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The English Language

Updated: Dec 29, 2024

An old english town

To put it simply -- English is truly one's most valuable assets in today's world, not only because it is an international language, but also because it is basically your key to freedom from your local circle of socialization. What do I mean by that?

If you wish to truly achieve the optimal potential of becoming both well versed on many topics, and exposed to many information channels, developing relationships that would otherwise be non-existent, and so on, then learning English is currently imperative to truly becoming a knowledgeable, modern individual.

Unless your native language is English -- those who abandon the pursuit of enhancing their English skills, will be confined to the knowledge, insight, and communication of those who speak their own local language or languages.

Some are completely fine with not being able to speak or communicate in any other way with the world outside their one or more countries. However, in the end, life will only become richer (intellectually) once one learns at least one international language that even someone from the other side of the world can understand.

It's really understandable why it isn't needed in the eyes of some. Some take a more isolationist approach, believing that their local region is more important than the rest of the world.

Some just give up on studying another language because it's too hard for them, as learning a new language is no easy task. Whatever the case may be, like earning a degree, learning languages isn't something anyone is capable of succeeding at.

Ultimately, learning an international language pays off as you basically increase your potential as a human being. It's more than just lifting a heavier weight; its like "spawning another arm"... The more languages you know, the less help you'll need from translators to do the job for you. And with the incompetence of others, out of your way, you can expose yourself to new experiences that would otherwise be unattainable.

Honestly, I don't know where I'd be if I didn't know English.

If you knew me more personally (which others ever do), you would say that English has saved me from becoming a delusional disciple of a series of documents that might as well no longer be relevant in today's world.

Why has English "saved me" from locality, so to speak? When you look at many other traditions and peoples, you will find wisdom that exceeds your own localized entitlement. English, beyond the language itself, can teach us that one isn't necessarily as good as they think they are -- skilled, wise, and so on. Internationality allows us to look beyond the sphere of our own tribal bias.

When a fish is in an aquarium, they might think they are all big and mighty, but when thrown out into the ocean, they realize they are not as dominant as they thought.

This is why I also oppose the idea of nationalism -- any nationalism. Why some people may think that a specific nation is great? Surely if they were raised in Iran, they might've held a different perspective. Our local environment naturally biases us towards itself, towards its own tribes," clans," and so on.

Thus, if we wish to become wiser beings, we ought to transcend our local socialization and experience other stuff as well. That goes for the esoteric as well! And you can simply begin doing just that by knowing English or any other language of international practicality.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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