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How To See The World In the Eyes of The Elderly (And Maturity Directory)

Updated: Feb 25

The Elderly

The Directory

The Article

What is to be described as an elder is first and foremost a cultural and subjective thing. Different cultures may define differently who are their elderly. For most people, the fact that someone is older than you doesn't define them as your elder. That is even though they are, indeed, more elder than you are, AKA, more aged than you are.

Influenced by eastern philosophies such as Buddhism and Taoism, Asian cultures are defined by a great reverence towards their elderly.

The reason I identify as "Stomarian" online is because I find it difficult to embrace western-based cultures that put a greater emphasis on hedonism and having fun more than revering their elders. In fact, I feel quite shameful to be identified as a young western man when I find myself orienting to the morality of asceticism and of wellbeing.

As a result I do not believe in the Western idea of happiness, or in the idea that we should strive to be happy. Negative. I believe wellbeing and taking care of others is more important than our own happiness.

I always had this idea that we are interconnected, and it is something I find many older folk realizing as well. The reason I spend my life in solitude is because I weirdly live like a typical old man myself. I am alone and mainly on my computer. Even when I lived with my mother, I always lived distinctively from her in small rooms. Speaking and communicating with older folk was always easier for me and far more pleasant as well. I find most of them more inclusive and understanding than others.

I also find myself having far greater respect to older folk than younger folk. I find younger folk caring less about people that are older than them. I find them more mentally weak than I am, succumbing more easily to depression, despair and to whining. I find them more oriented towards financial materialism and personal gain over caring about others. It was always difficult for me as a result to partake in normal society... specifically, Western society.

I like being full of heart, the more I rest. Whenever I have guests, which is very, very few times, I always enjoyed hosting them and giving them coffee, water and tea. Hospitality is one of my biggest joys and whenever it happens I am simply very much excited. It was how I was raised by both my late granny and my current one.

My values I prioritized over my own wellbeing, as I took care of my mother for 17 years. Caretaking her was never easy due to her bipolar.

My own personal gain was very difficult for me to prioritize all my life. I always knew I do not live in a vacuum. I lived life largely like an old hermit because I took care of my mother and enjoyed writing in solitude.

It's very difficult for me to see myself as an infantile man, even though infantility is a stereotype towards autistic people. I live like a hermit and as such I may be seen as an egoist and a narcissist. In reality, however I really just enjoy resting in peace (while being alive) and helping people with free philosophical articles.

I think people are tired and overexerted in general nowadays. I find socializing hard not only because I prefer writing. People are tired and prefer to see each other according to stereotypes and demographics. It is hard for me to accept this because most people who don't know me more deeply will think I am just an autist who is detached from reality.

I like to be alone because the wise warrior avoids the battle. I have no regrets leaving social media as a result. I do not find joy in bothering others and I do not feel joy in being bothered myself. In this alienating age even family members might not know each other enough.

It is hard for me to move along with this world's currents and trends because I find little reason to do so. I see much of humanity as those who forsakes their elders simply because they can be difficult people to be around. How can I accept this widespread culture of forsaking the very people that helped us grow? The very people whom we enjoyed being around? Assuming they weren't malicious, of course...

Why would I enjoy personal pleasures? No. I prefer to have my writings in public for all to enjoy, instead. I find little reason to just keep my thoughts to myself when my thoughts can help others. When I fulfil requests I fulfil them heartfully. If I need to take care of something I just take care of it with no whining.

Playing video games can easily feel vain. Eating delicious treats can easily feel vain. So much of what many folk would consider pleasant, my brain often experiences it as vain. I enjoy connecting through the heart, and separating who I am from my work was and will always be very difficult.

Like my late master I do not like pretending and I do not like masking. Having much power over others made me realize how wrong it is to be emotionally detached from the very people you enjoy helping. I don't like screaming at anyone and I don't like arguing in general.

Philosophy is considered a niche subject in my eyes, simply because it isn't profitable. Simply because it is hard to cater philosophy to the masses. A lot of people may see philosophy as just logic. No. Philosophy is an exploration of ideas and the very fabric of reality. I really think philosophy is that great.

If the world forsakes the elderly, forsakes philosophy and cares less about virtue, then why would I not be more introverted? If I am relatively content with what I have, why should I be greedy? If liberty has a very deep dark side that causes grief and suffering, why should I live freely at the expanse of virtue?

This sense of wonder is something all humans should have in my opinion. It is a great spark, an inner point of light that allows us to live our lives with far less agony.

Many older folk, of course they would stereotypically see me as a young, naive man more than any of my readers. I can understand that. Yet, the tides of human civilization is changing, as we are technically in a Second Cold War. I find it a period that is based on forsaking and exploiting others.

It is... hard for me to cooperate with a world that encourages deceit, forsaking and war. As a child I remember being afraid of the idea of shooting other people. I remember crying about it a lot. I am glad I was never drafted to any such organization despite being a militarist.

It is easier for other people because some countries may perform social engineering on them all their lives, making them more compliant with state demands. However, hearing from my late granny that the world has forsaken her... Honestly, how could I not resist the very system that is supposed to educate me towards greater virtue?

I disagree with how much of the Western world goes, so I simply don't partake in it. My isolation from it is ethical. I choose to speak to people based on their functionality and their morality. The world is getting more and more expensive, I know. And yet it's even difficult for me to partake in it because I prefer to keep resting after I saved people from themselves. I prefer to rest and to philosophize.

I go my own ways in life and it could be seen like I have no regard for the world that I am in. Negative, I care very much about this world, otherwise I wouldn't write philosophy online with my name visible to all of you. If I didn't care about this world I wouldn't even be honest with you.

What I honestly like is love, more than authority. What I like, is to live in harmony with others. What I like is to live a pro-health life. What I like is virtue. And I enjoy respecting older folk more than anyone else on this planet.

In fact, I think a lot of people, those who are in esteemed positions, are far more inconsiderate than me when they choose to exploit other people. I do not like exploiting anyone and I don't really have that kind of depravity in me when I was in authority over others. My depravity stemmed from the need to rectify this world, more than anything...

Finally, I like seeing the world from the lens of older folk. This is why those who mainly agree with me in my conversations are these exact demographics. I cannot deem the industrial revolution an innovative thing. I do not understand how in the world forsaking others because of long-work hours is innovative. I do not understand how polluting the very planet we are a part of is innovative. I do not know how letting AI take care of everything, as if we are children, is innovative.

In fact, beyond the very essential need for telecommunication, security, medicine, transportation and engineering... Why would I deem any of the awful depravities of a hyper-industrialized world, a blessing?

Why would I deem wars and conflicts a blessing unless they are inevitable? Why would I deem hyper-realistic graphics in certain media a blessing when there is little philosophical depth?

Weirdly enough, returning back to being humans who enjoy speaking and laughing with our dear ones... In my eyes that is the next most necessary innovation than any of these empty-hearted technological advancements.

It is no wonder the world has left her. I cannot, and should not, dominate the planet. Instead I would just resort to the joys of work and to the joys of a simple life. I grow to find depth in simplicity more than in any other artificial innovation!

In these artificial advancements, we become depraved... So awfully depraved. How, how could I accept it if I don't have to?


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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