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On Doing the Best You Can -- The Manifested Benefits of Doing So

Updated: Dec 3, 2024

A lonely young man

Synopsis by Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein

Life is inherently imperfect. We can't always achieve our desired outcomes or attain the level of "perfection" we envision. However, this doesn't negate the value of striving for excellence.
Giving your best effort doesn't guarantee an ideal result. Some individuals may simply have a higher capacity for a particular task, allowing them to excel even with less experience. This doesn't have to diminish your own efforts in the races of life.
Humans possess varying strengths and limitations. Some limitations are inherent, while others can be improved upon through dedication and practice. The key lies in understanding your unique capabilities and striving for excellence within that framework.
The true measure of success lies in making the most of the cards you've been dealt, and accomplishing your ambitions despite the hardships. Whether you possess exceptional talent or face significant challenges, continuous improvement is the key.
The concept challenges the notion that "doing your best" equates to achieving perfection. Perfection is often an unrealistic ideal, and some tasks may simply fall outside our natural strengths or capabilities. We all have inherent limitations, but that shouldn't always excuse us from doing the best we can.

Striving for Excellence Despite Challenges

Existence is imperfect, and you can't always get what you want or think you deserve. However, that doesn't mean you can't try to be the best you can in whatever field you work in, regardless of the end goal. Even if you fail, it doesn't mean you didn't try your best—although in most cases, there is room for improvement.

And it is best to try and fail rather than to not try at all. If you're not going to try, how are you going to have a chance to reach peak performance? Doing the best you can allows you to optimally reduce the chances of failure. Then, this rate of performance not only becomes highly beneficial, but necessary as well, for accomplishment to be likely made.

For the contemporary world is a competitive landscape, hindered only by monopolies and syndicates of people and groups. Companies strive to pick the top candidates, and a single misstep can weaken your position both before (the interviewing) and after joining the organization.

This pressure to be perfect can be overwhelming, especially when faced with limited options. As such many Americans suffer from work-related stress, and the paradox lies in striving to be good so much that your own stress hinders you. Stress is indeed one of the reasons people miss work days.

See how your emotions work against you, unless you keep them in greater check by their reduction.

Most people have two choices: hone their presentation skills to stand out in a competitive job market or rely on someone else's financial support. However, those with disabilities may have a third option, depending on their circumstances. People living on welfare do not have to be deadbeat klumniks.

Whether it's refining your skills within your field, advocating for disability awareness, or simply finding ways to live a fulfilling life, there are countless paths to personal growth.

Finding My Path: A Personal Story

Technically, I never worked full-time because such a trial would only worsen my mental health. The tasks I had at an office weren't inherently difficult, but the monotony triggered extreme periods of exhaustion. In part, this caused a "Reaping Fatigue Era", a 5 year period where I only got tired and more tired until I became physically disabled in 2023 from all the exhaustion.

To be free of that neurological imprisonment, I forced myself to develop a neurological technique that kills off much of my emotions -- the Inner Murder technique. Just to earn back my physical freedom, I had to sacrifice some of who I was. This worked, too.

Because of that period's resolution, this website improved significantly. The resolution allowed me to contribute meaningfully without succumbing to the pressure of a traditional job.  Stress not only exhausts me but also translates as physical pain.

This brings me back to the original point: doing your best doesn't always mean being perfect or even ideal. A person in a wheelchair won't do well when tasked with climbing stairs, and a blind man won't necessarily navigate a new location as well as a seeing man. In other words, doing your best is about capacity, not merit.

Even skilled individuals have limits. Ironically, someone with a higher capacity but less inherent talent might surpass you in the long run because their skills can improve significantly over time. The key is to identify your strengths and weaknesses, and then strive for excellence within that framework.

Let's take gaming as an analogy. Two players with the same amount of experience can have vastly different levels of competence. One player might have a natural aptitude for the game, leading to faster skill development. Judging someone's skill solely on experience is a fallacy. It's like the generalization that all elderly people are wise – age alone doesn't guarantee wisdom.

In-depth research articles, as such, are beyond my capacity, only if I choose to perceive pain as insufferable. Then, the research and the writing process would be too demanding, causing the stress and physical pain I mentioned earlier, either way. The right approach goes a long way.

So rest assured that I strive for excellence as a writer and site owner. Longtime users of Philosocom are evident to the numerous changes I've implemented on the platform – all proof to my dedication to continuous improvement to my work.

The Continuous Evolution of Website Management

One might think that creating a website is a one-time endeavor. However, I've learned firsthand that website management is practically an endless flow of work. This truth became abundantly clear during weekly consultations I had with a certain consultant.  She constantly presented me with tasks, emphasizing the need for continuous adaptation in website design and interface.

This concept aligns perfectly with the notion of striving for excellence within your limits. While a large corporation might have the resources for a complete website overhaul every year, for me, excellence lies in making steady and gradual improvements. That's done by constantly tweaking and refining the user experience based on my capacity, knowledge and the ever-evolving landscape of website design.

The journey of website management, though demanding at times, allows me to share my insights and contribute meaningfully to the world of philosophical exploration, despite my ills and disabilities.

Disabilities do not have to be a very large problem when you're tenacious enough to be right for the job. Therefore, doing the best you can is also a matter of tenacity, a drive to succeed despite all opposing odds. Think beyond the disability, think beyond why you can't do something. Identify what needs to be done for greater advancement, and focus on it the best you can. Only then you'll have the least amount of odds standing between you and your goals.

Mr. Nathan Lasher's Feedback

I would say doing your best is a relative term. Perfection is nothing more than a subjective state of mind. Best is not a universal term. Someone’s best might not be relative to how another person sees it. You cannot place it as a universal value.
Doing your best is a matter of ability. Not everyones is the same. As Mr. Tomasio mentioned, some people might be naturally skilled at something. Best is more of a matter of how much effort you put into doing something
An example of how standards work in the real world: People automatically assume everyone doing a particular job must be the same. My personal belief is that a job doesn’t make a person. A person makes a job. [This is] how employment structure should be held: Basing its jobs on its employees. Custom designed work. Humans weren’t meant to be assembly lines where they do the same work over and over again.
Why waste your time doing something a machine can do? Technology has caused humanity to need to work on its human capital.
People should always do their best because they never know what doors might open up if they do so. People’s actions determine how people see them. This does not mean your actions need to be done in secret. Doing your best is nothing more then putting forth as much effort as you can. Imagine doing that for everything in your life. Never know what the future holds if you did that.
Next time you are around a group of people try putting a little effort towards doing stuff. People will think you are a hard worker when all you are doing is the bare amount of work. It’s as simple as doing actions.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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