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Love and Expression -- Why Love Needs To Be Expressed For Ourselves Above All

Updated: Jan 18

A burning flower.

A World Craving Connection -- How It Deludes Itself

Do you know what I think the world lacks the most? It is love. Not romantic, marital, or patriotic love, but love for your fellow human beings. But most importantly, is the love for yourself. A resilent, rational self love. It is, so it seems, far easier to engage in violence, loathing, and intentional arrogance than it is to try to overcome any of these concepts, in the name of unity. We also seek power over others... only to still find ourselves, lonely at the top.

To quote Mr. John Duran:

"A true leader does not seek leadership but rejects it if possible, and only carries the burdens of commanding others if there is no better choice for the good of all"

For no amount of connection, affection or attachment, can compensate working on ourselves, so we would become better versions of ourselves. No love, no escapism. No hedonism. No organization of any kind. If we think connections with others will compensate our inner voids, we will stupidly find ourselves disappointed, heartbreak after heartbreak. For, in the end, no matter whom comes with us, or stands in our way, the only company we have the most... is our own.

Loneliness is a universal phenomenon, solvable only by the individual. It can truly be solved when he or she actually works to love themselves.... regardless of whether or not they are relevant or loved by anyone... Thinking otherwise, was my mistake. So, I will redeem my faulty ways by altruism. And I do not expect to be recognized for my efforts, any longer.

I will... contribute, either way. Whether or not I'll be loved or deemed worthy, it matters not. I don't need your validation. I will manage myself, either way. I will work towards my purpose, no matter who would walk in my path, or refuse to cooperate. I will endure.

It is vain to use anything as a justification for petty incitements, hate, and crimes against those who think differently than yourself. You are allowed to think differently. They are allowed to think differently. Anyone is allowed to lead their own lives the way they want to. To divide and conquer isn't a good method... as it keeps people under the illusion that conflict against others will ge them what they want...

No. The love and appreciation we seek can be granted, not by opposing nor controlling others. Not even by wanting others to change for us. No. Both, at their most rational state, come from the inside. For we only have ourselves in this world to share life, the most. Others... are nothing more than mere travelers.

And if we wish to be loved, we must love ourselves. We mustn't be weak. We mustn't be petty. We mustn't seek the mercy of others. No. We must nurture an inner strength within us. Whether or not others will love us, is only, and only, their own prerogative. We... best live either way. We must be self-propelled beacons, that may sometimes attract others, and sometimes do not. We better not blame others, most of all, on our own petty weaknesses. After all, it is our duty to work on them ourselves.

Love requires effort, and of course, the same goes for self-love. That is the thing that is overlooked. The fact that you need to actively nurture it within yourself, towards the world, but most importantly towards yourself, is the only way it can eventually... turn natural. However, when you are permitted to feel and express yourself in any way you like, hate is a far easier tool in communication than love is.

For when you love yourself for who you are, you become unhindered by the approval of others. You become stronger than them. For you don't even need them to feel anything about you. Then, very little can actually stand in your way.

Ruthlessness is a virtue, because it allows you to disregard whatever needs to be disregarded, in the name of your success. And with love comes great confidence and appreciation in your abilities. Appreciation that does not depend on petty external approval. You do not need to be approved for who you are. You are who you are, either way.

As democracies emerged, and dictatorships were seen as primitive and outdated, people were granted the sacred freedom to express themselves, without the fear of being either arrested, tortured, or killed. Love, if anything, is a most dangerous tool for those who are hungry for power. For they want you not to love yourself, and thus allow yourself to be more than your own limits.

No. The power hungry want you to be in line, to be oppressed, and depraved of your humanity. They want to use you for their own gain, regardless of what you really feel. Love yourself too much for their own good, and you become a problem. All because you refuse to yield to the opression of the orthodox paths.

The same paths that do not care for you. The same paths whose love for yourself matters not.

Therefore, the expression of love -- of true love -- of unconditional love -- threatens societal structure. For societal structure is built to opress the individual and not nurture him or her. For discarding the nurture of our individuality, and its self-appreciation, independent of externalities.... the external world deserves to be discarded at large.

For it does not really love us. The only being who can certainly love themselves, is ourselves. That will only occur when we express our love to ourselves. And that, is the key to reducing many, many of our agonies. For we think endless desires will fulfill them. Such expectations... are mere delusions.

In a World of Thorns, Where Does Love Bloom?

In the eyes of many others, who use us for their own gain, why should they care, to nurture love within our hearts, when they will live either way? It doesn't matter who you are—as long as people will choose apathy towards others, they might as wel be filled with hatred for each other, as if it's an eternal reality.

Why... why should we enable that external reality, within our internal worlds? Why should even, depend our inner core, on such things, which are beyond our control?

Some thrive in this environment, their blissful ignorance a shield, from the reality of their loneliness. Others are intimidated as their sensitivities too sharp for the constant friction of carelessness. And then there are those, perhaps few, who seek refuge in hermitage, withdrawing from the world's toxicity, for they know, and refuse, for it to be their own. For them external love... is unnecessary, found only in the pockets of opportunities. Pockets of genuine appreciation that exist between... very few individuals.

How many of us... are willing to appreciate and admire someone, regardless of who they are, what they will do, and what they might become? Hehehe... If anything... all conditional love, if but a form of weakness. Of compensation. Of refusing to handle ourselves like ourselves deserve. For we better do it, and do it with love.

As people become divided by their distinguished views, they fuel further hatred, further displeasure and further disorder. No one can stop their obsessive quest in the external world... for something they can fulfill within their own internal worlds.

In a democratic framework, every person is entitled to feel and express whatever they want, regardless of the impact on others' hearts and minds. As such, people are allowed to not care. By not handling ourselves, and embracing the liberty that is the right of another to disregard us... we also are allowed to delude ourselves. Delude ourselves, that the disregard of another, should even matter to us, objectively.

The greatest enemy of unitary love—the love for all human beings—is not hate, anger, or detesting, is the refusal for another to be who they are. The refusal to let them, be who they want to be. Be, who they think they should be. Much human suffering and toxicity... stems from wanting to change another, as a prerequisite for our own internal good.

Insensitivity is a privilege, allowing one to rarely be insulted and to endure long periods of conflict with the world. Insensitivity is a shield that allows us to be who we want to be, regardless of external thought and validation (or lack thereof). And without a compelling reason to love ourselves, why should we even act according to our own genuine needs and desires?

We can choose not to hate ourselves. We can choose to understand that, despite being social to whatever extent, there exists a self beyond any collective framework.

And that self deserves to be loved. And it can be loved, regardless of anyone, but your own approval of yourself.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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