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The Quarter-Life Speech - A Message to My Audience - The Role of Wonder In Problem Reduction

Updated: 3 days ago

A man exploring the role of wonder.

Article Introduction by a Host With the Most

Fellow seekers of truth and meaning, join us as we delve into the mind of the enigmatic Tomasio Rubinshtein, a "hidden" underground philosopher. In this captivating former-video-turned-post, Mr. Tomasio shares his unique perspective on life, anxiety, and the pursuit of purpose.
Prepare to be challenged, inspired, and perhaps a little puzzled as you explore the depths of his thoughts. Whether you're a seasoned philosopher or just starting your intellectual journey, this thought-provoking content is sure to resonate with you (in one way or another!).
So, grab a cup of coffee, settle in, and let's embark on this extraordinary exploration together....


For those who are not familiar with me, I am Tomasio Rubinshtein, probably one of the world's most relentless underground philosophers, having philosophized independently since 2013 even long before forming this article barony.

I have already written, renovated and edited many articles, I believe I am worthy of being called a philosopher, even though academic life has proven to be too stressful for me to handle (and life in general). Different philosophers handle different lives, not only different areas of study within the philosophical spectrum, but I digress.

I have Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), a mental health condition that causes excessive and persistent worry and anxiety. This has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember, and it has made it difficult for me to live a normal life. I often feel anxious about things that other people would find perfectly normal, and this can be very debilitating.

Anxiety shapes my perception, making me, on the one hand, very concerned and stressed. On the other hand, it compels me to be very tough and relentless in working on Philosocom, rectifying as many problems as possible, and making sure the articles are as top-notch as possible.

As a result of my GAD, I have often felt isolated and alone, transforming in unique ways some people might never be able to understand. I have considered becoming a monk in order to partially isolate myself from the outside world and find some peace, yet I know that it was never a realistic solution.

Long ago, I went through what I call a "quarter-life crisis." I have achieved many of my goals in life given to me by a late sage I call Master Numi. I have been wondering what else there is to do in life other than the trajectory I found myself in. I feel like I have reached a point where I am no longer sure what my purpose is beyond the confines of underground philosophy.

I can't imagine myself doing anything else for the rest of my life, as I see this world from a completely different lens than most people do.

Strangely being unable to work traditionally, yet manage an entire article empire, Life feels like a never-ending state of cognitive dissonance. Most people, to me, will either underestimate me, overestimate me, praise me a lot, or feel awfully embarrassed by my behavior. Either way, the way I will be treated by the world will never be normal. Only to different extremes. The only equal treatment shall be other eccentric people whom I deem as my equals.

Being experienced by common people as living beyond the space and time continuum, orthodox opportunities for me will never be available for me. So, instead, I resorted to living a mysterious existence, prioritizing distance and respect than close connection to most of humanity. Philosophy for me is far, far easier than the many social intricacies of reality. Having friends thus seems futile, being orthodox in any way, feels futile as well.

I know that I have a lot to offer the world, yet I feel compelled to spare others of my verdict of being, as I see no reason to overly excite anyone, including myself. I only see reason to rectify the world in my presence in public (only the virtual world, really), and see no reason to turn myself into a one-man-freak show for the emotionality of others.

Either way, I will always be seen as either a lofty moral paragon, saving people from their own hands, or a lofty bag of hot air, being shamelessly who I desire to be, whether I am recognized or otherwise.

The most grim and also the most profound of things are seen by me as well-understood. On the other hand, their orthodox issues I honestly deem as minor. I am hoping that by sharing my story, I can connect with others who are going through similar experiences. Expanding the diversity of my articles using different eccentric minds is something I welcome with open arms.

There are many people who struggle with anxiety and other mental health conditions. Instead of shaming them, I personally prefer helping others based of my own experiences and wisdom as an eccentric man. I find myself realizing these people are also live as strange extremes of the world's societies. In my eyes, they are either very incompetent, or highly competent, to the point of specificity, hindering them from orthodox lifestyles either way.

The external world beyond our respective households and rooms, is mainly there for the mundane and the ordinary. It is not prepared for strange people like me and others, as it is stereotype and demographic based.

Existing beyond stereotypes, I find myself being stressed over being severely misunderstood in my daily activities in the outside world. I find it quite the uncanny "crisis", given I honestly have no idea how to behave beyond the scope of my philosophical understanding of this absurd world.

Feeling like an alien, however, I am still human, as all eccentric folk are. Those filled with hubris will fail seeing me beyond the scopes of their pride. I too, at this point, choose to pursue exploration, rather than attacking it.

Thus, the decreasing curiosity of humanity will not only work against its ability to question the many follies of modernity; it will also decrease understanding of the very minds, like mine, that desire to rectify the world from said follies (and follies in general).

Having lived a largely-solitary existence as a strange man, you might find it ironic that I understand a lot about life and reality despite my utter lack of conventional experience.

Encouraging others and ourselves to be open to exploration of ideas, rather than supporting their cancel, I believe such pro-intellectual will solve my hypothetical "quarter-life crisis", which can be found in many esoteric folk around the globe, regardless of their respective demography. The development of more-curious attitudes can enrich the world with new, interesting philosophical exchanges that can go even beyond their mere communication.

I think people in general, orthodox in their mentality or otherwise, should be more curious about life, the universe and even their dear ones, as their lives might be more hidden from us than we might realize. The more we understand each other, the more we can in theory reduce each other's sense of isolation, and help people feel more seen. That includes ourselves of course.

A sense of wonder, felt or not, should be fostered beyond the excitement it may trigger in us. Being intrigued can help us attain knowledge we would otherwise consider impossible or unnatural, but more available than we think. Then, we can use our curiosity-stemmed knowledge to handle reality better, and also foster quality time with those we mutually care about.

The enemy of curiosity is hubris, and I am more curious than you might think, despite the impressions that I am full of hubris. You might not realize this in others as well. It's exactly what I'm talking about. Curiosity and the seeking of wonder can help us all see beyond the limiting veil of impressions. Consider the practical aspect of having a lot to learn, rather than focusing on this notion as being utterly burdensome.

After all, you might help your loved ones, as well as yourselves, better than you might think, as knowledge can help us reduce many problems that cause us distress and further grief.

I would like to express my love to all my consistent audience for taking the time to read the site's many free philosophical articles. This is definitely not something that should be taken for granted, as many Philosocom articles are directed at the practicality and application of philosophy, rather than just mere exploration and theorizing.

Nonetheless, the practicality of philosophy has to start with its exploration and the role of wonder in making the world a better place. One practical insight at a time.

Even in this age of scientific and technological advancements, we should not completely discard the insightful influence that the art of philosophy still has today. Influence with the possibility to be dominantly-relevant.

Thank you for taking the time to read this Quarter-Life Speech, and thank you even further if you will consider sharing my articles with the world, whether it would be on social media or even a loved family member.


1 comentário

Roland Leblanc
Roland Leblanc
04 de jul. de 2020

Thank you for sharing your insightful Inner=Self true You`... Personaly, I consider that philosophy is the art of finding wisdom from Within`... and it is not a science only acquired knowledge that is outside of Self`...

I personaly feel that the quest for truth is the nicest gift one can have at any age; I personaly have had a very standard life , very simple, but yet, I must confess that at the age of : 72, I am only starting to live a life I was thirsty of living without realizing it for most of my life.

This being said, I have the feeling that you are at a cross road , and , that you are just about…


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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