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How I Became Successful

Updated: Nov 29, 2024

A dragon statue in a metropolis at night.

(For the directory on success, click here)


The main insight as to how I became a successful writer, without going into the personal aspect of myself, can be summarized in one sentence that every dream-seeker should remember regularly:

No one is going to care unless you give them a reason to care!

In school, I learned a very important lesson: To sit and suffer while someone else is talking and screaming. That is how you become successful in a world run by dictatorships.

It was a dumb lesson to learn, since this world is mostly run by democracies and by private enterprises. However, it is important if you wish to fade into the shadows, be remembered by as little people as possible, and let someone else have all the success, attention, and appreciation that the world has to offer. And it can generously offer it to anyone brave enough to exceed beyond the limiting dogmas often taught by socialization to keep people in line. Hence the virtue of excessiveness.

Give society a good reason to care by preparing yourself to experience undesired results, such as insults, mockery, and even racism at times. Once you are strong enough to accept their inevitable possibility in every endeavor, your chances of success will increase significantly.

The product you provide to the world should not only be suggested, but encouraged, in a non-forceful manner. Make them believe they have a good reason to pause their lives and dedicate themselves to the consumption of your product.

Create within them the desire to be benefited from what you have to offer, and be mature enough to accept that some people may be displeased, since pleasing everyone is not always possible.

Therefore, you should make the world care about you and your product. If you do not have the willpower to do so, and face disappointments and even the possibility of pain, just as unjust. You might as well remain the same school student who suffers someone else's yells in the silence of the unconfident.

But should you, when you are prone to suffer as all humans do, each to their own degree?

While you're at it at being alive, at least you can do something useful with this pain, and conquer your true ambitions. Humanity might not understand or even care for your pain (even though it cares for its own). However, the best thing you can do to mentally survive in such a reality is to become successful, for the honor of accomplishment is better than no honor nor true love, which is rare.

It is lonely at the top, but at least you'll be remembered for something. It's better than to suffer in silence.

Fail to make your consumers care, and you'll be left whining in isolation about who you could've became, AKA the ideal self, but failed. And the burden of demonstrating them what you're truly capable of lies on your shoulders alone as the bare necessity. And my success is expressed by proving my worth to my worldwide readers after I decided to become relentlessly altruistic.

And the moral way to become successful is to never underestimate the external world and what you can give to it, and the potential of making it, wanting to be given your content/product. Customer/consumer is king for a reason.

And without ruthless work towards success, the odds would mostly be against you, in a world driven by competition for limited resources/assets.

And the best way to succeed is expressed when the ideal self correlates with collective demand for your product/service. Recognize your ideal self, work towards it, find a niche that correlates with it, and prove your worth to your clients.

"How I Became Successful" shares my journey of overcoming challenges, learning key strategies, and achieving my goals.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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