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"Video Game Logic" -- Answering Potential Criticism in Philosophy

Updated: Aug 7

A beautiful city.

Article Synopsis by Mr. John Igwe and Co.

The article "Video Game Logic" explores the use of video game logic in philosophical arguments. It begins with an engaging discussion on the imperfection of philosophy, using quotes from Lao Tzu and personal anecdotes.
The article provides a clear explanation of video game logic, allowing readers to understand its concept and its relevance. Mr. Tomasio acknowledges both the entertainment value of video games and their limitations when used as analogies for real-world arguments.
The article also critiques fiction, extending the critique beyond video games to include other forms of fiction, such as movies and books. Mr. Tomasio's personal reflections on using fictional narratives to bridge social gaps add a unique dimension to the discussion.
Overall, the article provides a thought-provoking analysis of the use of video game logic in philosophy.

Even philosophers are not without flaw, and if it weren't for these flaws, philosophy would arguably proceed less effectively. After all, all mistakes can arguably be used to develop greater logical reasoning, making the notion of "poor logic" a valuable tool for every philosophy reader and philosopher alike.

“A great nation is like a great man: When he makes a mistake, he realizes it. Having realized it, he admits it. Having admitted it, he corrects it. He considers those who point out his faults, as his most benevolent teachers. He thinks of his enemy as the shadow that he himself casts.”

My former master, a professor who made me indebted to the craft of philosophy, would often critique famous thinkers. He'd point out Nietzsche's egoism and Epictetus's overly dichotomic approach to society (Literally called "The Dichotomy of Control"). This goes to show that even notable philosophers over the course of history, are not without their flaws.

By engaging and examining these philosophical flaws, we can refine our own understanding and develop more intricate and better philosophical arguments. We can learn from the missteps of others, thus fostering a deeper appreciation for the complexities of philosophical inquiry, seeing flaw as opportunity for growth, instead of a mere liability.

By dissecting their missteps, we develop critical thinking skills, gain a deeper respect for the complexities of philosophy, and ultimately, pave the way for the construction of more insightful arguments in our own pursuit of wisdom.

While philosophy thrives on critical examination, sometimes even the tools we use for arguments deserve to be criticized for their flaws. That includes philosophy itself. One area deserving of critique is the use of video games as examples or analogies. On a logical standpoint, there's a fundamental disconnect: video games rely heavily on "video game logic," which often diverges significantly from the logic that governs our world.

The GameRant Blog gives several examples of logic that makes sense in games but not in real life:

  • Carrying hundreds of items "that could fill a truck" in your pockets.

  • Etc.

This term, "video game logic," is familiar to gamers. It is largely played for laughs... Case example from the Cheezburger Blog, Pokemon series:

A funny meme.

Further Understanding the Flawed Logic

In seriousness, this type of logic essentially means that the cause-and-effect relationships within a video game can be more over-the-top, nonsensical or overly simplified than those in real life. This isn't inherently bad, as games prioritize entertainment and challenge creation over strict realism. After all they serve as an interactive fantasy for those who crave it. As such, using these illogical systems as an exclusive foundation for arguments about the real world can be problematic.

For those unfamiliar with games, consider this: fictional worlds, including video games, books, and movies, often contain elements that wouldn't fly in reality. That is even though some sci-fi concepts made it into real life. For example, the novelist Jules Verne predicted the internet, cars, and skyscrapers in the 1863 story "In The Year 2889".

Regardless, video game plots and other features are frequently condensed and cut for efficiency, sacrificing realism for a compelling narrative within a set timeframe. For example, Killer7's producer feedback and internal testing 2/3 of the game's plot.

This reliance on shortcuts applies to video games as well as to many fictional pieces. After all, they are constrained by time, money and other resources and demands that may alter with time. Sometimes they are delayed, canceled or are given shorter time periods than expected due to budget and market demands. In the end they are largely a financial product in highly competitive industries.

Fictional media, in general, doesn't always reflect reality, and its lessons can be horribly unrealistic. Don't use movies like Twilight as good relationship advice.

We, the audience, are not the protagonists of our own lives (AKA, Main Character Syndrome). Our stories rarely have card-carrying villains or antagonists, and our challenges are rarely overcome with dramatic final battles. Most importantly, life doesn't end with a triumphant victory or a heroic defeat; it simply concludes with death. Death that can occur anytime.


While video games and other forms of fiction can be powerful tools for exploring ideas, their inherent reliance on illogical elements and real-life circumstances makes them partially/largely unreliable foundations for constructing real-world arguments. There's a disconnect between the fantastical worlds of fiction and the complexities of our own.

While I previously relied on video games as a source for arguments, I now recognize the limitations of "video game logic." However, I still believe fiction, in general, can be a valuable tool in philosophical exploration. Here's why:

1. Bridging the Social Gap: As an asocial man, I lack the social experiences that most people have in life. Not only do I dislike social calls but I have much work to do in this life. My interactions are primarily focused around the art of article writing and tending to Philosocom, not joy-based conversations. This limited social exposure naturally led me to draw on fictional narratives, which are readily available online and accessible to you as well. By referencing stories, I can connect with concepts that might be unfamiliar to me from a purely social perspective.

2. Represented Logic: The Power of Narrative: There's a concept I call "Represented Logic." Simply put, even fictional worlds can embody a form of logic, even if it's not explicitly stated. This inherent logic allows the narrative to function internally and resonate with the audience. It's this "represented logic" that allows fiction to explore philosophical ideas in a relatable way.

Different logical methodologies might even exist in animals. Represented logic is simply a form of reason that can be applied in different departments, and is merely represented by one department. You can see the logic of biology being applied in machinery.

Logic itself can be argued to be universal. Every system of thought, even a fantastical one, strives for internal consistency. Even a seemingly absurd fictional scenario can be seen as "logical" within the context of its own world. This universality of logic, uniquely expressed within certain contexts makes fiction a potential tool for exploring philosophical concepts.

3. The Value of Criticism: Mocking fiction for its fantastical elements can be a fun pastime, but it misses the point. Political satire, for example, uses fictional scenarios to highlight real-world flaws. Therefore, humor can be seen as entertaining social commentary. The fact that something is fictional doesn't negate its potential to be logical or thought-provoking. Criticism, even harsh criticism, can be a catalyst for growth.

By acknowledging the limitations of video game logic, I can refine my approach to using fiction in philosophical discussions. The goal is to leverage the "represented logic" within fictional narratives to illuminate real-world concepts, sparking critical thinking and deeper understanding.

“What do you get when you cross a mentally ill loner with a society who abandons him and treats him like trash? What you deserve!” -- The Joker

While fiction shouldn't be the sole foundation for philosophical arguments, its inherent logic and accessibility make it a valuable tool for exploring complex ideas. Moving beyond "video game logic" and its laughable flaws, and embracing the concept of "represented logic," I can continue to utilize fiction as a springboard for philosophical inquiry. And so can you.

Bonus: Practical Implications of "Video Game Logic" in Arguments

1. Distinguish Between Entertainment and Reality:

  • Recognize the difference between fictional narratives and real-life experiences. Our lives don't always have overarching antagnists or dramatic endings.

2. Use Fiction Responsibly in Arguments:

  • Don't rely solely on fictional examples (like video games or movies) to build arguments about real-world issues.

3. Explore "Represented Logic" for Deeper Understanding:

  • Look for "represented logic" within the fiction. This is the internal consistency that makes the story work and can be a springboard for exploring real-world concepts.

  • Use this "represented logic" as a starting point to discuss real-world issues. Analyze how the fictional scenario relates to real-world situations.

4. Acknowledge the Value of Criticism:

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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