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The Subjection of Perception -- How Perception Remains Limited

Updated: 5 days ago

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"What exactly ARE we? Are we what others seem to see, what we see ourselves, or what we actually are?" - John Duran

Who is to be the final arbiter of what actually exists beyond our senses, when there are things that cannot be perceived by us humans? Given that different species have different sensory experiences, it is very likely that whatever is out there, beyond what our consciousness reveals to us, could be actually different.

Let's think of a hypothetical reality. There is a psychological disorder called "Alice In Wonderland Syndrome", where the perception of different objects, including your own body, are presented to have different sizes. If everyone or the average person had that syndrome, then it would be typical to believe that, for example, our hands are bigger than our abdomen, just as it is believed today the exact opposite. Additionally, if we had the perception of another species, the same logical reasoning may follow.

What we can learn from this is the following: The fact that something is the status quo does not make it true, hence why it deserves to be questioned. What if in the far future we may discover that we humans all have a visual or sensory disability that makes us all see things that are not necessarily the way they actually are, and only a minority, that doesn't have said disability, sees things as they objectively are, in the absence of said distortion? What if our senses are faulty by their very existence? If most of humanity was autistic, would it then be a "disability" to be a neurotypical?

At least in the area of sensory reception, things are not always as we experience them. This is either because of a disability, or because we are limited by the fact that we are a certain species (humans, in this case). The same premise would hold true even if we were members of any other race.

Of course, we would be able to objectively determine if a certain breed is actually able to see reality as it actually exists — an ideal Objective Consciousness. However, since we may not be able to fully determine what objectively exists, the quest of finding one may be impossible, at least in this time and age.

It is already understood that the senses of certain animals, such as dogs and cats, are able to hear and smell more than we can. Even if our senses were enhanced to that level, however, who is to say there are no other layers of senses left to unfold, layers that are not perceived by any being on Earth? Who is to even say that there is even at least one species capable of experiencing the world beyond the mind, in its entirety?

How can we overcome the fact that we are human and thus confined to certain knowledge that might as well be an inherited delusion (at least partially)? Perhaps the only answer is through scientific advancement and studying the brains of as many other species as possible. We might just find out something about external reality that has been there all along, and we wouldn't have had any idea that it was there all along!

Still, the core problem remains unsolved: how to determine whether a being or race has an "Objective Consciousness," and how to make sure that our judgment is correct. The problem lies not only in the decision-making task, but also in determining the criteria for which being/species is actually qualified to be capable of such a higher, if not ultimate, state of consciousness. If they are capable of speech, then they would also be capable of helping us discover the true reality, unhindered by the subjectivity of perception.

In conclusion, we humans, along with every other species on Earth, are theoretically limited in our ability to fully comprehend the world beyond the mind. This is because we are confined by our own consciousness, which allows us to perceive. Our subjective experiences can be compared to a flashlight. Let us not delude ourselves into thinking that just because we see something, we see all there is in the room we are exploring.

2 comentarii

Michael Davis
15 apr. 2021

Your questions touch on the limits of knowability, and I find it difficult to imagine how an experiment could be devised to test, or understand, a species communicating in a reality greater than the one the observer is embedded within. There are many known unknowns, to use Rumsfeld's phrase (which I think he did not originate), but knowing what the unknown unknowns are, in order to measure them, would be impossible. Future science may provide insights about language and perceptions that we do not yet know, but seeking to find an ultimate truth in any story or test result from a limited organism that is embedded within an evolving environment will not hold water, IMO, as knowledge progresses through time.…

Răspunde utilizatorului

Thanks again for providing your insightful feedback. Perhaps a few of these unknowns shall become known one day in the far future, but unfortunately they won't for us. The limitation of understanding, after all, is also bound to the period of which one was born in. Even if the unknown remains just as that, we can all at least contemplate and come with possibilities that might end up to be correct, at least to an extant.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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