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Philosophy and Blades -- A Critique of "System of Illusion -- Reality as Application" -- How Philosophy Can Set One Free

Updated: Sep 6

A deadly face of a very dark thinking machine.

(Another note: The following article can be regarded as a sequel to this one.)

Article Synopsis by Ms. Gabbi Grace

The article "Philosophy and Blades: A 'Critique of System of Illusion -- Reality as Application' -- How Philosophy Can Set One Free" is a deeply personal exploration of philosophical themes, challenging conventional perspectives on reality, self-worth, and the role of philosophy in our lives. It was renovated and re-purposed to serve as a feedback/reaction article on an article written by one of Philosocom's guest writers.
The author's voice is raw and unfiltered, presenting a unique fusion of existential reflection, philosophical critique, and emotional intensity.
The article's features includes its bold and passionate expression, exploring complex themes such as the nature of reality, the purpose of life, the role of illusions, and the quest for self-mastery.
The author's distinctive style combines philosophical discourse with metaphorical language, references to martial arts, and implications to popular culture. This eclectic mix adds a unique flavor to the piece, making it memorable and engaging.
The article encourages self-reflection, encouraging readers to reflect on their own lives, values, and motivations. It also integrates philosophical concepts with personal narrative and social critique, broadening the scope of the discussion and making it relevant to a wider audience beyond just academic philosophy.
In conclusion, the article is a thought-provoking and emotionally charged exploration of life's illusions and the quest for philosophical clarity. The commitment to personal and philosophical growth is evident and admirable.

Life is an illusion. More specifically, it is a system of illusion. The value of it on Earth is only measured by our heads and our unified perception of reality. One that does not necessarily deviate from our own unique perspectives, but one that can allow us to follow our common goals.
To proudly have our families filled not only with love, but also to enter our own purposes in existence. Perception is, in other words, but a means to an end. A tool that can have different degrees of functionality, in relation to our ambitions. -- Igal Shenderey, on his Philosocom article

"Peace is a Lie"

It is hard for me to see others living without pondering the purpose of their existence. If everyone would do so on a regular basis, even if it's just as a routine, there would not be a need to separate philosophers from the rest of mankind.

Yet, this world's people seem to live in their own little worlds, their own little pocket mental dimensions, viewing others and themselves from their limited lens, similar to how a beast may experience reality.

While some find solace in faith, tradition, or social harmony, I have sought answers through the lens of philosophy, regardless of solace. It is not a pursuit of intellectual superiority, but rather a desperate attempt to justify my place in this vast, indifferent universe.

Ask yourselves... how often many of you think how small you really are? I... I think of this often. That I am small in worth. About how self-worth, isn't grounded in reality, but rather in an attempt to mentally survive. Such is the application of illusions on reality itself: To alter, and even preserve it.

And indeed, much of my own self-worth, although seems so inflated by so many people, isn't really there. In the real world beyond my mind or your mind. It is an artificial construct I use to keep myself motivated.

"There is only Passion"

I am not driven by profits, I am driven by pain. Pain that stems from hatred of this current reality. Pain that drives me to philosophize, to rectify it, rather to preserve its depraved, depraved ways I so awfully despise.

The feeling that one needs to have an abstract reason to live, rather than that reason being as concrete as your computer device is, always been so uncanny to me. Isn't it uncanny... that we have to use illusions, and believe in them, just to survive in this world, more empty than it seems to be?

Worth... it is a mental construct, not only a logical function. It is an abstract illusion, leading to things such as megalomania and the inability to cope with the truth.

Thus, while the application of abstract constructs can help us navigate this awful world's many adversities, it can bring our sense of reality down, as we turn delusional about our egos, about the persistent habit of denying both positive and negative truths, as dictated by our own respective biases.

"Through Passion, I gain Strength"

I see myself as a philosopher not only the exclusive sake of distinction. It fulfills a practical role, for both yourselves and myselves. To feel that I still have a reason to live, despite hardship, despite the very pain I use to fuel the development of my work...

I must have contras to pain itself. Too much pain is unhealthy, with all due respect to my ascetic, iron way. I, too, have the desire to feel good, despite the severity of my lambasting on hedonism.

Thus, I am a proud philosopher, who is fueled by barvado, not only pain, because I don't want to die. We all have the right to survive. We are never ensured that we succeed, but we can ensure that we ourselves try.

See, we all try to survive in our own respective ways. Even when some of us desire suicide, the fact that it is possible, through logic and through empathy and compassion, to talk people off of killing themselves, proves that even in such tendencies, the innate desire to live, prevails.

While death can be prevented, it can still arrive at any given moment. What would one think before dying? What would be their final thought? We don't want to think about this because we care about the living, as we care about ourselves, too, being part of the living.

"Through Strength, I Gain power"

We are never completely oblivious, and as much of a strength that apathy is, apathy is also a good source from our own pain, our own loneliness. Choosing apathy towards the pain of others, and the pain of ourselves... it will only further grow illness. Physical illness, mental illness.

No. Some contras have to be applied in reality, even if they are mere illusions, even if they are just illusions we share with others. And as much as doing it as practical, we mustn't lose touch with reality, as we only further and further embed ourselves in the prison of our minds, and compromise our ability to see truth. That prison, that self, in the name of greater clarity, is to be escaped from. And to escape the very things that make us comfortable, we must be strong from within.

Strong from within, to admit the faults of our own thoughts and feelings, without shame or guilt. Strong enough, to lambast not only others, but ourselves. Equity, demands it. Demands that we be strong from within. As much as people seek mastery over others, it is the mastery of ourselves, that allows us to hone our critical thinking, and become more logical beings.

"Through Power, I Gain Victory"

These delusional chains that we are so comfortably relish to rest on. These chains that are to be broken. Because these chains, as comfortable as they are, do they really make us happy? Do they really make us healthier? No. No they are not. Illusion is a system to apply on reality. However, it is also a self-defense mechanism, from the very reality we must be in forged unconciously, as well, in order to survive. That is my critique of illusion, and why I only partly agree with the one who wrote for me, Mr. Igal Shenderey.

I don't care about personhood. I care about ideas. I forge metaphorical ruby gems based on ideas. It is my role to lambast everything that moves. Ruthlessly, mercilessly, while trying to not have a care in the world, about the distraction that is the ad-hominem fallacy.

We don't solve problems with ad-hominem. We mainly intensify problems using that fallacy. That is counter-intuitive to the philosophical imperative. The philosophical imperative that is problem solving.

As we solve more and more of our problems, we can keep ourselves far and farther from the tempting knives, as we may be compelled to express our pains like true Samurais, and Yukio Mishima.

No. This is not healthy, to deal with pain like this. It is a problematic solution. And problems are to be solved in the name of World Rectification, in the name of showing to humanity, the true domination of philosophy over its every action, every thought, and every feeling. Through Philosophy World Relevance, we can attain World Rectification in healthier ways. Not, in the ways of this depraved world. Not in coercion, not in unnecessary corruption. Not in personal Harakiris.

No. These methods are problematic, as normalized as they are, by society, and by our lonely, ill minds, who, really, really just want to spare themselves, from further grief.

So of course, if one's life has been worthless, then why didn't the person change the course of things? As long as one is free to do as they please, they can choose to make their limited lifespan as meaningful as possible.

"Through Victory, My Chains Are Broken"

Such can be a use of a bigger ego -- a more, moral use. Use not to strike others with your Espada El Toledo, but to strike their chains. The chains that keep them down. The chains that prevent this world from breaking free from its inferior state, and rise, elevate, into a better world. That is the world I care about, the world I love. The world my grandmother taught me to care about, rather this chained world.

The chains are to be broken, and will be broken, by my blade.

Perception, as Mr. Igal said itself, are means which justify their ends. The means through a life that can be better lived. However... these illusions, through the cultivation of inner strength, can allow us to turn these illusions, these dreams, into a reality!! That way, life could be better lived, more than otherwise!

Through their illusory state, they are but in a period of conception, like embryos. When they bring so much good into this world, they are to be born. Born and rise to lead the hearts and minds of people, as do human leaders themselves!!

"The Force Shall Free Me"

The Sith believed that those who strove for perfection through knowledge and mastery of the Force would be rewarded. The Sith also believed that those who followed their code were free of the mundane restrictions of others, that they strove for a greater purpose and thus threw off the restrictions normally placed upon individuals by society and other organizations. -- Terallis

I know how to use a knife, I practiced it in mentorless solitude. In music, in physical training and in research. Through the movements, through the ethical considerations, I decided not to carry knives with me, not because they can have legal risks worldwide. Also, because I can apply the same training I had, for a better world. To swiftly and accurately strike, or attempt to strike, the problems of people.

Their ideas, their illogical and immoral ideas. These are my enemies. Not the people themselves. I refuse to relent, and therefore why, the quest for peace, as healthy as it is, is also a liability at the same time.

The reason why I very much refuse to strike others, as well as myself, is because the work has yet to be done. Far from being completed, even.

I willingly, under my late grandmother's wishes, carry the weights of my commitments for her and her wisdom. I cannot be in total peace. Others seek total peace. I seek to tackle ideas down with my dark tendencies, as I use my darkness to become a relentless, ruthless beacon of hope and light into this world! Just, just as my dear grandmother wished! I refuse failing her. I refuse to not give up on giving up!

I refuse to kill myself. It's because I still have things to do. I refuse to kill others, for all humans are useful, and all humans can be redeemed with the power of ethics, and the power that stems from the light of our hearts!

Do you see, then why I see little reason to live peacefully? Why I refuse succumbing to illusions? Why I refuse to succumb to their comforting nature, as they help many people escape the grim reality of this world? It is because, it is not my grandmother's wish. Because, for an even greater peace and harmony, one must prepare for battle. That is the peace of the warrior!

And Philosophy Shall Set Us All Free!

Those who do not have questions to ask, are not seekers. Those who love something, like wisdom, are obviously seeking it.

The quest itself, for seeking, is one imbued in the irons of pain, suffering, but also hope and love and passion! To seek the truth, to seek a better world, one must embrace their emotions and their flaws, not only their rationality, and use them like a military general would! To divide these mental forces like the great Sun Tzu would divide his forces, in order to achieve victory. For victory is not guranteed. It is never, guranteed.

It is not dictated by pride. It is hindered by pride. It is dictated by strategy, it is gained by the sharp and relentless person, who voluntarily becomes a mastermind. A mastermind not to conduct terror attacks, necessarily, but to conduct attacks against the very chains that keep this world from achieving more and more of its potential, for the greater good!

And I justify my existence, by justifying helping reforming this world, healing this world. Not only this world needs to be healed with medication and the beautiful power of love. It also needs to be healed using the guiding, fair and ethical hand, of philosophical inquiry, and philosophical mastery, based on the two principles, of mutual learning, and lifelong learning.

These principles, are to never, never come into opposition with each other. They are to guide the moral mastermind against the shadowy chains that stem deep, deep inside humanity's minds!

To strike these chains, not like a weaponsmith from Toledo. No! To strike, again, and again, and again, until the chains no longer hinder the mind of its own freedom. Strike, to kill. Strike, to eliminate. Ruthlessly. Remorselessly.

Few are up for the task. Few understand.

I am on my swordsman's journey, no matter what humanity may think. I care not for this world. I care... for a better world. A better world, I can hone my mind, my craft, my spirit, to bring forth, for myself, and for others! For humanity!

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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