How To Survive In Capitalism
Updated: Feb 19
(Note: This is a special piece that will not be renovated to be kept in the present day, and will not be updated in information, in order to preserve some of the past. Past I can reflect on. I am not keen on forgetting the past. The past can help us forge a better future. More on my philosophy on the past has been written).
How To Survive In Capitalism
Capitalism is, in practice, a horrible reality, for those who can't, or refuse, to survive properly. When you live in a world that is based on a free-market ideology, you need to realize that freedom has its own liability. Because when that freedom allows reality to become more and more expansive to afford, you need to understand that you have to adjust, in order to survive. Not only for yourself to survive. For your family, as well. And your successors, too.
Understand -- "to live in the present" is a bad idea in this careless reality. Live for the next salary, and that salary might be insufficient, eventually. Remain poor, and you will only suffer, as the wealthy get wealthier. We need to stop being so naive.
I used to be naive. I also used to live in a poor neighborhood, most of my life. There were crimes, there. Little to-no consideration for your fellow human being, for your fellow neighbor. I once exited my apartment, as a child, on my way to school, only to see police tapes in the entrance of the building. What happened, exactly? I might never know. I only recall seeing some stains on the walls.
Money... is both a necessary evil and a necessary good. Don't you ever see poverty as a virtue, or you will suffer in accordance. Money can be used to exploit, but it can also be used for charity, and, again, survival.
In order to survive, one must adjust. In order to optimize adjustment, one must think like a chess player. Strategic, long term. The more mistakes you'll make, the greater your loss will be. Enough with the surprises, enough with the disappointments. You are capable of predicting said mistakes, should you connect the dots, and keep an open-enough mind.
When I decide to create new conditions in my own will, I do so under the full knowledge, that I might make mistakes. And in order to reduce mistakes, I must adjust in accordance to my indefinite planning.
Today, I am not only a philosopher. I am also a entrepreneur. I act in accordance, so I can survive. So you will get the product you deserve, and so my successors will get the empire they deserve.
Combine philosophy and entrepreneurship together, and you might realize how practical philosophy can really be.
And when I say that no one should stand in my way, I am dead serious. I do not care that I have welfare. I care of the likelihood that this welfare, not being enough. I care to be a capitalist not because I am a greedy pig. I care to be one because that is what it takes to be able to afford, in the long run, the very basic things!
Food, water, electricity, bills and taxes. They will only grow higher. I refuse to be unemployed. By working on Philosocom I also work on myself.
No. I grew up since then. I am a man, and as much as some of you may dislike hearing this -- the mature man provides. Mature women deserve to provide, too. Anyone who is capable of work, and has enough with the other irrelevant features of life, will be mature enough when they show a will to provide.
Politicians do not necessarily care for us, the citizenry. Remember, this is a capitalist world, at large. I won't be surprised if, in reality, most of these elected representatives mainly care for themselves. For their own power. For their own wealth.
Understand -- the wealthier one is, the likelier for them to survive. It is "easy" to be poor, because it is "easy" to be in the same frame of shifts and salaries. It is "easy" to do the same monotonous actions repeatedly because it is "easy" to not think beyond the present moment. As it is "easy" exhausting yourself by doing so. Just hear me out, I'm being partially-ironic. Quotation marks are placed for a reason.
So those who claim that we should live for the present moment, and not care for the future, might be the ones who will become poor themselves. Because it is "easy" not to care too much. Because "over"-thinking is difficult. It is. It really is difficult. The brain is a muscle-like organ that needs workout in order to be preserved and developed further.
We need to be creative! We need to be innovative! These are the traits, imperative for survival in a world that is built on businesses and corporations. Consider learning from business owners! Fictional or otherwise. Study their personalities, their motives. Their accomplishments, their failures. Adapt in accordance for your own survival, dear readers! For you deserve to survive. There is no prosperity, without it.
In a sense, a country is also a corporation. After all, it generates its revenue from our work. We work for it, as well. And a good politician is one that is able to keep the status-quo. Or in other words -- a manager that makes sure work is being done by his or her employees. Risk the status-quo of your business, and you can risk your business as well. Apply the same logic to a country.... It is within some people's interests', that we will remain monotonous.
That we will live in the present, while those with the mentality of masterminds, plan their future through our own hedonism.
I recently announced a temporary retirement. This is not a black or white situation. I'm just... working too hard. I have a lot of stress on my shoulders. I am aware what I am responsible for, and what I care for. And I also know that I am just a mortal being, who can, technically, die at any moment.
But if I just enjoy life as it passes by, then I am good as dead. Because an unproductive life, is a wasteful life. I am not talking about "experiences" and what-not. I am talking about not being such an egotist, that only cares for exploring the beauty of life, and enjoying every moment of it.
Negative. I'm aware of my potential. I know what I can do for you, for humanity.
And through providing of content, I earn the relevancy I deserve. The relevancy of my work. For I am nothing, nothing, without my work. To rectify this world, I rectify myself first, and by rectifying this world, I also rectify myself in the process.
Because this is capitalism. And capitalism is ruthless, and unforgiving. And the greatest wealth is that which comes from within.
I will still retain my humanity. I vow it to all of you. I will never lose it. For being human is, nonetheless, important. It does not have to be contradicted! I have no desire to do to others what they have done to me.
As long as they are respectful.