The Philosophy of the Galactic Empire -- Why Oppression Isn't the Way to Rule
Updated: 1 day ago
Ms. Tamara Moskal's Synopsis
The Galactic Empire in the Star Wars universe is an example of oppressive rule, with the leader holding the ultimate power and crushing all rebellion. The technologically superior military does not hesitate to commit genocide, enslave races, and annex allies.
The philosophy of oppressive regimes has many flaws. The Empire maintains control by suppressing individualism, creativity, and progress, leading to stagnation and rebellion vulnerability.
Oppressive systems often justify their ideologies by demonizing social minorities or glorifying the superiority of a dominant group. In the Star Wars universe, Emperor Palpatine embodies the grandiose narcissist, and narcissism often underlies oppression. Therefore, promoting empathy and critical thinking is crucial to preventing narcissists from manipulating societies
The ways to combat oppression are to speak up against injustice, encourage equality, and embrace diversity.
The comparison between the Galactic Empire and American consumerism illustrates the danger of excessive materialism. Overvaluing materialism can lead to an exploitative consumer culture and loss of individuality, similar to the Empire's regime.
Introduction: The Narcissistic Oppression of the Galactic Empire
The Galactic Empire, while undeniably a powerful presence in the Star Wars universe, serves as a warning against the pitfalls of oppressive rule. Real life examples to the Galactic Empire include: The Roman Empire, Nazi Germany and the First French Empire. It is a combination of an absolute monarchy (the opposite of a constitutional monarchy) and a military dictatorship. It rules through fear, and expects you to adhere to imperial law, or else.
Many of its military properties and personnel, such as the stormtroopers, are designed to appear intimidating. The Death Star was its most threatening asset, made to destroy entire worlds who were too insubordinate.
Explore the deep-rooted philosophy of the Galactic Empire and why their oppressive rule ultimately leads to downfall.
The Galactic Empire was built with one intention in mind: To give its leader as much power as possible, by ruling through oppression, and crushing all rebellion. Through central planning and high taxation, the very economy is designed to propel the Imperial military industrial complex.
And the very military, unmatched in its technological superiority, often does not hesitate to commit genocide in its own planets, enslave entire races, and annex its own allies.
Here's why their philosophy ultimately fails:
Maintaining Order Through Fear:
"This bold vision of the future requires not only the service of those of immaculate reputation and consummate skill in the just exercise of power, but also the service of a vast military dedicated to upholding the laws necessary to ensure galactic harmony" -- The Tarkin Doctrine
The Empire relies on fear tactics and brutal suppression to maintain control. This reduces individuality to a minimum, hindering creativity and progress. However, a healthy society thrives on open exchange of ideas, and not on blind obedience.
The Emperor wields absolute authority, creating a single point of failure. This lack of checks and balances allows corruption to prosper and ignores the needs and perspectives of diverse populations within the vast galaxy.
Stagnation and Inefficiency:
Oppressive regimes are often slow to adapt. Freedom, especially economic, intertwines with innovation, which can increase efficiency. Fearful bureaucrats become more concerned with self-preservation than innovation. This inability to adapt makes the Empire vulnerable to dynamic rebellions that an authoritarian regime may fail to counter in accordance to their attacks.
Dehumanization and Xenophobia:
The Empire views non-humans as inferior. This not only breeds resentment but also ignores the potential contributions of countless individuals and cultures. A multicultural society should strive for unity in diversity.
The Psychological Cause That Make Us Want To Oppress
There are complex factors for the psychological cause for oppression. Here are some key elements:
We naturally tend to favor groups we identify with (in-groups) over those we perceive as different (out-groups). This can lead to a sense of superiority and a justification for treating out-groups differently.
Need for Power and Control:
Some people have a strong desire for power and control. Oppression can be a way for people to exert dominance and feel secure in their position.
Some personality types are drawn to authoritarian leadership and rigid social hierarchies. They may see oppression as a necessary tool for maintaining order.
In times of fear or uncertainty, people may be more likely to support oppressive measures as a way to feel safe and secure. Hence why dominant leaders may be supported for power in uncertain times. This can be exploited by narcissists and megalomaniacs.
Justification Through Ideology:
Oppressive systems often rely on ideologies that demonize out-groups or present the dominant group as inherently superior. This can make oppression seem necessary or even righteous, by making these minorities their scapegoats for greater power.
Upbringing and Socialization:
We learn attitudes and beliefs from our families and communities. If someone grows up in an environment that promotes prejudice or discrimination, they may be more likely to become an oppressor. This follows the simplistic "Monkey See, Monkey Do", method.
Sheev Palpatine: Narcissist
Emperor Palpatine, the embodiment of evil in the Star Wars universe, perfectly exemplifies a grandiose narcissist. Here's how his character aligns with narcissistic traits:
Grandiose Sense of Self-Importance: Palpatine believes himself to be the ultimate ruler, destined to control the galaxy. He craves constant admiration and sees himself as far superior to others.
Need for Admiration: His manipulation of the public through propaganda and the construction of himself as a benevolent leader, to become Galactic Emperor feeds his need for adoration.
Lack of Empathy: He views others as pawns in his grand scheme. The deaths of countless innocents mean nothing to him as long as they serve his rise to power. He has no genuine emotional connections. He uses everyone around him, from apprentices like Darth Vader to Senators like Padme Amidala, for his own gain. He takes no responsibility for the suffering he causes and blames others for his failures.
Sense of Entitlement, and Arrogance: Palpatine believes the galaxy belongs to him and that he deserves absolute power. He feels no remorse for the manipulation and destruction he unleashes. He constantly belittles and underestimates his opponents, a fatal flaw that ultimately contributes to his downfall.
Fantasy and Magical Thinking: Palpatine believes his mastery of the dark side can unlock unlimited power, a delusion that clouds his judgment.
Devaluing and Demonizing Others: He cultivates fear and distrust of Jedi and alien species, portraying them as threats to justify his oppressive rule.
The Relations Between Narcissism and Oppression
Although complex, the connection between narcissism and oppression holds definite ground. Here's how narcissism can fuel oppression and why they often go hand in hand:
Need for Control and Domination: Narcissists have an inflated sense of self-importance and crave power over others. Oppression provides a system where they can exert control and feel superior to those they subjugate.
Lack of Empathy: A core feature of narcissism is a diminished ability to understand or share the feelings of others. This allows them to inflict suffering without remorse, a key aspect of oppression. The inherent need for control and lack of empathy make them high risks for abusive leadership.
Justification Through Devaluation: Narcissists often view those they differ from as inferior. This devaluation justifies oppression in their minds, making it seem necessary to control or punish the "out-group."
Grandiose Fantasies of Power: Narcissists often harbor fantasies of ultimate power and control. Oppression allows them to turn these fantasies into a disturbing reality.
Public Image Management: Many narcissists crave admiration and will go to great lengths to maintain a positive public image. Oppressive regimes often rely on propaganda and manipulation to portray the narcissist in a favorable light.
Narcissistic leaders are drawn to positions of power and can be highly effective manipulators. They use fear, propaganda, and violence to maintain control.
Narcissistic leaders can be charismatic and persuasive. They can exploit societal anxieties and scapegoat minority groups to gain support.
Oppressive systems can create narcissistic followers. The promise of dominance or association with a powerful leader can attract individuals who identify with narcissistic traits.
The Star Wars universe offers a much-relevant exploration of the dangers of oppression, in a world suffering from an increase in authoritarianism. The Galactic Empire, ruled by the narcissistic Emperor Palpatine, serves as a warning to what happens to democracies whose leaders betray the very freedom that allowed them to get in control. Oppressive regimes hinder creativity, progress, and lead to unnecessary suffering of countless people.
By understanding the link between narcissism and oppression, we can better identify and resist oppressive systems. It's crucial to promote empathy, critical thinking, and challenge pro-authority propaganda to prevent narcissistic personalities from manipulating societies.
Understanding these psychological foundations is crucial to dismantling oppressive systems. We have the ability create a society less susceptible to the allure of control through oppression.
Bonus I: Don't Oppress Others!
Oppression is wrong on so many levels. Here are some key reasons why:
Everyone Deserves a Chance: We all have something to contribute, and oppression denies people the opportunity to reach their full potential.
Strength in Diversity: A society that embraces its differences is a stronger one. Oppression silences unique voices, leading to unnecessary stagnation in many fields of study and technology.
The Ripple Effect: Oppression rarely stops with one group. It creates a climate of fear and division that can harm everyone in the long run. That's especially true when they are normalized.
A Moral Imperative: Treating others with respect is a fundamental human value. Oppression violates this basic principle.
The Occam's Razor idea, combined with morality, explains how being good yields benefit while being cost efficient.
There are many ways to combat oppression. We can speak out against injustice, promote equality, and celebrate diversity. By working together, we can create a world where everyone has more opportunity to thrive, and contribute without fear..
Bonus II: The Galactic Empire and American Materialism
Both the Empire and America share a drive for progress, but the line between healthy ambition and excessive materialism can be foggy. Here's how it can manifest:
Commodification: In the Empire, everything from droids to entire planets is seen as a commodity to be exploited. Similarly, consumer culture can lead to a feeling that everything, even experiences and relationships, have a price tag.
Loss of Individuality: The Empire enforces uniformity and discourages individuality, leading to what I call "Stormtrooper Culture", where any individual can be discarded from the machine they're a part of. While America values freedom, the pressure to "keep up with the Joneses" can lead to a cultural homogenization of lifestyles and a reduction of diverse perspectives. Both through law and norms, the two entities can discard anyone not valuable enough.
While enterprises can benefit from materialism in some ways, unchecked materialistic values can lead to a society that prioritizes possessions over human well-being, and echoes the exploitative tendencies of the Empire.
It takes strength to exist independently of both financial materialism and the need to oppress others. To quote Mr. John Duran:
I finally understand the hate and disdain of society against the poor and especially the homeless. It is based upon fear! The poor adapt, we survive, we have lived through the worst possible circumstances modern life can throw at us, and we have emerged, still here, and without the luxuries dangled in our faces that we are preached at that we should supposedly strive for. We survive, when others don't, and are far stronger than we should be.
We have ben forged in the fires of hell, and come out the other side, wiser, stronger and more determined than ever to continue on, regardless of poverty. We won't break, break or BOW as you do. So we are feared by society, the subjects of decision and unreasonable illogical hate.
But ultimately its Fear, that we are so strong without your money or voluntary wage-slavery. We are the powerful ones, not those in nice homes and luxury cars. We will survive, where others wouldn't in our old worn-down shoes.