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Sexism and Neo-Feminism -- Why We Should Focus on Merit and Equity

Updated: Jan 20

A solitary woman in a city covered by red skies.

Neofeminism describes an emerging view of women as becoming empowered through the celebration of attributes perceived to be conventionally feminine, that is, it glorifies a womanly essence over claims to equality with men. -- Wikipedia

Missive On the Practical Functionality of Traits

Society should not be built upon the leadership of a person based on their sex, male or female. A society whose authorities are justified purely due to their sex is a society that does not optimally extract the potential out of its members.

In general, this foolish prioritization of demographics as a very legitimate criteria for cooperation, can easily prevent looking at the human being beyond it. Of course, the ability to do it in the first place, requires a lot of risk, as we might be afraid of people because of stereotypes.

We might fear them a lot because of demographic stigma, and we also may be too unwilling to resist the fear we feel, although I believe we have the right to resist the very emotion that prevents us building a better world.

As in the case of gender-based demographics, the notion of a matriarchy is as sexist as a patriarchy. Even when the upper hand is given to females purely because they are females, it is the same sexism that exists when the upper hand is given to males because they are males and nothing more.

Do you see the paradox that stems from such bias, I wonder? Subversion is to be done intentionally, not in a way that might turn you into a sexist yourself, potentially at least!

What I would like to define as Neo-Feminism is exactly this utter lack of equity in contemporary perception. When you focus on your own "tribe", your own social category, as more important than other social categories, you ironically destroy the very notion of equality you're trying to build! Furthermore, the more tribal you are in your ideological mentality, the more you corrupt your own hopes and dreams for justice by developing Fascist traits!

So maybe, in the name of the greater good, you shouldn't turn more and more into a Fascist! After all, why should you want to become like the very elitists that oppress the world? After all, you want to rectify the world, not to dominate it! To destroy the Sith! Not to join them!

And if to dominate the world, why must we do it with automatic rifles and killer drone armies? No! You got it all wrong! Instead, we should dominate each other using virtues like compassion! Like being able to be honest with each other and with ourselves!

Sexism and Neo-Feminism is applied to both sexes, and by choosing matriarchy over patriarchy solely due to the leading figure's sex, sexism is applied nonetheless. In general, for the sake of building a better world, we should focus on traits that do that in our actions.

Weirdly enough, perhaps helping each other is the egocentric thing to do, given that we all live on the same planet and can't even escape said planet to other inhabitable planets. Weirdly enough, maybe we should focus on interconnectivity, compassion and forgiveness because behavior is something that is contagious. In other words, maybe if we forgive each other more, we can be more forgiven in general.

Instead of focusing all the time on the idea that we are handsome like celebrities, or extremely relentless like Dr. Eggman, maybe what we should do is to focus on cherishing others as well! Not just ourselves! Cherishing people that are not just fictional villains! Cherishing people in general!

Maybe being the bad guy is so relatable for many of us because deep inside we have this depravity, caused by feeling forsaken by others! Maybe we should not cause the same depravity in others as well! Perhaps we should find ways to live in peace with each other, rather than, for example, shooting up a school because of our beliefs, or try to overthrow the government.

Do we have to cause misery just because we are ourselves miserable? Should we focus on empowering ourselves when we can empower each other instead? Maybe, if we try to build societal frameworks that empower people, not just by helping each other, maybe then we can prevent ourselves from becoming the very same people we hate!

Weirdly enough, being this moral like I am can be seen as very much naive and unrealistic. Of course I am being unrealistic! I am literally writing in this missive about how to make this reality a better one! The better reality I'm speaking of doesn't exist entirely in this world, right? No, so me being unrealistic in this case, makes sense.

That's how you subvert things! You subvert them for a better world, not for the preservation of the very world that makes people succumb to depression! Perhaps if we develop the habit of doing this, we can be happier, and make others happier as well, instead of compelling them to escape being alive like the Samurai.

A Meritocracy is the Best Way to Achieve Gender Equality

I believe that the foundations of a better world rests on merit. As continuously developing our merit, despite many odds, can help us build a better world than this one. Merit also helps us survive this awful world as well. I personally prefer to hate this awful world and be relentlessly hopeful towards a better world in my work.

In other words, self-improvement, rather than self-celebration, of how good people we are. That's despite the fact that many of us are so lonely in a world that struggles to understand us (and vice versa sometimes as well!).

I believe that the best way to build a just and equitable society is to choose leaders based on their merit, regardless of their sex and other demographic data. This is the only way to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. As said, you need to be brave for this. Brave enough to test your luck by trusting people that are more-different than you.

Society should not put people in leadership positions based on their sex. This can be done more effectively by halting the tendency to associate traits to people because of their demographics. We are following leaders, not necessarily the fact that they are a product of their environment (partially at least!).

Instead, we should choose leaders based on their individual merits. This is the best way to ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to succeed. And, for that, we need to of course focus on the idea that we are more than our respective societies!

How to Attempt Overcoming Generalizations

There are many differences between men and women, but these differences are too general to generalize to the entirety of mankind or womankind. Maybe that's why we deem overgeneralizations unrealistic... In general!

For example, men are usually stronger than women, but there are many women who are stronger than some men. Similarly, women are generally more nurturing than men, but there are many men who are more nurturing than some women. I mean, some people are psychopaths. That includes women too.

Meritocracy is the best way to overcome these generalizations. In a meritocracy, people are chosen for leadership positions based on their skills, abilities, and experience. This means that men and women have an equal opportunity to succeed, regardless of their sex.


I believe that feminism is about achieving gender equality. However, I think empowering women isn't the right way to do it, given the idea that empowerment of one leads to resentment of another. As such, men should be seen as humans just like women and vice versa.

Men, women and any other human being, should be free to express themselves in whatever way they choose. The issue of self-empowerment or specific empowerment is solved by empowering more than yourself or your specific social category.

A world that is truly equal is a world where gender does not matter, as much as our ability to help ourselves and each other.

In such a world, people would be judged based on their individual merits, not their sex. Then, these individual merits should be recognized and be utilized for the sake of interconnectivity, under the idea that we are all interconnected, and "we are all one".

This is the world that I believe in, and I believe that meritocracy is the best way to achieve it.

Thank you for reading.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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