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"Starved" Character Analysis and the Ethics That Follow -- A Philosophy of Starvation In Humanity

Updated: Aug 14

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Article Synopsis by Ms. Gabbi Grace

The article "Starved Character Analysis and the Ethics That Follow -- A Philosophy of Starvation in Humanity" explores themes of obsession, delusion, and the darker aspects of human nature through the lens of horror fanfiction. The character "Starved," a twisted version of a well-known villain, is used to discuss broader philosophical and ethical issues. The article uses an interdisciplinary approach, blending horror fanfiction with philosophical concepts, making it accessible to a wide range of readers.
The article explores fanfiction as a medium for people to express their inner thoughts and emotions, adding depth to the discussion. It effectively raises ethical questions about power, delusion, and self-deception, encouraging readers to reflect on their own lives and potential dangers of following passions without critical self-examination.
In conclusion, the article is an engaging and insightful exploration of a fictional character's deeper philosophical implications. By connecting horror fanfiction to ethical and psychological themes, the author provides a unique perspective that encourages readers to reflect on their own lives and the world around them.

Introduction and Analysis of Horror FanFiction

The one known as "Starved", is an alternative, horror-based version of a certain villain, whose franchise is aimed at younger audiences. However, despite the said nature of that franchise, many, many horror-versions of existing characters were made by fans, including "Starved" over here.

However, before we begin, let's start by learning about the obscure world of horror fanfiction.

The trend of "horrification" of fictional characters is not new. One of the most popular horrifications is presented in the form of Sonic E.X.E, an eldritch abomination pretending to be a master manipulator. This "Cartoon hedgehog" can not only manipulate people but also wrap reality as well as shadows. The horror reincarnation was revealed in August 2012.

Horror fanfiction can be seen as the manifestation of innocence's shattering. Fictional media, animation included, has been increasingly favored not only by children but also adults.

The Humane Behind Any Character

This has to do with the decline of childish stigma, and the need to escape a depressing reality. Online, you can see many subcultures formed around niche interests, as people attempt to find meaning in a world they are too incapable to change and rectify.

This goes along with the innate need for many to self-actualize their innermost selves, in a world where one is expected to mask their inner honesty.

What I am doing with Philosocom is unique. However, with it, I am trying to help the world. My desire to help this world is something that requires much discipline, dedication and even a glimmer of vulnerability.

Yet, many others still have the desire to actualize their hopes and dreams I am trying to practically implement. Those who do not have the set of skills I have, nor the development of certain virtues, may still desire to actualize and give a voice to their inner self. And in all honesty, I wish more people had the courage to do what I do. I think the world can be a better place if we utilize our scars for improving this world...

And in the darkness of false virtual identities, people may use the same need I and many others have, AKA self-actualization, in the form of fanfiction. Fanfiction allows us to interact with characters we've learned to appreciate. Through their medium, we can express in characters what we are afraid to openly express without such masks. We may use them to convey our ambitions, our fears and our eccentricities in a way that people can be grateful for.

Deep inside, what we also have, is the desire to be recognized for our efforts. Even when done in the anonymity of the virtual world, what many of us are afraid of, is being alone. Alone, and empty. Alone and forsaken in a physical world that also seeks to be deceived by our pretenses.

Sad, isn't it? Then, if we are demanded to show a mask, why not show a mask that resonates with ourselves? A mask that resonates with our shadow selves? For even in fanfiction, characters are our expression. They represent ourselves because we animate them to the mental dimension of others. And that is how we can also leave our mark in this world.

Many of us, after all, seek to matter. Seek to be related to. Seek to have our hearts seen by those who would be grateful, that they are still beating, despite life's struggles.

Part I: The Fall Of A Fallen Tyrant

With this engraved in your minds, let us delve into Starved, a broken scientist-dictator who got consumed by his own addiction for food...

Starved's name is ironic as well as tragic. He is the horror reincarnation of a conqueror who always loses, no matter how often, and how hard, he tries taking over the world. He, AKA Eggman, and Starved, are empty inside, no matter how much power they gain. Eggman is an anti-social megalomaniac who believes he is the only one genius and competent enough to subjugate the world under his leadership. For his egotistical obsession, he would cooperate with adversaries against common foes just so he would have the world for himself.

As "Starved", Eggman became far more competent, but only after he changed his ways. Giving up on world domination, he became a master chef, utilizing his robot armies to not only fight but to cook. Cook his enemies. He didn't want to oppress anymore, as much as we wanted to satiate his hunger, and turn reality into his personal inventory of ingredients.

Despite his insane competency, Starved still remained hungry as if he didn't eat anything. His addiction took a toll on his health. His appearance changed. He lost his titular moustache, his skin became red and he lost his lips. The "mighty conqueror" has been subverted, instead reduced to a slave to his extremely unhealthy addiction to a certain meat. Relentless and ruthless as "Starved" as well, Eggman would do anything to feed his cycle of endless desire.

He finally became immortal by gaining absolute control over time using the time stones. This was part of his master plan to make sure he will never starve, by being able to always return back in time. When he does this, he can replenish his food. Then, he can eat it again, and repeat as long as he likes.

The Folly of the Unexamined Genius

The intellect is an intimidating thing. It is a very powerful tool especially when it is used competently. Starved, you see, has no supernatural abilities by himself. He can't wrap reality and he is not invincible like Jason Voorhees.

The difference between him and us lies in his extreme depravity, or his extreme addiction. The Horror factor in him lies in the horrible submission of his incredibly high IQ, to his mind-consuming meat addiction. His extreme IQ alone makes him dangerous more than it may meet the eye. Despite this, he is not wise, nor traditionally, nor as "Starved". He never considered seriously enough the problems of following one's passions.

Ironically, this makes him stupid. And stupidity is someone else's resource. In this case, it is the resource of his immense void, whom he is not wise enough to learn, nor care, about overcoming it.

If Eggman was wise, he would understand his depravity is a problem, and work on fixing it in healthy ways. Ways that wouldn't necessitate oppressing people, nor consuming them. Even if we didn't turn Starved, even if Eggman conquered the world... Do you think he would be happy? Not necessarily. Most likely not, in fact.

Instead, he will reach for the stars to conquer them. If he is fit enough to conquer a single world, why wouldn't he be fit to conquer more worlds, and enslave entire alien populations for his own profit?

Hello, happy people! Buckle up as Eggman's Ultra-Accelerating Space Elevator whisks you to an interplanetary wonderland of fun!

Part II: The Real Power He Is Starved Of

To not have enough of something that is needed -- Cambridge Dictionary

I'm not really sure how one is supposed to manage to eat all of the wildlife in the world, until the idea of time travel, for that sake, is even vital. Either way, Eggman, even in this horrific reincarnation, is deceived by his own poor understanding of reality. He doesn't have to conquer the world. He doesn't have to eat all the creatures. He thinks he needs to because that's what his emotions tell him.

His passionate behavior makes him become a victim of his own delusion of necessity. And passion is often a product of addiction. You can see how violently passionate a man is when he plays a smartphone game, for example. He would invest much of his money just to get ahead in a game that could always be taken down in an online app store. Then, he would lose his access to that game, and also to all what he spent for it.

"But I need to buy that armor for my character so I can beat that level!"

Perhaps, but who said you need to beat that level? Who said you need to conquer? To eat so much until you will be completely full? The thing is, you don't. You are simply deluded that you need. And since you might never doubt it, you will continue in your agony, even after an accomplishment of your goal.

The Illusion of Not Being a Prisoner

Starved merely thinks he would starve. He won't. Not necessarily. He trusts his emotions too much. Therefore he will go on suffering, thinking he is all powerful. No. He utilizes his powers for a delusion. He is a prisoner of his own mind. And the warden are his false misconceptions on reality.

When we reframe his context like this, can we really say he is powerful just because he defeated all his enemies? Because he managed to acquire the means of time travel?

No. He is still starved.

He is starved of the lack of truth. Only the truth will set him free from his insane hunger for power, whether "gained" by territory, machinery, or vast supplies of food. For his hunger is a delusion.

Eggman was always starving. And the very fabric of reality itself will always be in danger because of how destructive his faith in his delusions are. His loyalty, in his cause.

Conclusions: The Evil Implications of Delusion

If you've seen the "Lion King", the main bad guys, the hyenas, were scammed into believing that they will never be hungry again. That was, indeed, their whole reasoning to join the competent villain, Scar. They mistook his revolutionary potential for something that would liberate them from their own desire for food.

And now, answer me this: How is the desire of eating, from a moral standpoint, something evil?

And "Starved" is nothing more than a meat-addicted scientist with an agonizing appetite that never seems to end. It's one of the reasons it's imperative to distinguish between hunger and appetite.

The question is: Must we be excessive just because our emotions and sensations tell us to? Excessiveness can delude the mind.

Furthermore, what practical use is a deluded mind? A mind that merely thinks it knows what it is doing, a slave to a platonic cave? A mind that already thinks it knows the truth, therefore doesn't bother to explore it?

On Being Sober

Consider the evil potential of delusion. Of how our delusions make us think others must suffer and be traumatized by our hand. Delusion is commonplace, and so are traumas. Can you see the connection?

The more people see such connections, between necessity and potential, the more we can restore this world back from its insane devolution, found by our own immoral use of technology.

A Starved Eggman can also be you.

And you already failed by denying the length of your own ignorance. It's merely difficult to admit failure.

We should already know how it's going to end. With the delusion of absolute victory.

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roland leblanc
roland leblanc
Sep 25, 2022

Interesting indeed!

Did you know how many cells we replace within a human body?

I have found an interesting article about this subject>

see Link:>

And, I have calculated from the figures they provided, that grosso modo, we have replaced our body weight once every 1000 days!

Conclusion: in order to survive and thrive, a human needs a mean to replace the killed cells once a three years I would say; thus, I would conclude that we need to be grateful that the Biosphere is providing the means for us to get what is needed !


Replying to

Most definitely, Mr. Leblanc. As organisms we depend on the biosphere, and it's all the more of a reason to care for the environment in general. Not only for ourselves but for the future generations of humanity. I actually didn't know that our body is technically "replaced" every 1k days. Truly interesting. Thanks for commenting.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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