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Insights on Racism: Why It’s a Flawed Trait in Any View

Updated: Mar 14

An old man with condemned racist beliefs.

Insights on Racism: Why It’s a Flawed Trait in Any View

(For another type of prejudice I find irrelevant, on Philosocom, click here)

Racism is the evaluation of a person or group based on their race, nationality, or ethnicity as a major factor in that evaluation. Sometimes that evaluation may have negative value which could be applied in real life, in the form of unequal opportunities that are not based on meritocracy. When people judge who you are mostly or completely based on your national or racial origin, also known as "from whence you came," you are experiencing racism.

Here are some examples of racism:

  • Making assumptions about someone's intelligence, abilities, or character based on their race, nationality, or ethnicity.

  • Treating someone differently because of one's racist prejudice/s.

  • Denying someone opportunities or resources because these aspects.

  • Allowing someone opportunities or resources because of these aspects (AKA "positive racism", or racial privileges).

Racism is a harmful and destructive force that can have a negative impact on individuals, communities, and society as a whole. It is important to challenge racism whenever we see it, and to work towards creating a more just and equitable world for all. However, whether or not it will actually happen, depends on our desire to see. and identify people as more than their race.

The reason why racism will probably never end is because some people will always judge certain people based on their racial origin's history or stereotypes. This is especially true when you are in a new environment and the people there are not very familiar with outsiders. The sad thing is that stereotypes have their practical uses, even if sometimes.

For example, if a Micronesian wishes to visit a warzone, there is a high chance that the locals will think, "What does a Micronesian have to do with our war?" Of course, the fact that this person is from Micronesia does not mean they should not travel the world and visit more obscure parts of it. And yet, it will not be an unreasonable thought in the eyes of many, simply because our background often has to do with who we are, even if people from the same background are completely different from one another in their personalities.

My first name is Tomasio. I changed my name because I prefer Tomasio over Tom. People are and will be going to think I am either Spanish or Hispanic although I am only a quarter Argentinian and have no knowledge of Spanish. It is normalized to speak of people of their ethnic origins but I simply don't care about these trivial things unless they are relevant to my conversations with them. I don't care if you're Canadian, Indian or Nigerian. These are nothing but irrelevant labels to me. A true non-racist man will care about people as humans and not of their origin, as the main priority. They will only care of their origin if it has something relevant to do with the person they're speaking to.

Much suffering and discrimination in this world would decrease if we just choose to see people for who they are, and they are not their origins or their countries. I don't care that an ancestor of mine was born in a Soviet-occupied Romanian territory. Whether or not that territory was occupied during his birth has nothing to do with who I am. And the same applies for a whole country in South America I never visited.

When will racism end? Racism would logically end when we would all stop identifying with our distinct backgrounds as something that is essential to either us or others. Of course, these backgrounds have to do with our patriotism, our sense of ethnic belonging, and so on. However, racism is also a product of said backgrounds. We shouldn't assume that others have the same level of patriotism and ethnic identity in their hearts like we may think we do, just because of their race, ethnicity, nationality, etc.

To create a more just and equitable world, therefore, some sacrifices are to be made, in values: People's pride to their country and to their heritage. And because of that, the notion of completely getting rid of racism is thus unrealistic currently. It might as well always be realistic, considering that race, nationality and ethnicity has concrete value in the hearts and minds of people (even if it does not stem from racism/racial discrimination). Racist biases are can also be "positive" in a sense that they can lead to pride that is based on nationality, ethnicity and so on, based on the ethnicity of another. For example, one ethnicity may be proud that they are more moral than an ethnicity whose some of its members are morally depraved (as in related to terrorism, tyrannical regimes and so on).

We cannot minimize racism without the understanding that we are more than our nationalities and our ethnicities. This insight cannot be ignored matter whether one is black, white, Asian, and so on, if we want to create a more egalitarian world. A truly pluralistic society will therefore be one that will not judge people by their background and learn to see people as more than just the product of stereotypes. More than the product of their environment. In religion, at least, it's known as interfaith, or the existence of multiple religions within a shared space (not necessarily specific, like a hall), without discrimination.

To call an entire people racist is hypocritical in and of itself, as it is a racist statement. Racism is all about generalizations. A true individual who opposes racism, will avoid making such generalizing remarks. A true non-racist man or woman will regard people as individuals, and not as people who are completely nor mainly the products of their environment. As such, even in a country that might be mostly racist, there might always be exceptions.

Fortunately, there has been great progress in the fight against racism, as the younger generations are less racist than their older counterparts. This is the second century in human history where black people are normally seen as equal to any other ethnic origin. It's also the most democratic era in human history, even if there are still some dictatorships and absolute monarchies.

(However, according to the Global Expression Report of 2023, 80% percent of humanity has less freedom of expression since the 2000's, but that at least isn't necessarily done out of racism but out of democratic decline).

Obviously, there are improvements to be made, as racism still exists more than it "should." What I mean is, even if racism is at a new low in human history, it can get even lower in frequency.

Finally, there is also an alternative idea to solve racism significantly, but it is a very unlikely idea: To nurture the idea that we are all one as the human race, or, in other words, to see one another as "Earthlings," AKA, as the citizens of Earth. Instead of "hiding" in the national scale, we should all see ourselves as one race, one civilization, and one planet, composed of a very diverse collection of collectives. You can call that some sort of "mega-nation," even if it is only in terms of identity and nothing more.

After all, it is arguable that we all have similar origins, regardless of how far we are from each other genetically. Religions such as Christianity and Islam have attempted to do the same, AKA, "dominate the world" through religious conversion. And yet, despite being the two most populous religions on Earth, they have yet to unite the planet under a single collective identity. And the notion of an egalitarian collective identity is also how racism can be greatly reduced. Does this end justify the means? That is a topic, perhaps, for another day.

It begins with our local neighbors and ends with the world. Could we do it? Could we render racism a thing of the past? Perhaps the more secular among us might, as they are less likely to be racist. Perhaps this idea will become more plausible as the world's nations become increasingly diverse, to the point where diversity itself is so ordinary, putting an emphasis on racial distinction will be ITSELF extraordinary.

I do not know if we will ever be able to get rid of racist mindsets and philosophies in humanity's thoughts, but they deserve to be due to our individualism (for we must distinct ourselves to be recognized for who we really are, and I even developed the foundations where it is possible mathematically).

I wager that, as long as we are not ready to see people as individuals as of greater value than their collective identities, racism will resume existing in human civilization. Remember: Not everyone is ready or willing, to see other human beings, beyond labels.

And what is racism without labeling?



Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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