On Jealousy -- My Philosophy On It
Updated: Oct 16, 2024

Dr. Patient was well known for having a short temper, but that never stopped Mr. Bruin being jealous. When his wife became pregnant was the first time he visited that office. He thought then that the Doctor was rather hot tempered, but maybe he was simply being passionate about his work.
Later, when his son caught bear-pox he thought the doctor was rather cold and aloof, but maybe it was just an abundance of medical professionalism. Later he discovered the Doc was attracted to his wife and hated his son, but in this occasion everything seemed just right. The doctor was calm and friendly and after he set Mr. Bruin's crooked ankle, thanked him for his patronage and invited him out for gingerbread and porridge. -- Mr. Kaiser Basileus
In a highly competitive world, where it often seems that the neighbor's grass is always greener, it is reasonable to argue that the emotion of jealousy can be common among anyone who is not satisfied enough with what they have.
Additionally, it is also arguable that, like in romantic relationships, jealousy can come from a certain fear—a fear of losing something you already have, like a partner, to a rival who wants them to be their own as well. All in all, we can say that by this logic, jealousy is highly a product of constant competition for limited resources, such as achievements, people and properties.
Since the world today is largely capitalist, much of many lives is based on whether or not their talents, functions, and services are good enough to be better than their many competitors. Those who have those better than you are likely the ones to prosper better than yourself, and even lead you to either bankruptcy (if financial or commercial success is the subject at hand) or to unwanted loneliness (if social, romantic, or sexual success is the subject at hand). The path towards success lies in giving people what they want. And those who fail doing so might be likelier to find themselves jealous at the success of others.
Thus, since only the eligible receive help from more welfare-oriented governments, the large majority live in a constant state of competition, and thus, of uncertainty, in order to prove themselves worthy of customers, job interviewers, potential contacts, and romantic partners.
Jealousy: A Product of Void
One obvious solution to prevent jealousy is, of course, to be as satisfied as possible with the fortune you already have, even if it means not going into fields you want to work at. However, since it is often difficult for many to do so, the desired alternative is to take risks and go after your dreams of success. You might find yourself being jealous of those who are willing to take greater risks than yourself, for they have something you might not have -- courage.
I believe that jealousy is often indirectly increased by socialization, as we are encouraged to do our best and to become as successful as possible—even if our endeavors will end up being not enough. This is the reason why some of us may be jealous of those who managed to be better than us in whatever field we aspire to become good at. We are, in a word, used to measure our worth by our accomplishments. Myself, as well.
Jealousy is always about comparing ourselves to others and feeling like they have something that we want but do not have. We may feel jealous of someone's success, their relationships, or their possessions. Therefore, we can say that jealousy is often rooted in a feeling of emptiness or lack. We may feel jealous of others because we think that they have something that we need to be happy. However, most often than not, that conditionality is a delusion.
The problem with jealousy is that it can lead to disappointment. We may think that achieving our goals will make us happy, but sometimes this is not the case. For example, many people believe that having a romantic partner will make them happy. Even though people may not know what it is like to live without a romantic partner, entering into a relationship does not guarantee happiness. The same logic can be applied to many sources of jealousy. We may want something, but once we have it, we may not be happy.
The Possible Solutions
One possible solution to the problem of jealousy is to be skeptical. Be skeptical enough to think critically about whether your goals will truly make you happy. Don't have unrealistic expectations about what your goals will achieve. It can also be helpful to visualize what your life will be like after you achieve your goals. Remember that for many people, life is a marathon, not a sprint. Do not expect to reap your rewards so quickly. It might take quite a while for you to get whatever you so desire, that others have, and you don't. Take note that they might've took very long to attain their desireables as well.
And even if they didn't, who said anything about the world being a fair place to live in?
Another possible solution is to ask yourself this simple question: "Will I be truly happy and satisfied once I achieve this goal?" Since emotions are often temporary once we get used to something being a part of our lives, it is often difficult to maintain the same level of excitement we once had when we achieve our desired goals.
Taking things for granted is a very impactful process whether or not you'd like it. And by the same token, you might find yourself disatisfied yet again with life!
Final Words
Overall, we can conclude that jealousy is not always necessary, if at all, as long as we are able to satisfy ourselves and live relatively happy lives. There are two reasons for this:
Many of us can be satisfied with what we have now.
The people we are jealous of may not be happier or more satisfied than us.
We may see that our neighbors' lives seem better than ours, but we don't always know what is happening behind the scenes.
Jealousy is necessarily an issue of an internal void.
Any emotion can be temporary, including the one you want to feel the most.