The Rubinshteinic Commentary On Passionate Work
Updated: Feb 25
The Rubinshteinic Commentary On Passionate Work
My dearest readers,
Life has been harsh to me and I have been harsh to life, for my mentality is militant, and is all-things world rectification.
Positivity, negativity, doesn't matter in the case of passionate work. The passion exists either way. I am extremely passionate about getting things done. It what makes me a self-taught philosophy master.
I thought that, if I overworked, I would get what I wanted. But instead, it just created a cycle of unanswered whims. I thought that, if I dedicated each day to my work, I would be able to unleash my potential to its fullest.
Yet, still, no matter how much I write, death is still far away and blocked by at least half a century. Does it really matter if I write every single day? I see each day a problem either way. Most people would prefer to cherish each day. For me, each day offers its own fair share of problems for me to contemplate about and try to solve. I am hardly a cherisher, even to my dear ones, admittedly.
Must I do so, even though the site has become a monstrosity of content? Why must I cherish beyond functionality? My wellbeing stems from being able to work.
Most folk's wellbeing stems from the ability to cherish things and beings. Being my grandma's ultimate soldier I hardly care unless I have to. I have a world to rectify after all, for I agreed with her vision of the Pax Ethica. as a child, and still agree to this very day.
As her successor, I hardly care about pleasantries and hardly care about celebrating my own birthday.
Why must I? Why do I need to? Pleasantries and niceness are for desires and needs. My desires and needs will forever be few. It's what gives me, personally, a peace of mind.
Imagine a stomach. It has its capacity, but imagine that it, instead, can contain an infinite amount of food. Should you eat, so to speak, the "minimum" of "a lot", then you've "officially" reached "a lot".
100, 200, or 300 are both a lot of articles. But as you can see, I've reached even further and made it into the 500s, 600s, 700s and 800s. Will it matter it matter if there will be 600s or 700s? I assure you, there will probably be more as my lifespan marches on using the power of philosophy.
I'm relieved not only because I've reached "a lot", but also because I can rest and nothing bad will happen. I can practice gratitude meditation or any other form of positivity-based meditation, yes, but why should I bother with this too much when I use my own suffering to hone my mind?
Very few will ever understand the value of ruthlessly-rectifying ourselves towards the development of greater selves.
No guilt will necessarily come, in not working "enough". Do you know why? It's Because I already did a lot, and the facts of the past cannot be altered, only forgotten. No matter in which phase of life I find myself and on which occasion, I can finally say that I did a lot, and that by itself, is enough to create the recognition my work deserves as my late master's only successor.
And of course my ruthless self-development and my love for passionate work will always come at the cost of being left alone in a social-based world. Alone and misunderstood beyond my need to survive and train in the world outside hermitages...
People will always forget about me, and my greatest legacy will always be Philosocom. So, my own apathy is my strength in a world where apathy is an uncanny virtue.
When I barely wrote anything, 10 or 11 years ago, my mother told me that I could write whenever I wanted in life. However, I never really cared for physical age. I was always mature for my age for I always relished in developing my mind. No matter how much my mind transformed, it always transformed towards an undefined, ancient mental age.
Passion comes from your inner truth. However, when it comes to passion-based work, try to not sacrifice your health too much.
Furthermore, try not to voice your passionate nature to minds that fail grasping it. Your passion is not their passion. They won't necessarily care about it like you would. Passion often leaves one in solitude as a result of being its follower. Often times, that passion is only your own...
I used to believe in "militant" optimality of productivity. It means that, in order to really get a hold of your potential, write every day or two until you're basically dead or, at least, need to eat, sleep, or rest.
However, in an ever-changing world, there is no point longing for beliefs that can turn destructive.
Regardless, being a highly disciplined writer, to the point I can write like an entire army, believe that as content creators, and writers, we should all strive to write a lot. Once that lot is satisfactory enough for whatever passion-based purpose we have, we should learn to accept the sweet embrace of rest.
You don't have to rest for one or two days, or a dozen years. You can rest when possible and write when possible or when there is a demand to do so. Sometimes, all that matters is the very demand that triggers your passion, your drive; AKA, the depravity.
Yet, if there is no demand for more either from others or from something deep within us, why should we work? Yes, "something deep" can be as basic as physical survival.
That demand, seen or not even conceived by other minds, isn't infinite either way. After all, everything comes to an end.
This is why, for the sake of my physical and mental health, I will try to write less. And the same is true of my abstract ambition to "dominate the world," using the power of philosophy, as a means to better the planet.
Final note... Feel free to further and deeper browse into my articles, even though they might seem never-ending to you!. Think of something you're interested in and put it in the search bar, and you might find what you're looking for!
And with that, let my rest begin. And may your rest begin, if you did either enough or more than enough, in your line of work. Please don't push yourself too hard...
Until next time!