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The Three Expressions of Void -- How to Further Understand Reality

Updated: Jan 11

A foggy internet cafe.

The Three Expressions of Void: Space, Seclusion, Silence: The Fabric of Reality

Everything that truly exists exists in the Great Void. Everything that truly exists takes up a portion of the space that contains everything that truly exists, i.e., the Great Void.

Void is vacuum, or the absence of a thing instead of the empty space that exists. This lack of something allows many things to be created in it. That is also known as potential: the ability of something to be created. That is true not only physically but in any field where potential exists. The potential runs out when there is no further void that can be filled by something.

Likewise, opportunity cannot exist without a void to have itself surround it. You can't build a building in a field that doesn't have the proper terrain for it, for example. You can't foster a relationship when someone is already in a relationship and is not open to polygamy. The terrain must be empty enough of obstacles for that building to be built. The person you're interested in must have enough "storage" in their hearts to contain you, and so on. Hence void is necessary for potential to be realized.

The Great Void of the Universe is possibly infinite. It is not an entity, but a composition of space, seclusion (my definition of separation), and silence. Location, interaction, and sound—their existence depends on the Great Void to contain them, and cannot be contained independently of it. Every location needs space, every interaction needs separation between the interacting objects, and every sound needs to exist under the vocal sound of silence.

So, yes. Silence is a variation of space, but only on a vocal and auditory level. It is one of the basics of which the Great Void is composed: that everyone and everything inhabits its possibly infinite realm.

Space, seclusion, and silence are things that many of us are afraid of, because we are the exact opposite. We're entities that are placed in various locations, that were evolved at various degrees of desire to seek interaction, and that our modern lives have set us to escape from silence, through clinginess to comfort.

Exposing the Human Condition Through the 3 Voids

There is no path. Beyond the scope of light, beyond the reach of dark, what could possibly await us? And yet, we seek it insatiably. Such is our fate.
-- Aldia, Dark Souls II.

Basically, our strength as a race, to seek location, interaction, and sound, is at the same time a great weakness, for it is very difficult for us, and sometimes even perceived as threatening, to transcend our nature by experiencing the components of the Great Void. These components are: Emptiness/Space, Seclusion, and Silence.

Many of us are afraid of these components because of our primal nature, which dictates that we constantly seek activity, togetherness, and sound. This is why experiencing the traits of the Great Void of the Universe is something that currently only a few of us can do for extended periods of time, without experiencing negative feelings such as boredom, sadness, frustration, and so forth.

However, regardless of our constant escapism as dictated by our inferior nature, space, seclusion, and silence are things that are omnipresent regardless of what we do. All of the stimulation we rely on by constantly seeking justification and purpose in our lives—the majority of it is a stimulation caused by a potentially subconscious fear of being without the stimulation we crave.

This is why what is defined as the "full" life—constant social interactions, the seeking of romantic love, the pursuit after passions in a continuous cycle of desire and suffering—this "full" life is mere escapism from a great human fear, to find ourselves exposed to the Great Void of the Universe without constant stimulation to protect ourselves from.

The "full" life, created by conformity and hedonism, is a life that most of it exists not in the World Beyond the Mind, but in our subjective and inter-subjective experiences, not in the objective reality, whose existence is independent of any subjective form, and of any purpose. For many objects that inhabit it, objective reality can exist without inherent purpose for an indefinite period of time, with no reasoning beyond scientific evolution of chronology.

The Enduring Inanimate

Inanimate, silent objects are the most enduring things in this universe. They can endure and exist without any possibility of being in despair, because such tendencies are the potential of subjective beings, not inanimate objects.

Therefore, the chair that you are sitting on has the potential to endure years after years of existence, even after the potential demise of the human race. It does not crave the desire to live, nor does it attempt to escape from the universal sovereignty of the Great Void. This makes inanimate objects far more superior and stronger than we subjective beings are.

What I am trying to say is, that to escape from the space, seclusion, and silence of the Great Void, by craving purpose, social interaction, external validation and sound, is a weakness that can be transcended by learning the ways of the inanimate and silent. This allows them to endure the Great Void without escapism. Silence is just one of the components of the Great Void that we escape from.

And nothingness is something that requires a great ability of endurance. An iron will.

Breaking Free from the Desperation of Want

And those with strong souls must bear
within themselves an even stronger curse."
-- Dark Souls II, King's Ring

The more we adjust ourselves to cope with the Great Void, by refusing to escape from it as our primal nature dictates, the more we shall increase our independence from our desperation to constantly seek external interaction. And also, from the unnecessary cycle of desire and suffering that may end only when we are to die.

If you wish to become a more autonomous, less suffering individual, seek space, seek seclusion, and seek silence. Then you will crave less and less to escape from the eternity of the Great Void. This process can be defined as the "metaphorical undead-ization."

Do nothing, and bare witness as your mentality attempts to oppose you. Thus, being able to stay sane within inactivity, is a form of great strength. You can become stronger by refusing to give up to your weaknesses.



Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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