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"Human Godhood" -- How We Are More Than What We Restrain Ourselves

Updated: Feb 27

A person realizing she is far more than she is capable of.

Article Synopsis by Mr. O. C. Isaac and Co.

"Human Godhood: How We Are More Than What We Restrain Ourselves" is a thought-provoking article that explores human potential and self-transcendence, drawing parallels to the Supreme Trickster, Prometheus and emphasizing mental capabilities.
The article invites readers to reflect on their abilities and limitations, encouraging self-reflection and personal growth. The message of overcoming limitations and realizing one's potential is inspiring, with a personal anecdote about overcoming a physical disability adding a powerful, relatable element.
The article emphasizes true love and cooperation as catalysts for unlocking human potential, underscoring the importance of empathy, support, and communal effort in achieving greatness. Philosophical depth is also present, connecting psychological theories with practical examples, offering a well-rounded perspective on human potential. The passionate tone of the article conveys a sense of urgency and importance, motivating readers to take action in their own lives.
In conclusion, "Human Godhood: How We Are More Than What We Restrain Ourselves" is a compelling and inspirational article that explores the vast potential of human beings.

Introduction: On the Self Beyond the Way Things Are Currently

The human potential, even if individual, is one that may exceed even our own knowledge. Perhaps we may deny it, and perhaps we do not. However, we are far more than what we currently are. And by that, I mean that we are more than our shackles. What shackles? Societal, moral, mental and so on -- the abstract self exceeds its abstract limitations. In the realm of psychology, that is known as Self-Transcendence.

We may be meat, blood and bones. However, we have a complex access to the mental dimension, which far exceeds our potential than that of our biological counterparts.

It is through our access to this mental dimension, that allowed us to cooperate and form complex communication, which allowed us to form, lead and serve countless social constructs, and build power. The same power that eventually allowed us to conquer Earth and become the ruling, dominant species of this planet, as we wrecked countless other species who opposed us with our hunger for more. 

Greatness, Fulfilled

Power is everything. Power is essentially the ability and potential to trigger and initiate change. The human mental dimension allowed us access to many technological breakthroughs that many animals might as well consider unimaginable. The ability to forge steel. The ability to fly. The nuclear bomb. The internet. All have one thing in common -- they could not have been made without our mental dimension.

It is through the abstract realm of the human being that we are granted access to many possibilities in this world. And in order to become the ideal self, in order to break free from the shackles of our own imposed limitations -- we must be aware that we are far more than our little, day-to-day, lives. 

To realize we are more than our concerns, than our fears, than our anxieties. That we are more capable than just working at a 9 to 5 job, raising families and getting university degrees. We are capable of forming empires. We are capable of being "Divine", like Prometheus. For good and bad, we are capable of far more.

We are capable of causing much joy in this world as much as we are the exact opposite. The human being is a massive vault of potential that either will or will not be actualized in accordance to one's most sincere hopes and dreams.

Philosophers, political leaders, thought leaders, inventors, master artists and craftsmen and craftswomen -- What all these "great men and women" have in common is that they all fulfilled the greatness contained within many if not all of us. 

One is not great by pretense. One is great by fulfilling what they are truly capable of, beyond the shackles of societal and other mental limitations. It is when the human potential is unleashed, is when the human being proves himself as great, relevant and even irreplaceable in the eyes of many!

A Personal Anecdote

Someone loved me once. She told me this: She told me I am far more than my limited self. And she was right. Thanks to her wisdom I devised a technique that got me rid of my post-traumatic physical disability. Yes. It's thanks to her insight, ultimately, that I recovered from my physical, psycho-somatic handicap status... No more cane. No more physical weakness. The potential was in me all along... And I just didn't know it. I will not forget her, for I realized, I am more than what I perceived myself to be. My former self therefore died accordingly.

The Power of Love -- How It Breeds Growth

She helped me in ways only I might ever understand...

And it was thanks to her affection, which allowed me to become the better version of myself. A metaphorical Prometheus who showed me true love and taught me the ways of true love. The same true love I want to impart to you and to humanity... The same true love I ordered a volunteer to create a miniseries on.

And when they become ones, their ideal selves, much good can be caused! Much problems can be solved, if we just show each other true love. Not hatred. Not vengeance. Not spite or jealousy. Not even fear or worry, but the very emotion that allows people to accept each other for who they truly are, and allow them to become the very beings they are capable of! Beings.. they already are, but are not aware that they can manifest from within through self growth, dedication and discipline.

But as long as we're in constant ruminations of fear and worry, we will never be able to impart this unconditionality to others, and thus, they will never be able to heal themselves and ourselves properly, just like that person allowed myself to do! With no judgement. With no fear...

Effects of "Divinity" -- The Personal Level

Since that person allowed me to be me, I am now a better philosopher that managed to overcome this Reaping Fatigue Era! And if it weren't for this growth, I wouldn't be able to improve so many of my articles, and I wouldn't be able to manage my volunteering followers for Philosocom's overall growth to a greater version.

Effects of "Divinity" -- The Global Level

What allows humans to become "divine", AKA, far greater than their current restraint, is true love and the cooperation that stems from it. A personality enlargement, a "rebirth", deep into what we deserve to be -- ourselves, beyond the truths we either deny or fear. Fear due to conformity, fear of being lambasted, and so on.

And it is through cooperation, in general, that we managed to conquer this world and reign supreme as its mortal gods. But what about ourselves as people with different uniqueness? What about our divinity over ourselves? What about the untapped power that lies not collectively, but individually? It is through the nurturing of individual asset, that can enable greater collective growth. Not through oppression, but through faith in humanity.

The more potential we'll be able to extract from ourselves, the wider the variety of actions in our lives will become. The wider it will become, the more good we'll be able to do in this world, by being more capable of helping each other more. For potential is a power of its own! And everything is energy. 

Doing good is the moral imperative of every honest philosopher, he or she who lives in accordance to the truth and to its virtues. And for philosophers, the highest virtue is to not deceive so easily with false findings, and to use their findings to reduce human suffering.



Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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