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What Should You Do With Your Life (I Think) -- How To Become A Self-Sovereign

Updated: Jul 26

A gallant man

Article Synopsis by Ms. Gabbi Grace

The article "What Should You Do With Your Life (I Think) -- How To Become A Self-Sovereign" explores the philosophy of self-sovereignty, emphasizing the importance of personal autonomy and the power of refusal. It uses Rubinshteinic philosophy to advocate for viewing one's life as personal property, highlighting the need for individuals to navigate societal pressures and external expectations to achieve true independence.
The article effectively communicates the concept that one's life is one's own property, emphasizing the power of refusal and personal choice. The discussion on solitude and self-knowledge is insightful, as spending time alone can lead to greater self-awareness and personal wisdom. The article acknowledges various societal pressures, such as gendered expectations and familial influence, providing a realistic view of the challenges individuals face in asserting their independence.
The article balances the concept of freedom with the accompanying responsibilities, highlighting that while living independently grants immense freedom, it also comes with the burden of making informed decisions and facing the consequences of those choices.
Overall, the article presents a thought-provoking perspective on personal autonomy and the power of refusal.

Part I: The Power of Refusal

In Rubinshteinic philosophy, it is believed that your life is your own property, unless it is officially otherwise. Therefore, as long as you are not subject by law to anyone or anything else, such as school, prison, military service, or other forms of debt, then you are free to do with your life as you please. After all, your life is your own property most of the time, especially if you are an independent adult.

While other bodies, like parents, friends, and society, may pressure you to do things they think are good for you, or good for them, ultimately, the power lies with you. To truly be the master of your own life and treat it as your sole property, you must learn to navigate these pressures with the power of refusal.

Choose per your wisdom.

You, the "Supreme Authority"

"Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance." -- Woodrow Wilson

Therefore, what you should do above all, I believe, is to refuse offers, reccomendations and advices as you see fit. That is because you are your own greatest company. Allow me to explain further...

You are the one who spends the most time with yourself more than anyone else, which grants you the access to learn the Art of Being Alone far more intuitively. As spending time with yourself can become more natural, you have the greatest access to your own self-knowledge more than anyone else. It's possible that, through solitude, we can become "self-professors".

As such, the individual deserves to be considered, least as food for thought, as the supreme authority of knowledge on anything related to himself or herself. When the individual in question is independent, or at least capable of much independence, then one should consider such prospect even more than otherwise.

The desire to help others does not mean one should force themselves on others. Instead, they should respect the individual's boundaries, and not take such policy to heart.

And if you cannot generally accept boundaries, how can you properly help those you wish to help?

The Burden of Constant Negotiation

Norms, external expectations, and hopes from family and tradition are all things that try to influence us in one way or another, regardless of background. These expectations can manifest in various ways:

The Rationale to Overcome Said Burden

Remember, these are external forces, distinct from yourself. It is your life, and you have the right to decide your path, and treat these different factions accordingly to your beliefs.

All of these factors and entities may butt into your life under the pretense that they know better than you what is best for you, and sometimes they are correct with this premise. However, the final decision, as someone whose life is their property, should always be in your hands, as long as said life is indeed your sole ownership.

Understanding this, you can work further towards becoming the absolute ruler of your existence. I will provide more insights, further below.

Part II: The Price of Owning Your Life

Living life as your own property grants immense freedom, but it's a double-edged sword. While some may disapprove or be disappointed by your choices, true ownership comes with the responsibility of navigating these relationships.

The Cost of Independence

  • Selective Company: Surrounding yourself with supportive individuals is crucial. It may be necessary to distance yourself from those who make you feel ashamed for pursuing your own journey.

  • Responsibility for Outcomes: Success or failure rests solely on your shoulders.  Wealth, fulfillment, or even a despised job – it's all a consequence of your choices. You rely heavily on your own judgment for navigation.

"Reciprocity is a prerequisite for legitimacy and sustainability. That requires ensuring what is in everyone's best interests, and the least that can mean is enabling everyone the full exploration of their experience and the world around them to fully develop their character."

The Price Tag of Adulthood

Life then becomes your ship to captain. You reap the rewards of good decisions and face the consequences of bad ones. The hope is that these experiences become lessons for growth and improvement. Handle your decisions responsibly.

Mature moral development means taking full ownership of your life. You can then shoulder the burden of failure without seeking mercy. While others may come and go, you are the one who ultimately pays the price (or enjoys the rewards) of your choices.

This approach to life requires courage and resilience. However, it grants you more power to define your own happiness and forge your own path. Try making sure your priorities won't get you constantly busted by law enforcers.

The Responsibility of Freedom

There's a liberating truth: as an adult, your life is yours to sculpt. Yet, this freedom comes with a vital "pair" of responsibilities: gratitude and accountability.

  • Gratitude: Embrace what you have, appreciate it, so you'll be strong enough to fight for it. Fight, and protect a value you may hold dear.

In short, as long as you're an adult, you should lead your life in any way you like, as long as you possess the "pair", so to speak, to be grateful for what you have, and endure the toll of the results of your actions.

Part III: Reflections On Self-Design

Years ago, I began embracing this philosophy. I shed my old name for one that resonated with my soul, as did Ms. Panama Dusa. I traded bustling social circles and academic prestige for hermitic philosophical pursuitsThis path may not be for everyone, and it was my choice alone.

I may live simply, even with some outside assistance. Either way, the trade-off is clear: I have found happiness and a sense of purpose in my unconventional life. And, so can you.

Living authentically doesn't guarantee wealth or societal approval. It only increases your chances of your personal vision of success.

The Sovereignty of Self

The awakening dawned on me slowly: My life is an independent nation, with myself as the sole sovereign. This realization, though liberating, comes with the weight of self-governance. It empowers me to carve my own path, but also demands the responsibility to navigate its consequences.

I sincerely wish more people would work on themselves more, so they would rule their lives by any method they so choose: A fair hand, or even an iron fist if they so desire.

For the individual, is the one who deserves to be regarded towards as the self-ruler, and as the Great Leader that knows best. However, that is and will never an easy feat, least for most people. For it requires discipline, it requires ambition, hard work, and most importantly -- faith in yourself.

And a good leader must, must have faith not only in who and what he leads. He must be faithful enough in his or her capacity to do it successfully. Such faith is best done under self-improvement and strength of character. Never, ever by mere ego and delusion.

Faith in that regard is best increased when it is put under tests and challenges. Under traning. Perhaps, less so, by the quest for external validation.

See for yourself how strong and capable you really are. As one being capable most of being a "Supreme Authority", can you really rely on others' approval, as much as you should rely on yourself, first and foremost?

Final Words: The Caveats

This approach isn't for the faint of heart. It demands courage and the willingness to chart your own course. However, in exchange, the freedom to define your own happiness and forge a life that is uniquely for yourself and to your friends, fans or followers.

If you wish greater freedom as an adult, please consider following the example presented by my philosophy. Do take note that you, like me, will have to make some sacrifices, for that sense of happiness and self-actualization to ultimately arrive. Regardless, it could be for the greater good, if you deter them from payback.

Wisdom is very, very important if you choose to follow the mindset this article suggests before your consideration. In the end, your property is yours to design, lead, and manage.

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Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher, author of several books in 2 languages, and Quora's Top Writer of the year 2018. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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