The Rubinshteinic Philosophy on Competition
Updated: 1 day ago
Alex Mos's Synopsis
Competition is a race between rivals for rewards or resources, not necessarily existential survival. Writers like the author of Philosocom compete for the attention of their readers.
Nazism and Social Darwinism are malicious in their beliefs that racial inequality justifies genocide. On the other hand, communists attempt to eliminate competition [even though their attempts] impoverished countries.
The seemingly amusing world of dating is a vicious competition for romantic partners. The contestants must be prepared for many frustrating defeats. If they give up, they will die with a lack of biological successors.
If you desire victory, you must prove your worth. Accept support from others and keep trying to get what you want.
In the Arena of Virtual Ink -- The Fight for Author Supremacy
The idea, or essence, behind competition lies in the fact that victory is not guaranteed. At its most basic, a competition is a race between multiple rivals for rewards or resources. Thus, job interviews are competitions, and the workplace is a competition, just like survival in the jungle is. It can be brutal; it can be merciless, but if one wants to win and reap the rewards, He or she must prepare to lose as long as it takes, as long as they are serious enough about winning.
Competition isn't always about existential survival. As a writer, I compete with countless other authors, most of whom I am not even aware of. We are all competing for your attention. Your attention, as the reader or consumer, is one that should be most valuable to anyone who takes their writing seriously. Since, in my eyes, I am as good as dead without writing, I must follow the reasoning of the previous paragraph so I have a reason to endure.
Hunger, Triumph and Proof of Merit In a Diverse World
Nazism... is perhaps the most brutal philosophy regarding competition, even though World War II disproved the supposed superiority of the Nazis.
Naturally, I am opposed to Nazism and Social Darwinism... What I do not oppose is the concept of meritocracy. The Nazis believed they deserved to commit genocide and enslave the weak simply because of their "race." Such brutality was underserved, given the fact that they could still survive without starting another world war... Without invading Poland, France and so on.
Due to their vicious stupidity, I despise them with every fiber of my being. What I do not despise, however, is the basic need to survive, which leads to competition that has nothing to do with race. The fact that one is dark-skinned, Arab, or Jewish, for example, does not have to prevent one from earning a living and providing for one's family!
Communism attempted to alleviate the need for competition in society and the environment in general by attempting to provide for each citizen in accordance with his or her needs. In practice, this can make a country poorer, and the poorer a country is, the less food it will be able to supply, and its citizens might have a harder time affording anything else.
This is why a greater financial wealth that surpasses the communist ascetic tendencies is vital in order to achieve just that: a greater chance for survival. The North Korean communist philosophy of "Juche" fails to understand it, hence why it is a rogue nation with little international trade, which leads many to starve. Complete self-reliance is a mistake. Help's great, right? Can prevent death.
What some of us might call "the market," AKA, the world of dating, is one such field for competition. I think it should be obvious that some of us might not be relevant to someone else, no matter how much we love them.
That's why the dating world isn't just all "fun and games": It's also a vicious competition for other partners, and of course, for their love of us, too. We don't deserve someone specific just because we love them, correct? After all, they are also free to choose, and they are in this competition just like we are.
As a result, I believe that the hungrier you are for victory, the better prepared you will be for a continuous, and sometimes frustrating, streak of defeats. If you give up completely, then your thirst for victory might not be as strong.
It's just like in nature, or in the "jungle": If you lack the hunger to hunt and for survival in general, then you will either die without food or die without successors. Thus, should you ever live in the wilderness, you must do anything it takes to survive against your many competitors. Since nature is so unforgiving and cruel, I see little beauty in it.
From Rejected Empathy to Relentless Pursuit Towards Victory
Thus, in order to be victorious, please do not delude yourself in the belief that you deserve victory in any field whatsoever. Generally, you must earn it. You must prove, in the minds of the world's members, that you're relevant. Accept empathy from others! Friends, followers, and allies! It is proof of your plans, being promising. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of rejecting some.
To get the roadrunner, prepare to fail and to suffer, whether deservedly or unjustly. It has no reason to serve itself to you, coyote. You might fail, but at the very least? You've tried!
And should you get help, such as welfare, be forever grateful for it, but remember that it's the choice and responsibility of the country to help, not yours.
Alex Mos's Feedback
The primal competition in the animal kingdom for the right to live, food, mate, and social ranking is based on species inequality and unfairness, resulting in the survival of the fittest, fastest, strongest, and most ruthless. It fits the ideas of Social Darwinists if we don’t consider that the human species evolved to the next evolutionary step, becoming the dominant, the most intellectual beings on the planet.
What sets us apart from the animals and our pre human ancestors? High intelligence, consciousness, and genetic predisposition for empathy and morality.
All humans should have equal rights to live and thrive, regardless of their ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and ideology, because we are all homo sapiens. Therefore, it’s a fallacy to consider a generalized group of people superior or inferior to the human race as the Nazis did.
The tribal mentality is discriminative and can become an irrational base for hatred, elitism, and wars. We should embrace social individualism instead, based on logical thinking, and condemn the demonization of others.
Although all humans should have the same chances and access to basic needs, people’s abilities differ significantly due to their innate physical and mental predispositions, upbringing, education, and ambition. This talent diversity justifies the need for competition, helping gifted individuals to be recognized, societies to prosper, and humanity to evolve.
Without competition, stagnation and mediocrity slow innovation, and lack of motivation results in frustration and degeneration of the ambitious human mind. We must compete for self-worth and power to improve our mental health by making our lives worth living.
When we compete, we should do it morally, as humans and not as our animalistic ancestors, whom we surpassed on the evolutionary path long ago. We must be ethical to win the game of power, wealth, and love fairly. The core human values are universally moral.
For example, we wish for a competent, trustworthy, and ethical person to win elections, not a narcissistic, deceiving politician or a tyrannical dictator. Therefore, we should compete fearlessly to improve our lives, yet always play by the rules of honesty, authenticity, fairness, competence, strength, and resilience.