The Rubinshteinic Paradigm To Foster Your Best Audience
Updated: Feb 9

The Rubinshteinic Paradigm To Foster Your Best Audience
Article Summary by Mr. Roland Leblanc
In this article : The Rubinshteinic Paradigm To Foster Your Best Audience, Mr. Rubinshtein is delivering to us his tips and tricks about how to implement and attract a valuable audience for the purpose of enabling a site as his to be growing with a steady pace and become a valuable attractive site worth reaching!
One must be prepared to be patient and take his or her time in order to build a valuable site; understanding always, always has to come from the other side…
Consequently, be prepared to adjust your content in order to reach the other person with whom you wish to share some valuable content! You help others, you help yourself. That's the theory of unity.
Mastering an art as this one of producing a site of values means dedicating some time and spending a lot of time re-adjusting accordingly…
Part I: The Heart of The Issue
The most effective communication stems from genuine desire. By genuine desire, I mean, in a way that comes not from you, but from the other side.
In the art of communication, understanding always, always has to come from the other side.
For the other side to understand you, you need to encourage them to do it in the first place. For that, you actually need to develop something called a "Theory of mind" towards the other person.
Based on whatever data you have on your audience... Try to understand how you would approach them in a way that will make them want to listen to you/consume your content.
I'm a mastermind. Masterminds are mysterious as much as philosophers are.
I develop several techniques and plan on the long term using abstract concepts.
You plan a way to attract and focus on the long term.
That's because dedication takes sacrifice, and the sacrifice most often is literally the ability to be patient.
Like a hunter in the woods, you can literally make the other side come to you.
The more you make the other side be attracted, the more you can avoid battles.
Never overexert yourself too much or it will ruin your health.
You ought to be calculated because "slow and steady wins the race".
Hastiness only destroys.
That includes attracting your audience.
The Perceived Disregard
An audience that listens, reads, or watches out of obligation will be disengaged and ineffective. A smaller, enthusiastic audience is far more valuable than a large, indifferent one.
People can easily feel you're being arrogant over them because you may talk to them without understanding them.
They feel that towards you, they forsake you.
Developing a theory of mind is imperative in order to build the content matrix you want to see in this world.
You have to consider them, occasionally more than yourself.
This Principle Of Quality Over Quantity is Evident in the Classroom:
Students often learn passively due to compulsory attendance, regardless of the material's value.
Students can easily be disloyal and rebellious because they feel they are not seen for who they are.
Successful communication requires effective "marketing" to cultivate genuine interest.
Part II: Materialization 101
To be an effective communicator, you must present your message with emotionless passion and compelling reasoning.
This makes the material not just valuable, but also attractive and desirable.
The value of content does not automatically translate to audience engagement. As written, it takes time. A lot... a lot of time.
Even in distraction-free environments, internal distractions like thoughts and emotions can diminish attention.
This explains why we often forget much of what we learn in school, as much of our memory is personal, therefore nostalgic mainly to us.
As one can deduce, personal problems literally interfere with what is considered conventional success.
Conventional success means whatever the context your local folk would see you as successful.
You literally need to think with yourself, what is the success you want to get in this world.
Success may comply you to work extremely hard per your ambitions.
Often times, the sacrifice you're making is your own happiness.
You fail your way to success. Failure is difficult but inevitable.
Part III: The Essence of Loyalty
The focus should be on building a loyal audience, not just a large one.
Yes, even loyalty takes time.
Loyalty is gained by demonstrating your content's worth to the world.
Why is a loyal audience crucial?
Impact: Loyal followers are more likely to be deeply impacted by your message, engage with you, and contribute to your vision of success.
Influence: They actively spread your message, amplifying your reach and impact.
Authenticity: A genuine connection with your audience fosters authenticity and allows you to make a lasting impact.
Mutuality: The more you understand each other the better.
Note: Self Discovery is what you need to foster the audience that can resonate with you.
I am an esoteric article craftsman. I thus find myself often attracting fellow esoteric intellects.
Cults (The more contemporary meaning of the term) exemplify the negative consequences of an audience manipulated and exploited against its will. They are authoritarian, involuntarily-isolating, and often driven by self-serving leaders.
This is solved by sorting out your personal problems and stop self-denying them.
You have to keep asking yourself if you are indeed a social person AKA extrovert or an introvert.
Be honest with yourself what you really want to do when building something (like an empire of whatever else that shall attract an audience).
True Freedom:
True audience engagement is built on the freedom of choice. Individuals should be free to follow or unfollow without pressure.
Develop this habit of looking both ways to understand better why your audience may use their freedom the way they do.
My goal is to build a loyal readership that genuinely enjoys and values my work in a way that will help them. The Philosocom Article Empire is about contributing meaningfully to the world using the power of philosophy and humanity.
I aim to create a valuable resource platform for readers, much like a bustling metropolis of interconnected articles.
This will demonstrate the value of my genius to this world: Rectifying this world using my glorious empire.
I prefer to rectify this world than to dominate it.
You give up on your ego, you grow up from ego-based ambitions.
To build something and make it endure, you must be disciplined and see reality more pragmatically.
In this world, building something to last long is not easy at all.
All what I already described to you is not easy, especially when it concerns something as big as an article empire.
A Food For Thought:
“When great empires fall, historians theorise, they fall so slowly that their demise isn’t even noticeable to those who live through it. It has to be reconstructed generations later, when the dust has settled and the patterns hidden behind seemingly random events can finally be made out.” -- M.R. Carey
When it comes to the virtual world, whatever your definition of success might be, it lies in building a loyal and engaged audience through genuine connection and meaningful content.
This approach, built on respect and freedom, is far more effective and impactful than any attempt to force engagement.
The more you grow to respect this approach, the more you might find yourself developing virtue and becoming a better person yourself.