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Life, Tests and Solitude -- Examining Human Deviations

Updated: Dec 31, 2024

Tank in a ruined, overgrown structure with arches. Misty background, mossy steps, and a lone figure. Mood: eerie and abandoned; "PHILOSOCOM Article Empire" text visible.

The article "Life, Tests and Solitude -- Examining Human Deviations" explores the emotional and philosophical weight of modern existence, particularly the pressures of societal expectations, conditional relationships, and the disconnection people experience.
Strengths include deep understanding of human motivation and existential struggle, engaging with metaphysical ideas, and a cohesive narrative flow. The use of fictional references and philosophical quotes enriches the argument and keeps the reader engaged.
In conclusion, the article tackles profound and universal questions about life, failure, and solitude in a compelling and thought-provoking manner.

Introduction: The Stress of External Attachments

Unless you are a cult leader that "cannot" be questioned at all, the sad truth for the rest is that every day may contain at least some sort of test or examination of merit... Results could eventually determine your "fate" throughout life.

For instance, when having a job, you must appeal to your supervisors every day of work in order to prove that you're still a worthy employee. Another instance is proving your friend or lover that you are trusted and so on...

In other words, a world of conditionality compels us to be stressed. Additionally, the less we rest, the more we are stressed. The more we stress, the less we succeed in our goals.

That is the paradox of caring a lot, as you can care so much you can find yourself horribly ill like my True Master was.

We find ourselves not only neglecting others but ourselves as well, as, being or feeling forsaken, we lose ourselves to our own unconscious, natural trauma. To keep fighting and surviving and even loving life again, we then resort to art, to philosophy, and to poetry, as a need to not only discover ourselves, but also to re-discover what we've been repressing, as to not lose touch with reality.

To survive even the most basic of things, and also our many traumas, our perception of reality changes as we develop uniquely. Slowly, we may find ourselves even surprised that others exist in a different way than us. We merely think we are understood, only to find ourselves further and further deviating from one another, leading to alienation between people that are supposed to be close to you and to know you so well.

However, no. You only think they know you. You only think you know them, and vice versa, as it is similar in interactions with different Silent Hill characters, who merely think they see and live in the same reality. You lose ideas about what you remember or others remember.

These traumas play with your memory, leading to a cognitive dissonance in what you know, and what you merely think you know. About others... about yourself... All this repressed trauma can turn you into a hermit, a voluntary one, too.

I want to be alone. Other people just irritate me. -- Ernest Baldwin, an unidentified entity

The closeness becomes more and more virtual. Not even electronic, but more of a half reality. Almost near reality, not entirely within concrete reality. In a way, it makes you behave and also think like an undead philosopher.

Trauma makes you mysterious because trauma affects people in many unique ways, leading to unique ways of growth. It is only solvable by trying to see the world in another's eye, in order to understand his or her pain, and in order to help them better.

Sometimes, to understand, to save someone from their own mental prison, you just need to listen to them. To develop yourself to the moral point that can allow you to listen to their distress, and to prove them wrong as a result. Prove to someone you can trust. Someone who won't betray out of whims. Help them by being the one who listens... the one who helps therefore... To not be like everyone else.

To be the one who tries to rectify this problem using not only the mind but also the heart.

It's no good... they wouldn't listen. Nobody will ever forgive me. -- Eddie Dombrowski

The Uncanny Fall.... and Return From Grace

Why are we compelled to be stressed? Because we are stressed enough not only to succeed in our goals, but also not lose what we already have. Everything that is conditional is to be tested, either to attain it, or to not lose it. Tiring, isn't it?

In such a world where you always have to prove your worth regardless of reputation, you can get easily fatigued in a world that slowly understands you less and less. You surprisingly find yourself misunderstood while you believe you are clearly understood. You begin to wonder why others are competent while you're awfully incompetent. Perhaps, the other way around as well. You slowly and slowly realize your own deviation, and hopefully their deviation of perception as well.

With a philosophical mind such as mine, you can understand more and more how we merely attempt to touch each other's respective mental dimensions, as we realize how inaccurate our metaphysical idea of reality is. Of how metaphysics is also a matter of perception we either repress or are aware of with great clarity.

Understanding perception will always be imperative in returning back... back from our fall from the metaphysical, societal grace. Back to our dear ones, or to people who can better relate to you... Somehow.

Part II: Recognizing Our Deviations

Perception... the one that attempts to tell us what is true and what is not. Perception.. the one that deludes us into thinking we clearly understand without even examining our ideas and our respective biases. The one that connects us to shared perception or to our own unique philosophies...

Philosophy is very imperative in understanding how we are all interconnected, despite our respective deviations from each other. From our families, from our cultures and from our communities.

As you deviate in your own ways, You find yourself forgetting more and more, and depressed as well, due to the difficulty of failure. Such is the dark side of relentless struggle and achievement, which is, well, the phase that goes after it. The phase of veterans and retired business leaders. Of older people who find themselves forsaken... It is what I call, The Peak's Irony. Or, alternatively, a life of post-purpose. A life where we are still discontent despite all of our great work in life.

A Philosophy of Perceived Rationality

In some traumatic cases, we are all alone in them. Trying to make sense of them.

A dead person can't write a letter. Mary died of that damn disease three years ago, so then why am I looking for her? -- James Sunderland

As you do not realize you become less and less understood, even by your own dear ones, they begin to forget who you really are. You begin to forget who you really are as well.

And as such, with all this conditionality, and with the absence of love and compassion, life can easily crumble around you, as you attempt to repress your own learned helplessness, only to find yourself falling more and more, depending on others who would hopefully care to listen to your tales of success, and believe you, to restore you back up on a road of morality, and not a road of utter, fostered sociopathy.

Part III: Rebuilding A Sensible Narrative

If you get to know a new friend, they ought to evaluate who you are and whether or not your existence is relevant to their own. Sometimes, it's not even a friend. Sometimes, it is someone loyal to a shared cause. Sometimes, you deviate not necessarily to find a friend, but to reclaim your own legitimacy, your own relevancy. Power Bases are proof for who we are or want to be.

If you won't restore yourself back to reality with the love of dear ones, sometimes you do it by power. When you are careless at the top, this turns tragic.

Frustrations And Reclamations, Uncanny Dungeons and Dragons

Do not expect others to fully understand you, or else you'll be awfully frustrated even more, compelling you further and further into thirst of power, into further deviation, and sometimes into megalomania. It is often through critical thinking and logic, that can help you reconnect all these demonstrations of power, of organizations, of help, with those you wish to finally understand you. To those, willing to understand, to learn. With you, or by themselves.

Failing to question your own deviations, can often be because you're not strong enough to just accept people for who they are. Their own struggles, not just yours. Are they stepping stones in dungeons of mutual discovery, or are they dragons that seek to destroy you? Do they forget who they are as well as yourself? Or, are they passive, inferior people like your biases might tell you? Are you arrogant like they say? Maybe you're more modest than you think?

You stress them and they stress you, as you merely think you know each other, and deny you do not know. Is there any hope of acceptance?

The Potential In Hope, the Savior/s

In unconditional relationships, like true love, there is far less conflict, and far more tenacity to understand the depths within one another. This is why we should have at least one unconditional relationship; A special connection, defined by the ability to accept people, to forgive them, and to appreciate their true selves... and vice versa.

When mutual discovery includes interactions with others, who are stressed themselves, it's only natural that life could be very stressful. When we have the heart to reduce it in one another, we can then help each other with the many tests of life!

Toughness: The Moral Contra to Overwhelming Sensitivities

Those who are truly stress-tolerant, are people with probably the highest probability to pass such formal and informal tests with a little care in the world. The tougher you are, the more you can overcome and navigate life competently... From thinking well to carrying out military orders.

Therefore, toughness is competent in so many areas of life, and very basic as a result of successes. The ambition to toughness, compels you to give up on weakness. Failing to be tough, fails you to endure. Failure to endure, fails you from competence. Failing from competence will only further and further deviate you away from what the intersubjective realities of many collectives... social collectives or para-social collectives.

Part IV: "Esteemed" Salarymen Or "Depraved" Monks?

As you can see, failures and success are also connected to feeling reality as concrete, and thus, to perception and a sense of metaphysics. Of not feeling lonely. Of not being rejected for your assumed insanity. That's how important it is to be tough, whether or not you are placed in an unconditional relationship.

The many races of life are not only about making the next pay-check, but also a race for your mind in a world that refuses to accept you for who you are. A world that conditions you. A world that cares not about stressing you, as you keep and keep struggling in fighting a fabricated matrix of validation you are merely taught you need, sometimes.

You usually become depraved when you fall from your own high expectations, like a depraved monk, which is a great oxymoron... These are, often, and in fiction like in a certain game, "Monks who have succumbed to temptation... Still unable to let go of the alcohol, they don’t have any sense of reason and have fallen low".

Some of us become addicted and fail even beyond the high expectations of being a monk. It's what happens often when you lack the proper support network. In theory, it prevented me from becoming a philosophy professor like I was made for.

The Jeopardy From Japan

You can see the outcome of this phenomenon in Japan, in the form of people who decided to become hikikomoris, or "shut down hermits". They forcibly isolate themselves from the stressful world they were put in, because they know such stress is too much for them.

Should I find evidence of other "hikikomoris" in additional places worldwide, I won't be surprised at all, all because that stress is an inevitable part of contemporary life.

This unfairness of strict conditionality leads to an important philosophical question -- why should one desire the company of others, when such company is, by default, stressful? Is it voluntary, or is it necessary?

Remember: this is a question potentially vital for the rest of your working, adult life. Such a question is something people should ask not only themselves but others as well!

How Societies Ruin Themselves As a Result

You could choose to pretend that you don't owe anything to anybody, that you do not need to prove anything to anyone.. But the cold truth is that, as long as you are amongst civilization and not just in the permanent walls of your house -- you will be put under the watchful eyes of anyone who believes you are expendable, that you could one day be too irrelevant to them.

Such is the importance of actually understanding other people and vice versa! You can prevent esteemed members of society from falling from grace! By power of compassion you can save societies and organizations from rebellions! By choosing mutuality and harmony over ruthless oppression of others!

As an ally, when you consider others, and especially very intelligent minds, you can prevent them from going underground and subverting your own expectations, from Walter White to Metal Sonic.

Otherwise, one must be in a constant struggle to prove that they are good enough, that they're interesting enough, that they're sufficiently good enough to keep up with ever-changing conditions. That they're calm enough, normal enough... And the list goes on. That's how things fall apart, slowly and surely, into a weird dystopia or a weird cyberpunk reality.

Conclusion: We Need To Build Alternative Frameworks!

My advice is this: If you wish to reduce your stress as much as possible, consider abstaining, at least for a degree, from society. Build your own alternative frameworks instead in order to help yourself further and further recover from traumas, while surviving conforming societies!

  • Work to become a "greater" person in solitude, by picking a craft or activity that'll put you away from the feeling of worthlessness.

  • Become your own master; your own watchful eye, and then your stress will only depend on you.

Solitude has greater control for you to attain, and thus, there is little disappointment....

Sometimes... The solitude is with others. Together, and alone.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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