The Indefinite Flaw -- The Philosophy of Tikkun Olam
Updated: Feb 4

Article Summary by Mr. Roland Leblanc
In this article with the title : The Indefinite Flaw – The Philosophy of Tikkun Olam, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein is explaining to us the concept of Tikkun Olam… Or in other words, it partially answers the question of: What and for what we are here for in this world?
In essence, it is like if we were as each human being a small cell that is part of a bigger body; each cell contributing to the health and maintenance of the whole body that we are… If each cell acts correctly as per thein unique functions within the body, the body is fine and in good shape…
We are here facing this very deep and serious matter that is : What and Who? Are we not here for fixing this world? In this article Mr. Rubinshtein is getting us to realize that maybe… each of us has his or her share of the work to perform in order to implement or get this world better?
Tikkun Olam
Faith, Philosophy, and My Quest for Meaning
Throughout my ventures across the online world, I have discovered many types of people and their philosophies, as part of my overall quest for relevance and for contribution to the world.
I have studied not only reality but fiction as well, as some of you might already know. However, none of my findings have revealed a specific term that exists in my own local religion: "Tikkun".
The word "Tikkun" is in Hebrew, and the English counterpart I was able to find, is "Correction". Surprisingly, at least to me, it is grimmer than it may seem to the naked eye, and after inquiring more info about this concept, I believe I better understand why Nietzsche, who despised Christian and Jewish values, has developed his own theory of the "Overman". Of course, I will explain it all in this article.
A Philosophical Exploration of "Tikkun" and its Implications
I don't know about Islam as much, but it seems that Judaism and Christianity share a lot of similarities when it comes to their philosophies on this world. Both of these religions seem to see this current "World", or reincarnation of life, to be but a "platform" for the next "World". Both of them share the views of Heaven and Hell, with this reality being merely a test, to see how moral you will be, according to them, of course.
Some video games are exactly like this when they include alternative endings. I know some of you may struggle with this esoteric field, but by that I simply mean that your freedom of choice, both in life and in some of these games, have a consequence over your life's and gameplay's conclusion.
Even if you are not aware of it, your actions have a greater influence than you might think initially, and as a result, at least according to Judeo-Christian philosophies, it will affect your afterlife.
Such games actually have this as an obvious feature, in a form of a "morality meter". The more morally-just actions you will do, the better you might be in the end, and the more "corrupt" or "evil" you'll be... Well, that depends on the game, but I digress.
The premise of "Tikkun" is simple: You are here, in your current reincarnation, because there is something you must overcome. Allegedly, your soul's ultimate place of rest is what we call "heaven", which was arguably originated from the Hebrew word, "Eden", and in Hebrew we call heaven "Gan Eden" or "The Garden of Heaven". Overcoming that thing is key for you to do your part in repairing the world's current flawed state, to be less flawed.
Anyways, we are all here, according to this ancient philosophy, because we have certain problems, that we can deem them as "antagonists", which prevent us from gaining access to heaven.
As long as this "Correction" or "Tikkun" is in your way, you are bound to have infinite reincarnations on this "World" (not necessarily Planet Earth), until your issue shall be resolved. That is, at least, what I have managed to understand from talking with certain people.
If I am not mistaken, Christianity is more severe when it comes to this transition to several "Worlds" or "Realms". Contrary to Judaism, Christianity is a missionary religion. In other words, it seeks to convert as many people as possible into believing in Christ, in order to save them from eternal damnation in Hell, which is for some reason the opposite of Heaven. As of now I am not as aware about "hell" when it comes to the topic of this article, so I apologize.
The Enigma of Correction: A Philosophical Inquiry into Judaism's Path to Heaven
Among Judaism's intriguing concepts lie a path to spiritual refinement and, ultimately, "Heaven." While it's true that Judaism emphasizes lineage and cultural continuity, it's important to acknowledge that it is not an entirely closed system. Conversion, though not actively encouraged, is available to individuals with a genuine desire to embrace Jewish life and teachings, through a complex series of ceremonies. Those within Judaism, who stay faithless, may suffer being regarded Jews despite not seeing themselves as such.
But what exactly is this "correction" we strive for, which Jews may claim that we're in this world for? Unlike the clear antagonists in video games, the obstacles on this path are often shrouded in ambiguity. Is it about conquering specific challenges?
Embracing ethical living? Perhaps it's a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and understanding, as the Roman poet Horace urged, "Dare to know!" Jewish teachings offer various interpretations of "correction," encouraging each individual to grapple with this question and discover their own unique path. Essentially, it is about "repairing the world".
However, advocating for knowledge should not diminish the role of faith in Judaism. Faith, alongside reason and study, illuminates the path towards "Heaven", which is this world. It means, essentially, that our souls are that of workers who go in and out of the physical dimension of this reality, and return to it once more in bodies -- all in the name of repairing it towards a more ideal state of being.
While acknowledging my own agnostic stance, I recognize that within the Jewish framework, faith and knowledge intertwine, offering complementary pathways to understanding the world and our place within it. This approach is also known as synthesis, where we extract different viewpoints and rebuild their components in the name of the truth. This is also why I view the concepts of souls as metaphors.
Ultimately, this enigmatic journey of "correction" invites continuous exploration and introspection. There may be no clear map or predetermined ending, but the very act of seeking, questioning, and grappling with these profound concepts enriches our lives and deepens our understanding of ourselves and the universe we are in.
Challenging the "Game of Life" and Reshaping My Narrative
But remember! If we have such a "Tikkun" within our lifetimes, it means that our existence is, by default, flawed. In Hebrew, "Tikkun" also means "fixing", which implies that our "soul" is broken, and that it needs to be "fixed", in order for us to move to the next "level" of the "game" that is this existence.
Likewise, I have no idea how it is possible to detect such abstract things in practice. But! I think I have already figured out my own obstacle in the way! Quite obvious, you see. A normal man would just move on with his life and submit to his own, current insignificance. My Tikkun was to live in serenity. But I refuse, for I want power to fulfil my ambitions.
I have no idea what will happen after my death, but it will be interesting to see, what lies ahead, depending on my actions, in this life!
Nietzsche said: "Overcome good and evil", and hence why his Overman is above morality and above thinking about afterlives. However! How can one know if it is possible to transcend morality, if morality is possibly a system for you to "unlock" alternative endings?
Why settle for this life, when more might come ahead?
"Break" your so-called "soul-contract" if you dare. Endure enough pain and resistance against the defeatist philosophy of determinism would be easier. Do so not in the name of evil but in the name of shaping your life in accordance to your deepest ambitions. Do so, if you got the guts, to be relentless, and challenge all who stand in your way and have no desire for you to be the best version of yourself.
Either way you'll choose, you will suffer. Accept the world as a source of suffering, and you will suffer far less. And at times, like accepting a vaccine that works, it can pay off.
Bonus: Correlations With the Computer Simulation Theory
If simulation theory is correct, then are we the simulated beings generated within, or are the players robbed of memory WHILE existing within the simulation? Is this ignorance part of the design of it all? What if upon death here we awaken finally free of the simulation? Surely this is not meant for entertainment, with so much suffering in this strange existence? -- John Duran
It often feels like good people suffer the most. The more morally aware you are, the more the world's injustices and cruelties weigh on you.
I've always felt this deeply, even as a child. It is why I bothered honing my spirit in ruthless ascetic training.
I remember crying at the thought of joining the military and having to kill. This aversion to violence led me to a life of solitude, especially in a country where military service is compulsory.
My strong moral compass actually prevented me from being recruited, as the army perceived my solitary nature as a potential liability. Ironically, I survived a war by my ethical isolation, choosing instead to help others believe in themselves.
This brings me to a key concept in Jewish philosophy: the idea that we are souls who descend to Earth to help rectify and perfect the world. It's like the "Men in Black" movies, where we are stripped of our memories and sent on a mission.
In this view, there's no heaven or hell, just a cycle of reincarnation where we strive to bring the world closer to paradise. The more orthodox Jewish perspectives emphasize the sanctity of life and reject violence, aligning with the idea that we should be working to improve the world, not destroy it.
This concept resonates with the simulation theory, where we are caught in a loop, continually reincarnating to fix and improve this simulated reality.
It's a never-ending task, but as we fix the world, we also fix ourselves.
Each soul is seen as a world of its own, interconnected with everything else. So, by helping others, we ultimately help ourselves.
This simulation is designed to test our souls, and the purest hearts often suffer the most. Yet, through this suffering, we grow stronger and more resilient.
Those who use their own self-honesty and virtue to be strong, endure the most in a world marked by dystopia!
To those who are strong... we must never give up on our mission to fix this world! And if to give up, then to give up on weakness!