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With Happiness and Joy -- Why Optimism is Important (Poem)

Updated: Aug 1, 2024

A tall cowboy girl watching the glowing sunset.


To better see the world, we better decrease the bias,

That stands in our way, in the way of the noble cause!

With rationality, I can make my ambition a reality,

With happiness and joy I can prove my relevancy!

With greater rationality, I can turn dream into reality,

Positive and negative, that's how our lives really are.

To hope for perfection, is something that can go too far.

Using rationality, I can contribute for philosophy,

For I'm just the extension of its own relevancy.

With happiness and joy, I can improve its relevancy,

For I'm just an extension of philosophy!

It's unwise for me to venture out on my own.

For I'm using a cane and a respirator while I'm alone.

I'd like to go out more but I'm stuck in this hermitage,

Forced in isolation, with days carried along.

I must wear this darn mask on my face.

Without it I'm fatigued, and may be lagging in the race.

It is the race for relevancy.. y.


I'm aware of this negativity, but why should I even submit?

With rationality, I can turn ambition to reality,

Despite disability I am worthy of relevancy!

With happiness and joy, I can exapnd the minds of girl and boy,

With happiness and joy, I have more power to employ!

The darkness of reality, does not imply we have to be sad,

Toxic positivity? There's no reason to be mad!

Because with rationality, our state of mind can be improved,

With happiness and joy, we can overthrow this mood!

When I look to the future, with the following I conclude:

Readers simply love it, when they're feeling good!

I admit that I perhaps was excessively grim.

I guess that's what happens when you're not part of a team.

Solitude might make you feel sad and negative,

But why, praise it like a perogative?

When the good parts of life, actually exist,

Negative bias can blind you, and you thus may consist.

Please focus on the world, and not just west or east,

Or you might have too thick blinders.


Tomasio A. Rubinshtein, Philosocom's Founder & Writer

I am a philosopher. I'm also a semi-hermit who has decided to dedicate my life to writing and sharing my articles across the globe to help others with their problems and combat shallowness. More information about me can be found here.

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© 2019 And Onward, Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein  

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