The Philosophy and Functionality of Importance
Updated: Feb 11
The Philosophy and Functionality of Importance
If we consider determinism as true, do we not all have a preordained plan set for us? After all, in the absence of a grand design for each and every one of us, our existence would seem absurd. I fear this philosophy, the philosophy of absurdity—the idea that we are here for no seen reason, that we are mere random entities operating in a chaotic, random universe.
Do I believe in the philosophy of absurdism? Atheism and even agnosticism may suggest that we are, in fact, plan-less beings; creatures that have somehow evolved intelligence, whose purpose is largely determined by the biological facts that led to their birth, and little else.
I have a deep, profound desire to justify my existence, as I feel that without justification, I am as good as dead. Not in the eyes of others, mind you, but objectively, independent of human perception. By having things to lose, I have no reason to lose myself to the madness within. A life of post-purpose is a very difficult one.
To be honest, this idea frightens me—the notion that none of us may have an external justification to exist beyond the mere processes that have led to our existence, lacking something deeper, something more philosophical. Something that is tailored for us, and not universal.
I don't know if determinism is true, but if it is, there might be what some call a "Plan of Coherence." A design by a higher entity, meant for us to follow in its steps, in order to truly fulfill the potential reasoning for our existence, the reasoning of our... potential creation.
It might seem plausible that we are created, but we do not know for sure, do we? It's simply our human logic speaking, our primitive, inferior sense of logic. Perhaps there are other beings out there, in the universe, who have discovered the true origin of the universe—an origin that might not feature creationism at all but instead... frightening absurdity.
This is what's so unsettling about absurdism: If I were to take my own life, it would change very little in the grand scheme of things. Some people may cry, some may acknowledge and be sorrowful, but in the end, people die every day, and it occurs as if dying is a mere function—a function like waking up in the morning, drinking coffee, and so on.
Would you consider death as mundane as any other function in our existence? If so, and if it is, then I could end my life if I ever wanted to, and leave this site without preparation for succession, as if continuing it is as mundane as catching a bus to work.
After all, in absurdism, everything and everyone is equally meaningless and thus, absurd.
Thus, if I want to justify my existence, then I must find my potential Plan of Coherence, regardless of whether determinism is true. If it's not true, then I ought to forge one for myself if I wish to continue this life of painful loneliness and skin deprivation.
One of my readers is an arcane researcher, one who delves into numerology. I do not know if this practice holds any real truth, but it is the only lead I have at potentially discovering the purpose of my so-called "creation" that goes beyond my personal commitment to philosophy.
I have thus far come to the conclusion that my Plan of Coherence, also known as my "destiny," is to be important. Importance, you see, is not something I seek for its own sake. I have enough confidence in myself, and I don't need constant praise from the world. A narcissist, on the other hand, does. Hence why they don't truly love themselves.
However, importance is, no pun intended, significant if I wish to achieve my overall goal: world domination, or more specifically, world relevance. Those who are not important, you see... what worth do their words hold?
Are we all important? To some degree, for sure, but when the former Prime Minister of Japan is assassinated, people hold this in higher regard than most other murders that may have happened at the time.
The former Prime Minister's death is valuable because he was of higher importance, and that is the sad truth. It's the truth that acknowledges that not all are equally relevant. Not all matter not to functionality or to others' hearts and minds. And when someone is unworthy, he can redeem himself or herself by being more relevant... even on a global scale.
Why was his death important to the world? It was important because of his contribution to the world and the impact he left behind. I do not pretend to ever be as important as a Prime Minister of a country, but if I want my words to matter, if I want Philosocom to matter to the world, then I MUST BE IMPORTANT enough for the world to care, and thus, to contribute better!
My quest for importance is therefore a means to an end. If it weren't for my writings, I might have failed to survive mentally. Why? Because my existence is physically painful for me. Living is painful, and I find no real joy in it. Such is the fate of those who suffer from post-trauma, often times. School has practically being 13 years of trauma I'll have to grow from, along with much, much traumas throughout my life, with one of them being my birth.
I used to be happier regularly, but not anymore. I'm stuck, and it seems that the only way up, the only way to justify the acceptance of my regular miseries, is to contribute to humanity in a way that will outlive me. That way I will know, for sure, that my relevance exceeds myself, and that I am less important than what I give to others. Since I do not need much validation, since I don't have such voids within me, I am an altruist.
And for altruism to be effective, my readers, one must be important enough. There is no better way. Importance gives you power, and you can use that power not only for your own benefit, but for good. The effectiveness of power, and thus relevance, lies within its potential to create change.
He or she who is capable of creating the most change, can be deemed the most important, and as such, the most relevant. If something was not important, it would've been insignificant, and thus, irrelevant. Humans want to be relevant, for it makes them feel that they are doing something valuable with their lives.
Those who suffer from unimportance may also suffer from depression, and depression can lead to self-sacrifice. It is known as anti-mattering.
If we are to say all human beings are social, it isn't because all human beings like to socialize. It is because human beings have a mental need to feel they matter to someone other than themselves. And no, not everyone likes to socialize, but they may still attempt to prove their worth to the world despite the common fact that it is lonely at the top.
Such a way is inevitable, because only those who are held in higher regard will be remembered by the world for generations to come. Such immensely-long-term memory is proof that someone has been important by their very deeds for others.
And that's what I really want, my readers: To contribute. But for contribution to have a greater impact, one must be important. Not necessarily as important as a Prime Minister, but important enough to matter beyond a person who is less remembered by others.
"Who do you think you are?" A hater once asked me. I am merely a philosopher who wants to justify his existence, that's all. I look at the analytics of my site and watch as people from all over this planet visit my legacy. However, so much more can be achieved, don't you agree? Why have a certain number of visitors when an even greater number could suffice even better?
Why be satisfied with current contribution, when that impact can be deepened? When that impact can last longer?
Hundreds of articles await you, my dear readers! Use the search button, if you may. This is a vast library, and I try to find any article I can to share with the world on a daily basis. Join me, help me, and together, we will create another legacy to be remembered and appreciated in this world!