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The Third Eye...? Intuitive Impressions On Reality

Updated: Sep 23

An opened third eye.

(More articles I wrote on spirituality:


BG 5.27-28: Shutting out all thoughts of external enjoyment, with the gaze fixed on the space between the eye-brows, equalizing the flow of the incoming and outgoing breath in the nostrils, and thus controlling the senses, mind, and intellect, the sage who becomes free from desire, fear, and anger, always lives in freedom.

"The fact that we can access our inner world through dreams or similar means is like having 1/60th of prophecy. While this may not seem like much, paying attention to our feelings can grant us access to a part of our whole being, enabling us to grow as human beings and more. Surrounded by all that exists, we can draw inspiration from our behavior and come to a future that aligns more with the overall picture." -- Mr. Roland Leblanc


Everywhere I look... shadows. Not the kind that dance on walls at night, but the ones that cling to the edges of reality itself and surround it psychopathically. A reality beyond the smaller one we live in. I used to think the world was a solid, physical place of facts and figures. However, connecting to my intuition, it feels like a poorly-made stage set, a backdrop for some grand, unknowable play. A giant void encompassing the pretentious theatre we call real life.

It started with a strange sensation. Disconnected. Like I was peering through a dusty window at a life that wasn't quite mine, merely learned by others that it is. Now I realize how true human connection is by large a delusion. A delusion created by mental constructs, AKA illusions. Only rarely a true connection lies, one that's on intuition, not on mere pleasantries or transactionality.

How can we trust our minds when they do not tell us a concrete reality, as much of what we think about the impressions we receive?

My eyes felt miles away, not part of me. Nowadays, I don't feel anything as part of me, of an inner core, maybe of my soul. Like they were trapped in a cage of my own making - the cage of logic and reason. It was terrifying, a profound loneliness that settled deep in my bones. I used to feel that emotion. An uncanny, profound emotion beyond society and solitude. Such an emotion, felt beyond the veil of my momentary daily life, allowed me to study the power of the void.

The world, the one I thought I knew, felt like a dream. One filled with a hollowness that merely pretended to be of concrete value.  

I even slapped on my knee once to test my true care of sensation. Although the pain was sharp, my ascetic lifestyle turned me into a largely oblivious sage, who sees most emotion as but a distraction from his work. I may be happy and over-energetic at times. However, I am well aware these are meddlesome veils that distract me from seeing reality more clearly, using both reason and intuition. Society, who engineers and manipulates itself on the empowerment and repression of specific emotions in its members... of course they would be a distraction as well.

Only those who care enough to help my health, the infrastructure imperative for my philosophic work, they are truly the ones worthy of my time and attention. The rest of this false matrix is either a distraction or a necessary evil.

A pressure often thummed on my forehead, causing me headaches I discarded as with much of my pain, like a trapped bird trying to break free. Could it be...? The legends of a Third Eye, a gateway to realms burdened by emotions that are there to lose?  To touch it mentally, offered no physical sensation, beyond further pain and further pain, necessary for liberation. As my mind buzzed with the possibility of something more... Something greater than all of this!

They say the Third Eye awakens with intuition, a surrender to the whispers of the unseen. And this... this gateway... it promises a new reality, that is merely left unseen. It is a layer of existence stacked upon all the conventional ones in reality's intricacy.  

Even this screen, the comforting click of the keys... a mere interactive, metaphysical fabrication, as it tires my eyes, yet my brain sees beyond these eyes, a world beyond.

I, the one who scoffed at such notions with physicalism, now find myself seeing the waking world as a painted hologram.  

There were moments, starting from a younger age, where I felt the observer within, the essence of me, shift from my internal world, observing the bigger, empty reality that surrounds me.  No longer behind my eyes, but my whole being, expanding itself in its energy, becoming part of a greater cosmic force.  My entire life was spent dreaming within and without dreams.

The world as a vast, unknowable, empty dreamscape we merely fool ourselves to be greater in essence than it really is. My depression began when I understood this as a child. All people see are impressions they mistake for reality. That is why many of them would blow things out of proportion. I did so too, until connecting to such moments, helped me let go from such an absurd grandiose mental reception.

The aftershocks linger as a weight of a mind as fatigued as that of an old man. Random flashes where the world seems to glow in energies I was taught to repress, were a reminder of the veil that separates this realm from the next. Even my damn video games feel different, as they were the ones that helped me realize this reality is often as empty, truly as a video game world or a movie. Less a matter of thumbs on a controller, more a connection forged with the expanding, lonely-at-the-top mind.

Perhaps this newfound intuition is what I need to truly fulfill my purpose, my calling as a philosopher.  To unravel the mysteries that have always lurked in the shadows of the lights casted by societal productions. 

The world is not what it seems.  There's something... something beyond, pressing against the edges of perception. It can become clearer the more we turn to hermits.

I enjoy and embrace the shadows, as I too attempt to delve into the mysteries that lie beyond the veil.  The intuition of them, grow stronger with each article I write and renovate. I... I can't help but feel compelled to listen. Can't help, but overcome my own willpower, and become more attuned with it.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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