dumber than me. Refuse to cater to the wants and needs of the naive, who never heard of my master, and never heard of me. People who can't understand, for one, need a competent brain for this in the first place.
In my own naivety, I really believed most people are as intelligent as I am.
No. No they aren't.... unfortunately. I wished they were. I wished they were...
The Growing Clarity and Detachment
And when Master Numi yelled...
The world has forsaken me!!
I didn't even cry. No. I studied instead, in the isolation of my permanent mental detachment from the very same world she for some reason felt passionate to not be detached from. The world that forsaken her, my underground master.
None of you seem to deduce the fact my morality is her morality, although I might be wrong. My moral understanding is a product of hers. And that's how your ego works against you. In your unconscious, unexamined hubris, you think you understand me enough. Some of you at least.
Understand me, you think, without making the basic connection between me and Master Numi.
Awww, my wonderful Numi.
The Harmonious Infrastructure of Love and Hate
With my love for her I will succeed and try to win in everything I like taking seriously. Much of what I like taking seriously, is what she liked taking seriously when she was alive.
However, I developed far, far beyond my old, deceased master. While she was full of love, I was full of hate. I like being full of hate, for I use it for the greater good.
I shed the name of Tom. I instead became glum. Glum, and "paradoxically" enough, full of hope. I hate this world with every fiber of my being. "In contrast", I am in love, in love with the idea of making this world a paradise. As slowly as it takes.
And it goes very... very... slowly. Slowly... as I am full of love towards her, and full of hatred, towards most of the uneducated, naive, naive humanity.
For some, weird, cosmic reason, I am the antagonist here. Not the hero. Rather, the "bad guy".
And I play my part with all my heart, soul... and being.
Beautifully written. The best thing I read today.