That Which the Philosopher Glorifies.... (Poem)
Updated: Jul 31, 2024
No matter,
How much you ask,
Another question,
Can always result,
And the fatigue,
Will not depress,
Your own intrigue,
For humanity,
You may assist,
So you may ask,
In the endless task,
To hit the truth,
Because ignorance is too hard to be afoot.
The darkness is frustrating,
The internet is not omniscient.
Even if it pretends to truth,
There always may be a possibility,
To kick it with the hungry foot;
Every "fact", so-called,
Can be proven wrong,
Don't believe everything you see,
Or else you'll delude, thee.
Even if you want it to end your fear:
To always be in the dark,
To always be in the dark.
The true philosopher, is another Sisyphus,
That can stop rolling the stone, at any time,
But the thought of getting there,
At long last, finally,
Is so tempting,
The light at the top,
Is so delighting,
He doesn't want to stop,
Even if he'll be struck,
He despises being stuck,
Regardless of trust and luck!
Glory, to,
("4. Perpetual movement"
-- Dictionary Dot Com (Restlessness Definition & Meaning |
Even if I struggle to extensively read,
Due to constant fatigue,
Preservation of intrigue,