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Preparing to Suffer -- My Philosophy On A Broken Heart

Updated: Jan 7

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Preparing to Suffer -- My Philosophy On A Broken Heart

I start by explaining the concept of a broken heart. It's a metaphor for the emotional pain we feel when someone we love rejects us. This feeling is so common that there's even a medical condition called Broken Heart Syndrome.
I also discuss about his fear of getting hurt in love and my decision to avoid romantic relationships altogether.
However, I realize that fearing rejection can prevent me from experiencing love and all that comes with it. I therefore decide to embrace the possibility of getting hurt because I believes a life filled with love is ultimately more fulfilling, even with the risk of heartbreak.
I conclude by encouraging readers to accept the inevitability of pain in life, including emotional pain from love. I argue that the pain is a product of sacrifice.

A broken heart is an abstract expression that defines disappointment and failure whenever someone you love rejects you. While your heart doesn't necessarily crack when it happens, a medical condition, called Broken Heart Syndrome, exists. I'm not going to talk about medicine here, and I'm not a medical professional, only a philosopher.

As long as you have people you love in life, the possibility of your heart to "break" always exists. That's because you cannot stop anyone from rejecting you. In Japan there is a very deadly type of lover, called the yandere.

A Yandere is a lover who is so obsessed about you, they can be extremely dangerous to anyone, yourself included. A quick search on Youtube can reveal disturbing fantasies of these lovers, kidnapping the viewer, so they will never escape. Escape, after all, is a sign of rejection... Especially if you are imprisoned. Hm, yes.

Hurrem, the wife of Sultan Suleiman I, was a yandere.

After realizing that my heart will be broken indefinitely by anyone I'll ever love, I am renouncing my oath to live like a monk and abstain from women. I don't know if I'm interested in sex, but I am open to the idea, so I will at least see for myself. Fortunately, being asexual does not mean you are not a romantic person. People who are aromantic exist, so the need to love and be loved emotionally is not universal to all.

People may fear love because they fear being hurt, and not only rejected. They fear suffering and the emotional pain that may be included when interacting with someone they are attracted to. They may have problems with trust, because the other person can, suddenly, betray them by being emotionally close to someone else. And so on and on.

My decision to become a "monk" was to reduce pain and suffering caused by others. And who can cause the greatest emotional pain, if not those whom you truly love?

And yet, a broken heart is "perfect". It is "perfect" when you realize that reality is flawed. That other people are flawed. That you are flawed. Why, then, let flaws that hinder you, flaws that you can't necessarily fix, stand in your way, for greater ambition?

I no longer care if my heart will be shattered. It has been shattered enough times, so I am already aware of the pain. Instead, I will gather the broken pieces and build a greater heart, until my heart becomes as strong as iron. I am speaking metaphorically here, but you can follow the same philosophy.

The same is true for my loyal readers. They may reject my articles and even decide to disconnect indefinitely. That possibility does not threaten me, for it is a possibility that I recognize.

The point of philosophy is not only to find truths, but also to recognize them. To look them straight in the eye, without fear, and with great courage. It is, after all, better for the philosopher to do so, rather than to live in delusion. Correct?

Yes. After speaking with some people, I have realized that "flaw" is the new "perfect". It is admired when a person is honest about their flaws, and to be dishonest in the matter is a petty flaw. The person who pretends for others, just to please them, may find it difficult to earn their trust. This seems to be true in romance as well.

A vulnerable man is also liked, because it means that the man is open enough for you. I am myself vulnerable, but no longer fear being hurt once more, or the time after it.

Love requires sacrifice. Sacrifice that is noble. Sacrifice that is moral and appreciated. A good lover is also a man or woman who are also loyal beings. And loyalty takes courage, as well as integrity. To fear your heart being broken can mean that you are not open enough for either your loyalty, or that of your partner's.

People like to feel safe. Not only financially but psychologically, as well. And not just your friends or loyal readers. Lovers, as well. Those who fear a broken heart, may not feel safe enough, to sacrifice themselves for another. For the other, they cannot control. For the other, can always leave, and betray.

Let us conclude with this: In order to prepare for your heart to break, you must first realize the inevitability of pain. Physical or otherwise. There is no life that is always pure of pain. Accept pain as a possibility, and if there is no actual danger, you might be open enough to suffer once more, in the name of love. In the name of him, or her.

For pain is a product of sacrifice in such cases.

Vengeance does not always have to be about proving someone wrong. It can also be defined by a life that is well lived. By a life where there is love.

1 opmerking

Yael Aidan
23 jun 2023

Just wanted to say thanks for your article. It really resonated with me and offered great support. Keep up the awesome work!


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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