The Bad, Dark and Cruel Side In an Emotional Empath -- How Innocence Deceives (By Mr. Mandoela Svartgold)
Updated: Jan 19
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Article Synopsis by Mr. John Igwe and Co.
Mr. Mandoela Svartgold's article, "The Bad, Dark, and Cruel Side In an Emotional Empath -- How Innocence Deceives," delves into the struggles faced by emotional empaths, highlighting how their inherent innocence and trust can lead to victimization and manipulation.
Drawing from personal experiences and philosophical insights, Svartgold highlights the destructive impact of toxic relationships on empaths and offers advice for overcoming these challenges.
Key points include victimhood and manipulation, internal struggles, misunderstood kindness, negative self-perception, and practical advice for empaths. He advocates for self-awareness, setting boundaries, and understanding one's own worth. He also suggests practices like mindfulness, gratitude, and critical evaluation of others' behavior to help empaths protect themselves and regain mental independence.
Svartgold's use of personal anecdotes adds authenticity and relatability to the article, allowing readers to connect with the experiences shared by empaths. The integration of philosophical insights provides a deeper understanding of the emotional and psychological complexities faced by empaths.
Practical advice for empaths includes practicing mindfulness, gratitude, and critical evaluation of others' behavior to improve mental and emotional well-being. Emphasis is placed on self-awareness and introspection, encouraging a journey toward self-empowerment. Encouraging boundaries is also emphasized, especially for empaths who struggle with saying "no".
Overall, Mr. Svartgold's article is a heartfelt and insightful exploration of the challenges faced by empaths, with potential for a highly impactful piece that resonates deeply with its intended audience.
The Difficulties In (Co)Dependency Relationships
Today I want to talk about a distressing topic. These tips are from my life as well as from a philosophical understanding.
The internal judgmental self-critical and environmental eye; It is the eye that every person has. It's just that an empathic person lived his life in an environment where control was in the hands of his family, and he chose the path of honesty, love, and innocence.
The problem is, that this thing created victimhood in him. He is more susceptible to manipulation and distortions of thinking because he believes in the world without creating doubt in the other. He was chosen because he made doubt in himself. And self-doubt drew him to be a victim in the family. Or in society.
The dark side that the empath lives in is an evil and cruel one. This side confronted him. This side devalues him and continues the verbal violence that the empath went through in his life. For a moment he did not stop and think about the consequences of his kindness and his personal time given to others.
And that's because most of them agreed that family is important no matter what. And because he had no money to pay to get out of this situation.
When he felt anxiety, alienation, devaluation and saw his parents or certain people dirtying his name. He was all in a panic. Of horror and not knowing what to do with this fear. He was all frozen.
He felt unworthy of love. For affection, encouragement, and support for effective treatment from the environment. And he didn't stop to think for a moment. He does not want to think that his parents or the close environment are abusing him, because they need an emotional response from him.
The Introspection Towards Understanding the Truth
This made him choose negative thoughts. He received a thought distortion in which it would appear to him to be a mistake, which is different, which are negative words thrown at him.
He started thinking about how he was different and how he wouldn't get anywhere. When people underestimated him, he saw it as a source of concern and true love only because he was told that everything is about love and that "you do not want us to love you".
At that time, they rummaged through his belongings. He did not know that it was mental violence because society is not ready to bring it to the awareness of the truth.
He started sharing everything about his life because he was told he was evil. And evil, because he cares about his interests as well as for others. And for himself and his health. And to be good, he must share the feelings.
That made him think about emotions. To develop and strengthen critical and toxic emotional thinking. When people were mean to him or teased him, he didn't understand at all and said to himself:
Yet, this did not happen.
When he was publicly embarrassed, or when they spread half-true or false rumours about him, he tried to be a peacemaker. Tried to appease at any cost. Even if the cost to his mentality is great.
His high attention was mainly to the negative words spoken to him casually. And why? Because he is alone and without true friends, but with self-doubt.
What is respect? It's a thing one must for others. That's what he thought. He believed people who
promised him money, help and what not. However, they disappointed him time and time again. He was easily distracted by negative words, or demeaning looks from others.
The killing words will be of excellent value to him although a negative one. And he gave them room to make him miserable.
He has not learned who he is, what his self-identity is, and what he is capable of. What if he gifted to give to others more than he thinks?
When he studied in high school and failed repeatedly, he did not see it as an opportunity to learn understand and connect with what he loves. His brilliant mind was not manifested. Because society has decided who and what he is. What other options were there? Only options suitable for them and whatnot. Not options, suited for him.
What is good and what is bad? What is okay to do and what not to do? And how to keep secrets? In order to be good, even if it will shoot him in the foot, he put secrets deep inside his soul. These secrets trampled every cell in his body. Secrets for which he was silenced for. Secrets for which he was physically abused for. Secrets for which he received gifts when he withheld their story.
He was taught that he was better off alone. No. He was never alone. He always was with
people who hurt him. And with other people who made sure to reduce his self-esteem. And
rummage through his belongings. And blame him for their hardships and crimes. And
that's how he lived.
So, until he understood, he suddenly he grew up. He left the house. At first, he was concerned and afraid that he would be left alone. Later he realized that it is better to be alone than with people who do not support or encourage action and independence and constantly criticize him.
How To Manage With the Verdict of Being of Empath-hood
That's how I lived for years.
I moved to the place I rented. I began to understand that I had to take matters into my own hands. And helping others is good. It shouldn't be done at my expense.
Today I will give you a gift—a gift from me how empathetic you are who identify with my words. You can also take care of yourself. The first thing I want to say is first understand. Understand what you have been through. What was your emotional childish head thinking? By that knowledge, understand how to take care of yourself.
Understand what they did to you. Understand what exists in your mind because you were loyal to them. Understand and recognize that you had self-doubt. That you felt toxic guilt. Tell yourself, I understand that what I went through has consequences for my life. And I understand that it will take me time. And I need to set a boundary to take care of myself and my needs.
Stop ignoring repressed anger inside you. You will do yourself a big favor if you pay attention to it. This way, you will avoid abandoning the feeling of depression, but face it head-on instead. Understand that whoever comes into your life, those are everywhere. You can manage with one, not necessarily with many. And such a person is not worthy of you even if he is "nice" to others.
Is he nice to me?
Does he deserve me?
What is the motivation to contact him?
Pay attention to the words he uses. Does he make you feel that you have exaggerated your description? Does he deny misfortune that happened? Is he silent when you tell him something where he might get emotional support? Does he use the words I love you and care about you? In practice it feels different?
The behavior is decisive. And according to his or their behavior you can crack that person. Do you feel you have to wear a mask, and be different? Are you going back to childhood and feeling helpless again?
Are you helpless?
Pay attention to every word and you will understand that he might want to make you
The very destructive and evil part of being an emotional empath is accepting people and thinking you can save them from themselves. That you can change them. That you manage their lives. That their responsibility is not because they imposed silent treatment on you.
Once you understand you will act.
First, get yourself out of the situation of helplessness and become a mentally independent person.
Words of Departure
Read what I wrote. Understand. Thank you all. I have given you a gift for those who are empathetic enough to understand what I am saying and take care of yourselves.
I also recommend gratitude. And mindfulness. I also listed here most of the methods for treating this empath's problem. First, understanding the bad side that comes with it. Second, understanding people's motives. And thirdly, understanding that emotional reactions can kill you, given that the empath's reactions are stronger than most. This could lead to unwanted results from others.
And not everyone deserves to receive any attention from you. Who deserves it? It's
good to study the behavior, to discern who is worthier, and who isn't.
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