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The Rubinshteinic Guide to Deal With Longing

Updated: Feb 23

A serene village landscape with winding roads, charming houses, lush green hills, and a distant river under a partly cloudy sky. Text: Philosocom Article Empire.

"A safely lived life, free of risk is no way of living at all. It is mediocrity and boredom as a sad lifestyle" -- Mr. John Duran
I've always said... People are better when they're simple. -- Elenor Silverberg

Sometimes, the tyrrany of circumstance goes beyond your control, for there are some things we are unable to completely prepare for.

The world is rapidly changing according to what I believe is going to be a world that's more cyberpunk. Or, in other words, a world of technology so absurdly advanced, it considers not the natural world... which humanity is also a part of.

Nothing is set in stone completely, yet should you live ascetically, you can prepare for such a world more effectively, and find yourself long less and less for the life you once had.

In some places in the world, war in inevitable. I would like to further argue that war is an inevitable possibility everywhere in the world. As such, no where you would completely live in is entirely safe... This idea of absolute safety has a deep darkside many people not might be even aware of.

To make things short, please never expect world peace or peace in the world outside your own. Your safe space will always be within you. Even if you would know a life of isolation, when your safe space is within you, your isolation turns ethical.

Yet, when your safe space is within yourself, whenever you will go in this seemingly-absurd world, the value of risk then turns less and less significant in its perceived coercive control on your mind.

When you long for a past long gone, it might be harder for you to move on from it, even though moving on is the wise thing to do.

Many people would find themselves traveling worldwide because they wouldn't have a specific home, for instance. Some may look at such travelers as pitiful, even though said travelers are having the time of their lives, living in their own ocean of self-honesty.

As delusional as they might appear, their perceived madness is like that of the flawed hero's journey. Then, life becomes a wonderland of philosophy, and philosophy becomes a way of life.

When you give up on longing for a past long irrelevant, you change your thinking from that of a competent villain to that of a wise fool. In other words, instead of planning long term, you plan short-term, like a taxi driver would.

Some people who are dear to you might feel concerned deeply, despite not necessarily understanding you like they think they would, especially if, like Nietzsche's overman, you go your own way.

Yet, is going your own way, by following your own truth, is a grave misfortune? How is going your own way, with trial and error like one would do in science, is something to be ashamed of?

When you have less and less responsibilities in life, you are free to live a carefree life. Those who are more moral than most, like myself, would live not only ascetically but monastically as well, as I did for many, many years.

Either way, when you make your own decisions, regardless of where or who you are or with whom you're with, your confinement is merely perceived. Your reputation, whether big or small, is always perceived, and perception is always the choice of another.

I lived life as a wise elder sage, living as a mysterious master of ex-apprentices and as a secluded hermit, successfully seperating my life with that of my own family from the very day I was born. Being mentally detached, my freedom was always internal no matter where I am. I do not see reality like most people do as a result, and I never saw the need to be emotionally attached to most people or even to my own philosophies.

I enjoyed laying low for most of my life and would probably keep doing so too. I rarely believed in this common notion that physical company doesn't make me alone. Nay, I see this as a fallacy. I am a calculated man who enjoys shedding his own autistic symptoms in his own mysterious ways. I see little reason to talk to most people when what they have on me usually is nothing more than a narrative, and not me. Even in real life, the detachment remains as well as the alienation.

My only affiliation bias is with the Philosocom Article Empire and its childish philosophy, and I often find myself handling this website like a one man army regardless of anything going on around me. I do not believe you'll read my rubinshteinic guide to being friends with philosophers seriously enough either way, unless some of you would.

But either way, managing my life around my site no matter where I am on this planet, makes me the only proper individual to make this the greatest philosophy blog this world has ever known.

I am not an entitled man and I see no reason to beg with guilt and shame to things I don't want to do, or to people I see no reason to talk to.

No. What I long for is to improve this world with the power of philosophy and sapience. Unlike many of you, I never longed for a past long gone.

No. What I long for was always for the future. A future of my own influence, not for power or evil, but for good.

And, sometimes, even under the spell of true love, your ideas are yours and only yours, as well as your hopes and dreams.

Should you succeed in understanding me beyond the tyranny of false narratives, you'll find me less of a stern and ruthless man, but probably one of the weirdest and funniest people you've ever seen.

But other than that, just leave me alone, for in my detached mind, I am, in one way or another, always alone. As hermits and masterminds deserve to always be... And for most people, when they have to deal with longing, they would not likely need to ever deal with longing for me, a mere esoteric master with estoeric affinities...


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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