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The Same Result Problem: Cutting Costs in Decisions

Updated: Nov 27, 2024

A moving ship.

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How many of you genuinely dream of becoming rich one day? Not just rich enough to not have to worry about your next pay-check, but rich enough to have access to all the pleasures of life? To be able to travel the world, drink the finest wines, own the biggest mansions, and afford even the most ridiculous microtransactions in video games?

If you had the ability to afford most if not everything you could ever dream of, even beyond what some may consider as unrealistic, would you still be willing to become filthy rich, just to get expensive things to make you happy? Or would you rather find satisfaction in other things, such as relationships, experiences, or personal growth?

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. It is a matter of personal preference. Some people find that money can buy happiness, while others find that it cannot. Either way, you may find out that settling for less can sometimes be enough.

The Pursuit of Wealth

I am not against the idea of becoming wealthy, especially if you made your wealth through hard work. However, I think it is important to consider the true value of wealth. Is it really worth it to spend your life working hard for money, when you could be enjoying your life in other ways?

I come from a very materialistic country. When I watch YouTube, I am constantly bombarded with ads for people who are trying to sell me their secrets to financial success. They show me pictures of their fancy cars and big houses, and they tell me that I can have the same things if I just follow their advice.

But I am not convinced. I think that there is something missing from these people's lives. They may have a lot of money, but they don't seem to be very happy. They are always chasing the next big thing, and they never seem to be satisfied with what they have.

I believe that there is more to life than money. There are many things that are more important, such as relationships, experiences, and personal growth. If you are constantly chasing after money, you are missing out on these things.

Of course, money is important. It can provide you with security and comfort. But it is not the most important thing in life. There are many other things that are more important, such as happiness and fulfillment.

So, if you are considering pursuing wealth, I urge you to think carefully about what is really important to you. Is it really worth it to spend your life working hard for money, when you could be enjoying your life in other ways?

We Should Put the Idea of "Compensation" Aside

It is not giving up on something you will not get to enjoy; it is the journey towards a far more practical and cost-effective solution to an otherwise boring life. The same result problem occurs when you are satisfied in a very expensive way, or by means that costed you a lot. You may find out that spending the night alone, doing something you like, might satisfy you the same as spending it in a nightclub with friends. Choose the former option and you saved yourself time and resources.

Regardless of your decision, the destination is the same, so why needlessly pay energy when you can save it and get the problem over already? It is one of the reasons I choose to spend my time working on Philosocom and little else. I find myself already enjoying what I do, so I don't see much reason to spend a lot of time enjoying and not being as productive as I currently am.

You may find out that the destination of satisfaction, and thus to a life well-lived, as numerous pathways. One does not have to be greater in importance than the other. One does not have to matter more just because it is the most popular or orthodox path. Don't stress yourself too much on orthodox paths.

To all the rich people reading this article, I am not anti-rich, I just don't understand the overall purpose of being rich. I mean, if you want a business, you don't have to buy a whole skyscraper, if you want a happy wedding for example, it does not have to include hundreds if not thousands of guests or be grandiose in general. So much money is being wasted over the same thing that could have been attained nonetheless. Taking a long hike in the woods, for example, is something that can be done without much money, if at all.

The same result problem occurs when you realize you've wasted resources on a result that could've been achieved for far less. Observe cats and you will understand that one does not need much.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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