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Blog Posts (893)
- Theme of Cake (And Directory on the Heart)
(The Directory: ) (Note: This is a special piece that will not be renovated to be kept in the present day, and will not be updated in information, in order to preserve some of the past. Past I can reflect on. I am not keen on forgetting the past. The past can help us forge a better future . More on my philosophy on the past has been written). (Background music) ****************** Long, I have found, no affection. Long, I have found, no warm lane. Don’t you know, there is no, salvation. The void has begun, with the brain . Long, the silence, has dominated. Long, the cold, became my cloth. Don’t you know, there is no, salvation. The void has begun, with the brain. An army of readers have been marching with me, Some are delighted with the spoil, some have deserted. There is happiness in solitude, yes it exists in my servitude , And work has became my new food. I, am a stone, military general, Who influences the world with apprentices, several. Don’t you know, there is no, salvation, The void has begun with the brain. There is, little heart, that remained a fluid mineral. It is a solid metal, forgotten by time. Don’t you know, there is no, salvation, Your cake can't melt down, My dead heart. *************** Hehehehehe... You can't do anything, So don't even try. Chen, dead or alive, Has paid. I am driven by revenge... .... Hail Philosocom. ( Theme of Cake)
- All I Want To Do -- Theme of Ambition
All I Want To Do If you know the right thing to do and don't do it, that for you, is evil. -- James 4:17 Knowing good from bad is sensed from the conscience, more-so from the heart than head. -- Panama Dusa One must imagine Sisyphus happy -- Albert Camus' (Subcategory of Failure) (Philosocom's Directory on Heart) (Background music) All I Want to Do, is To Rectify the World! Not for power or evil, But for the greater good! This world had failed! This world is... doomed! I don't have the heartlessness to stand by! Too good for this world! Too good for this world! I indeed enjoy restoring my heart! Yet I'm supposed to care mainly for myself... Even though the flaw is always indefinite... Rectifying is the right thing to do! With all my heart I enjoy being good, Evil... I refuse! All I Want to Do, is To Rectify the World! Not for power or evil, But for the greater good! This world had failed! This world is doomed! I don't have the heartlessness to stand by! Too good for this world! Too good for this world! Helpers are alone and the evil socialize.. Full rectification, none can actualize... Like Sisyphus with his rolling stone, My duty is mainly my own.. With all my heart I enjoy being good, Evil...... I refuse! All I Want to Do, is To Rectify the World! Not for power or evil, But for the greater good! This world had failed! This world is... doomed! I don't have the heartlessness to stand by! Too good for this world! Too good for this world! I am supposed to like the stone falling off! And I'm supposed to care mainly for myself... Even though the flaw is always indefinite... Rectifying is the right thing to do! With all my heart I enjoy being good, Evil...... I refuse!
- The Value of Virtue and the Failure of Education
(Philosocom's directory on Education) (Philosocom's Directory on Failure) (Background music) Article Introduction by A Kung Fu Master The path of knowledge is a very difficult journey... Many stumble, some fall, but the true warrior rises, tempered by adversity . In this age of information overload, true education is not merely the acquisition of facts, but the cultivation of wisdom. The ancient masters understood the power of failure . They saw it not as a defeat, but merely a stepping stone on the path to greater virtue. Likewise, the modern scholar must embrace failure as a necessary part of the learning process. In this exploration of education and failure, we will delve into the heart of these timeless truths. We will examine the role of the educator, the expectations of the student, and the ultimate goal of human education: to live a life of meaning, wellbeing and purpose. The Article Itself An educated person is also regarded as a cultured person... not necessarily wise at times. -- Dr. S. K. Pachauri Failure should be our teacher, not our undertaker. Failure is delay, not defeat. It is a temporary detour, not a dead end. Failure is something we can avoid only by saying nothing, doing nothing, and being nothing. -- Denis Waitley The idea of normality has a very basic premise: that one should follow it if they wish to be socially acceptable and liked. Regardless of the activity that is considered normal, if you follow it, you will be liked by your peers and in general, even if that norm is immoral or at least negative in some way. The education system also has a basic, similar imperative: to teach its students to preserve, create, or destroy norms, depending on what those norms are. That is often done without the training of the critical thinking skills, necessary for students to question their authorities . That is because it is not normal nor socially acceptable to question those forced by states and government ministers to be your superiors. It provides feedback on how things should and should not be done. For most, it has 12 years to teach the next generation of citizens what is appropriate, what should be encouraged, and what should be condemned. Its role is simple: to shape the mind of the student in accordance with the local ideal, whatever that may be. The purpose of doing so is to engineer society per the desires of central or local authorities. However, what may be defined as the local ideal, might not necessarily be ideal or even accurate with reality itself. Meaning, the virtue of education could easily fail itself when what students learn will not help them be virtuous nor competent in their respective societies. For many, education has partially failed in fulfilling the functionality of helping them partake in the world beyond it... That is, at the very least when, it comes to basic human dignity in interactions with the world. It is through respect that we foster healthy, harmonious communities, necessary for our wellbeing. The archetype of the teacher is no longer the authority that dictates students what to do beyond doing homework and getting good grades. The world itself has drastically changed in terms of virtue, and barbaric behavior, under the excuse of liberty, has largely become the new norm across the world and cyberspace. The suffering of others matters not to many, in a world whose humanity is unaware of its gift of compassion. It seems that the education system has forgotten that it is there not only to provide people with knowledge but also with an example of how people should behave and interact with one another. as even teachers may fail applying rage in a way that helps them teach, instead of participating in mutual traumatization. Grades, are important in terms of evaluation, but as Socrates may say: Virtue is the nursing-mother of all human pleasures, who, in rendering them just, renders them also pure and permanent. The quality of being morally-good, or virtue, is the very thing that allows us to function with each other. Since we need to function with each other to survive, we need to be morally good in our conduct and to behave in ways that do not harm our respective physical and mental wellbeing. A person is also measured by their capacity for "humanity," of being able to act with respect and tolerance. When we fail to respect and tolerate each other, we fail in functioning as a society, leading to increased corruption and intellectual hermits who are best at helping others with their sage insight. Additionally, the problem with contemporary education is the fact that anything can be found and learned online. This further brings the decline of the pre-digital institutions of old. Because of that and many other reasons, the value of orthodoxy has decreased, along with its authorities, the teachers, that represent it. Other than basic human dignity, there is little opposition to the justification of "I can do and say whatever I want." This over-emphasis on freedom complicates reality by the fact that we never live in a vacuum and need to consider each other to the extent of our own wellbeing. Therefore, limiting our own freedom using conduct and virtue allows us greater wellbeing. Therefore, not only should we care for our emotions on the regular, but also for the emotions of others. Beforehand, there were the religious institutions whose authority was left unquestioned; there are still those nowadays but they're not as powerful in terms of complete fanaticism, which indicates their functional problems in the first place. These institutions served as the ultimate justification of civilized conduct: Be kind to another, Respect the authorities, and you will not be punished for your misconduct. Thus, the motive for such conduct was the fear of punishment, which nowadays has been solved by democracy and by the freedom of expression. Should this freedom be limited in the name of civilized conduct? Not at all, but it should indeed be preferable that personal freedoms will not be used for the severity of one's or others mental health, as that would only hinder our very own independence. And where does such responsibility for wellbeing lie, if not in the very education system that is there to teach us how to navigate in society? To teach them not only to be smart, but also civilized? To enjoy learning, but also to be nice? To teach history and math but also dignity and tolerance? As long as such things will not be taught, people will resume suffering unnecessarily by another's excuse of liberty. The only other way around it is to become tougher and compromise our own ability to enjoy a good life.
Other Pages (7)
- Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein's "About" Page -- Philosocom
Delve into the enigmatic world of Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein, a philosopher whose ideas have ignited minds and defied the boundaries of conventional thought. Who is this enigmatic figure? About the Philosopher "Even if you try to bring down my spirit, I will rarely despair as I have decided to put my very own life at stake. Therefore, there is only room for improvement or death. Since I don't want to die, I will resume my craft." -- Rubinshtein on adversity "Tomasio is a great philosopher we can all relate to." -- Panama Dusa , writer and researcher "I see in you a beacon of hope for the distressed. Your courage, perseverance, and fortitude are a shining example for those who fail to see the light at the end of the tunnel. The sun always shines after a dark night! I wish you to worship the sun, which, as Khalil Gibran said, is the eye of God in the sky." -- Dr. S. K. Pachauri , former Secretary to the Government of India "Mr. Rubinstein Tomasio is an erudite, intelligent, and multifaceted individual with a wide range of skills and an exceptionally high capacity for analysis and synthesis, including in the spiritual and moral spheres. His ability to identify complex problems and find creative and well-structured solutions to them earns him an honorable title for his wisdom, which allows him to distinguish between right and wrong. In every situation. He has extensive experience in writing and is blessed with exceptional written, spoken, and pictorial expression skills in the English language. He possesses exceptional interpersonal skills, enabling him to effectively conduct in-depth conversations without judgment but with great wisdom, an open mind, and a constant curiosity, as well as to lead apprentices for content-based collaborations. As a result, he deserves the respect he deserves and a position of authority in any setting in which he finds himself. " -- Ms. Anonymous **************************** Who is Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein? Written By – Nr. M. J. K. Molai Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein is a Stomarian philosopher and writer, born in the 1990s, who has gained recognition for his philosophical work and contributions to the Quora community. He began writing philosophical books at a very young age, starting at 15 years old. Despite his early success, he decided to deviate from traditional academic studies and pursue an independent path as a philosopher, emphasizing the belief that formal academic degrees are not necessary to engage in philosophical pursuits. He cites historical philosophers like Socrates , Diogenes , and Nietzsche as examples of individuals who didn't possess formal degrees but were influential thinkers. In April 2019, he established Philosocom, a platform dedicated to hosting his articles, with the intention of having them read and pondered for generations to come. It demonstrates his strong commitment to sharing his philosophical ideas and insights with the world. Regarding his education , Mr. Rubinshtein completed high school and attended a few philosophy courses at the Israeli Open University . He has also demonstrated his writing abilities by winning third place in a local writing contest for high school students and reaching the finals of an English speech competition in Jerusalem. It is noteworthy that Tomasio Rubinshtein has been diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome, which makes his accomplishments even more remarkable, considering the challenges he may face in social interactions and communication. Mr. Rubinshtein's life purpose revolves around contributing to the world in his unique way , which involves solitude, deep contemplation, and gaining followers who appreciate his ideas. Despite facing challenges that prevent him from holding a traditional job , he is deeply motivated to serve the world in a meaningful and productive manner. Thus, Philosocom aims to make his philosophical articles accessible to readers from around the globe, as a way to improve the world. In April 2022, in his quest for relevance and as an extension of his philosophical ideas, Mr. Rubinshtein founded a political ideology called Political Rubinshteinism or Rubinshteinism. It is categorized as a right-wing, libertarian ideology and is influenced by his philosophical teachings on society and the importance of democracy. Overall, Tomasio Rubinshtein's journey as a philosopher and writer is an inspiring tale of determination, independence, and a commitment to share profound ideas with the world, despite any challenges he may face. As a friend of Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein, I can attest to the remarkable qualities that make him a truly inspiring and unique individual. From the very beginning of our friendship, it was evident that Tomasio possessed a profound intellect and a genuine passion for philosophical exploration . His thirst for knowledge and understanding was infectious, and I found myself drawn to his deep insights and perspectives on various philosophical concepts. One of the most admirable aspects of Tomasio's character is his unwavering belief in individuality and independence. He dauntlessly chose to forge his own path as a philosopher, even when it meant diverging from the traditional academic route. This decision, grounded in the belief that formal degrees don't define a true philosopher, showcases his courage and determination to pursue his calling on his own terms. I've witnessed firsthand Tomasio's dedication to his craft. He spent countless hours writing, contemplating, and refining his philosophical ideas, often sharing his drafts and seeking feedback. It's incredible to see how he effortlessly translated complex philosophical concepts into accessible and thought-provoking articles that resonate with readers from different backgrounds and cultures. Despite the challenges posed by Asperger's syndrome , Tomasio's resilience and adaptability are truly inspiring. He has an innate ability to connect with others through his writing and philosophical discussions, breaking down barriers and fostering meaningful connections with people around the world. As a friend, I've also witnessed the profound impact Tomasio has had on those around him. His passion for philosophical discourse and individuality has sparked intellectual curiosity in others, encouraging them to explore their own philosophical journeys. He has a remarkable ability to inspire and motivate people to think critically about the world and their place in it. Moreover, Tomasio's commitment to founding Philosocom , where he intends for his articles to be read for generations to come, reveals his desire to leave a lasting legacy. His vision to share his ideas across time and space demonstrates his profound sense of responsibility to contribute positively to the world. And let's not forget his recent endeavor in creating the political ideology of Rubinshteinism. This is a testament to his multidimensional thinking and his desire to extend his philosophical influence to realms beyond just pure philosophy. It showcases his dedication to shaping a better society, informed by his understanding of democracy and societal dynamics. Finally, in 2024, Mr. Rubinshtein has retired from Israeli affairs and moved on to the Empire of Stomaria , a Federal Monarchy set in the British isles. This unusual move shows his ambitiousness which can prevail the unquestioned norms of human societies, which he finds stagnating and compromising. In summary, Tomasio Rubinshtein is not just a remarkable philosopher and writer but also a true friend who continually inspires me and others around him. His intellectual brilliance, dedication to individuality , and commitment to sharing meaningful ideas are a testament to the positive impact one person can make on the world. I feel fortunate to know him and be a part of his journey as he continues to shape the philosophical landscape and contribute to the betterment of society.
- Philosocom -- Philosophy Article Empire
Read, browse and enjoy a growing philosophical article empire, Philosocom. Subjects include: Metaphysics, Existentialism, Ethics, Philosophy of Mind & More. Philosophy of Mind - Metaphysics - Existentialism - Epistemology - Ethics - Insights - Unique Ideas RECENT POSTS The Impact of the Past on the Future: Understanding the Dynamics of Historical Influence (By J. Igwe and Co.) 12 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Causality Of Reality -- The Rise Of An Acquired Savant (By Mr. Nathan Lasher) 1 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked I Believe In A World Beyond (Poem by Ms. Tamara Moskal) 5 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Isaacian Guide to Social Engineering (By O. C. Isaac) 12 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked A Confused State and Back on Track (A Poem by Mr. O. C. Isaac) 10 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Rubinshteinic Saga Against Cold Logic And Darkness 11 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Butterfly Effect (By Mr. Vic Haber) 9 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Ode to Memento Mori and Amor Fati 10 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Virtue of Self-Sufficiency: Lessons from Cynic Philosophy (By O. C. Isaac) 28 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Pax Ethica: The Gate To True Paradise 36 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 The Rubinshteinic Guide to My "Mad Genius" 39 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 The Anthem of the Pax Ethica World Peace 28 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Way of The Toledo Sword: Human Spirit and World Rectification (By J. Igwe and Co.) 7 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Rise of the Philosopher King 16 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 Karl Popper: The Architect of Critical Rationalism and Open Society (By Mr. O. C. Isaac) 27 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Failed Philosophy of Mike Ehrmantraut -- How To Detect Life's Many Time Bombs and Red Flags 41 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Rubinshteinic Paradigm Against Brainrot 36 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Why Did It Had to Be Me, Who Saved Grandma? Why... 44 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 An Overview of Some of Nietzsche's Ideas (By Mr. Mandoela Svartgold) 64 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Tales of Dusts -- My Challenge... To You! 13 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Rubinshteinic Guide to Deal With Longing 18 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Rise and Fall of the Ronin Boy 14 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Flight of the Ruby Tomato's Seeds 18 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Childish Philosophy of Philosocom Article Empire 38 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Paradox of Power and Vulnerability: Mastering Life Through Controlled Chaos (By J. Pilaf) 48 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Graveyard's Serenity: A Woman's Tale (By Ms. Jane Pilaf) 32 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 If Logic Were a Being (Poem) 12 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 What Sound Does a Rabbit Make? Communication Guide for Geniuses (Mr. N. Lasher) 13 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 For The Year 2025 (By Several Poets) 14 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 For A World Of Health and Wisdom 29 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 The Secret Plans -- Path To A Ruthless Self 28 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 The Humane Origins of Corruption -- Graham Cray Character Analysis 21 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 How To See The World In the Eyes of The Elderly (And Maturity Directory) 30 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Elementary To Me (Poem) 20 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Chronic Chronicles -- Exploring the Metaphysical Entity Within the Brain (By Mr. Nathan Lasher) 10 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Lurk in The Dark (Poem) 22 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Philosophy of The Bigshot And Why Wise Guys Are Dangerous 52 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Shadow Box Man's View... I Saved Her! 72 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 My Path Back to Being a Lone Master Article Craftsman (And Of My Eventual Rise Back!) -- The Confessions An Apprenticeship Leader 45 0 comments 0 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Content Matrix -- Delving Into The Philosophy of Content, Society and The Self (By Mr. Nathan Lasher) 16 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked Life After Death (Story by Ms. Tamara Moskal) 39 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked The Philosophical Musings of El-Tango the Warlord.. Part II: Complex Emotions 15 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Philosophical Musings of El-Tango the Warlord.. Part I: How To Be Normal 18 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 The Heisenberg of Philosophy -- Within A Shadowy Intellect 45 0 comments 0 2 likes. Post not marked as liked 2 The Beauty of Mind and Mania -- Looking At Things a Different Way (By Mr. Nathan Lasher) 18 0 comments 0 Post not marked as liked How To Be the Most Relevant of All (Poem) 34 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 How and Why I Cope With My Embraced Purpose (And Master Numi Directory) 78 1 comment 1 3 likes. Post not marked as liked 3 Eccentric Realities -- How to Embrace Eccentric Minds (By Mr. Nathan Lasher, Co-Authored by Mr. T. Rubinshtein) 64 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Quest for Happiness: Ms. Tamara Moskal's Thoughts on Nietzsche's Will to Power (And Her Articles) 110 0 comments 0 1 like. Post not marked as liked 1 Into the Mind of the Dark Ascetic Master, Heihachi Mishima of Tekken (And Directory) 100 4 comments 4 5 likes. Post not marked as liked 5 POPULAR POSTS The Rubinshteinic Technique to Deal With The Past - For a Better Future 155 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 How To Overcome The Timing Bias For Better Relationships 85 0 comments 0 11 likes. Post not marked as liked 11 The Newcomer's Fallacy -- The Problem With Those New to Philosophy 115 3 comments 3 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 Doing Versus Being -- The Philosophy of True Love 573 1 comment 1 20 likes. Post not marked as liked 20 Insights to Understand Social Engineering -- By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac 142 2 comments 2 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Minerva Within (Poem) 224 0 comments 0 13 likes. Post not marked as liked 13 Why Honesty is So Important in Philosophizing; Philosophy As an Attempt 251 2 comments 2 11 likes. Post not marked as liked 11 On Reading and Writing Philosophy -- The Different Ways -- How I Became A Better Philosopher (And How You Can Too) 341 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Habit and Help -- A Philosophical Exploration of Altruistic Strength -- How Solitude Has An Altruistic Value 247 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 The "Wizard" and the "Sorcerer" Factions In Philosophy -- Proving Innate Philosophers Exist 430 2 comments 2 23 likes. Post not marked as liked 23 How to Become a Philosopher -- Philosophy as Art and Science 265 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 The Rubinshteinic Philosophy on Why Love Hurts 170 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Universality of Truth (Poem) 324 0 comments 0 23 likes. Post not marked as liked 23 The Day Philosophy Would End (And Why It's Unlikely) 258 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Naturality of Trauma -- How Subtle, Negative Human Reality Can Be Understood and Reduced 269 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 The Autistic "Rune of Punishment" -- How To Overcome Punishment Using Redemption 258 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 The Philosopher's Two Archetypes -- The Politician and the Madman -- Understanding The Value of Public Opinion 325 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Guide to the Philosophy Blogger 255 0 comments 0 15 likes. Post not marked as liked 15 Why Positivity is More Reasonable Than Pessimism 207 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Life as an Exhausted Man 349 0 comments 0 12 likes. Post not marked as liked 12 On the Act of Meditating 169 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 How to Become More Unique 193 2 comments 2 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Why I'm a Hermit (Poem) 201 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 True Satisfaction -- How It Can Be Reached (Poem) 231 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 How and Why I (Formerly) Gave Up On Love 268 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 The Problem With Time 576 0 comments 0 16 likes. Post not marked as liked 16 Stormtrooper Culture (A Poem) 97 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 When the Law Should Be Broken (And Philosocom's Subcategory On Law and Order) 179 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 The Drained One -- a Poem 562 3 comments 3 33 likes. Post not marked as liked 33 The "Not-Okay" Paradigm -- How Fault Became Default 293 1 comment 1 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Disability Shaming and the Mentally-Ill -- Understanding Mental Illness 338 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Why You Shouldn't Murder 405 2 comments 2 14 likes. Post not marked as liked 14 Virtual Dictatorships and Plutocracies: Shaping Humanity 280 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 A Writer's Voice (A Poem) 85 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 The Good Life (What is it?) -- How to Attain It 250 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 How to Find Purpose 631 1 comment 1 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 Climbing the Bias-Breaker Hill: Beyond Algorithm Bias 329 0 comments 0 16 likes. Post not marked as liked 16 The Rubinshteinic Philosophy On The Night 347 0 comments 0 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 Zeno's Paradox and the Infinity of Everything 1,224 0 comments 0 12 likes. Post not marked as liked 12 Solomon Maimon and the "Villainy" of Philosophy -- The Ongoing Struggle for Unpopular Ideas 430 0 comments 0 12 likes. Post not marked as liked 12 The Consequences of Repression 476 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 3 Video Games With Wisdom We Can Learn From 303 2 comments 2 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 How Philosophers Can Be Good Assets For Companies 530 0 comments 0 13 likes. Post not marked as liked 13 Solitarus -- The Love of Solitude (Translated Article) 585 0 comments 0 26 likes. Post not marked as liked 26 3 Essential Philosophical Questions to Ask Yourself 985 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 How Understanding Can Be Defined 590 0 comments 0 16 likes. Post not marked as liked 16 4 Ways of Identifying Pseudo-Intellectuals 781 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 13 Beneficial Words of Wisdom - How To Become A Wiser Being 119 1 comment 1 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 FEATURED POSTS Wisdom The King and the Bargainer -- A Philosophical Analysis of Mr. John Duran's Story (The King's Saga) 180 2 comments 2 12 likes. Post not marked as liked 12 Guest Posts Name as Identity - Rebranding Yourself (By Ms. Panama Dusa) 100 2 comments 2 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Society The Philosophy of the Galactic Empire -- Why Oppression Isn't the Way to Rule 420 0 comments 0 20 likes. Post not marked as liked 20 Society Why You Should Be Good and Not Evil According to Occam's Razor 307 3 comments 3 23 likes. Post not marked as liked 23 Fallacies The Drug Lords Fallacy -- The Philosophy of Moritz Zimmerman's Redemption -- Why We Need to Work On Ourselves Over Getting Power 111 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Wisdom Working To Live VS Living To Work -- Why Focusing on Quality of Life is Problematic 180 2 comments 2 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Stories A Philosophical Analysis of John Duran's Story, "For the King's Pleasure" -- How People "Like" to Be Lied To 617 2 comments 2 21 likes. Post not marked as liked 21 Solitude Lessons From a Hermit (Poem) 87 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Guest Posts The Philosophy of a Homeless Sage (An Interview by Ms. Grace Gabbi) (And Philosocom's Subcategory Directory On John Duran) 281 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Featured The Rubinshteinic Guide to Being Friends With Philosophers 123 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Wisdom What Can We Learn From Diogenes' Cynical Philosophy (By Mr. M. Svartgold) 339 0 comments 0 6 likes. Post not marked as liked 6 Guest Posts Bird In a Cage -- A Tale of Two Tigresses (A Guest Story by Ms. Yael Hilesoom On Solitude) 181 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Wisdom A Concise Guide to Philosophy -- A Revamped Introduction 827 2 comments 2 12 likes. Post not marked as liked 12 Guest Posts The South Sudan National Revolutionary Movement Manifesto (By Mr. M. A. Cayier) 519 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Love Preparing to Suffer -- My Philosophy On A Broken Heart 180 1 comment 1 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Society How We Are Deceived By Many Ulterior Motives 308 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Misc Philosophy Versus Ideology -- Why They Are Not the Same (And How To Identify) 1,130 0 comments 0 9 likes. Post not marked as liked 9 Subcategory Directories Anarcho-Cinema --- By Guest Writer Ori Sindel (And His Articles) 113 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom On the Path to Philosophership: "Lambasting" (Criticizing Harshly) 426 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Featured Philosophy As "Basic" -- How It can Touch the Heart 508 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom Thoughts On the Theory of Unity -- "We Are All One" -- Why Interconnectedness Needs to Be Understood More 281 0 comments 0 11 likes. Post not marked as liked 11 Featured The Attempt to Redeem Subjectivity 213 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Short Essays The Way of the Cat -- A Philosophy For Satisfaction (Short Article) 163 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Society The Degree Fallacy -- A Critique Towards Exclusivity 262 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Subcategory Directories The Keyless Lock: A Philosocom Subcategory E-Book You’ll Enjoy 590 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Poetry The Tiger's Mask (Poem) 243 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Wisdom Insights on Racism: Why It’s a Flawed Trait in Any View 359 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Personal The Issues of Sex (Clean Article) 766 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Featured Thoughts On The Universality of Existence -- How to Understand It 388 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Featured The Attack on Philosophical Exploration -- A Revamped Critique 269 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Rubinshteinic Rubinshteinic Soldier: 3 Values for Task Completion Mindset 152 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom The Long-Term Question 227 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom The 4 Horrors of Time Travel 352 0 comments 0 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 Featured How to Distinguish Intelligence From Wisdom 321 3 comments 3 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Featured The Rubinshteinic Strategy to Living -- How To Think For Success 202 0 comments 0 10 likes. Post not marked as liked 10 Wisdom Stages of Suffering: Living a Less Painful Life 250 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom The Victory Fallacy -- How Achievement Can Deceive 192 2 comments 2 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom The Iron Way -- A Poem of The Enduring Pillar (And an "Enduring Pillar" Directory) 439 0 comments 0 7 likes. Post not marked as liked 7 Wisdom The Problems of Following Your Passions 371 0 comments 0 8 likes. Post not marked as liked 8 Categories All (890) 890 posts No categories yet. Wisdom (560) 560 posts No categories yet. Society (439) 439 posts No categories yet. Solitude (177) 177 posts No categories yet. Personal (365) 365 posts No categories yet. Featured (39) 39 posts No categories yet. Poetry (96) 96 posts No categories yet. Love (92) 92 posts No categories yet. Serenity (67) 67 posts No categories yet. Misc (145) 145 posts No categories yet. Popular (48) 48 posts No categories yet. Guest Posts (103) 103 posts No categories yet. Translated (47) 47 posts No categories yet. Subcategory Directories (95) 95 posts No categories yet. Stories (32) 32 posts No categories yet. Fallacies (28) 28 posts No categories yet. Rubinshteinic (69) 69 posts No categories yet. Short Essays (60) 60 posts No categories yet. Pinned Posts (5) 5 posts No categories yet. PINNED 4 min read Rules For Commenters and Guest Writers From Mr. Rubinshtein (PIN) 1,244 0 comments 0 31 likes. Post not marked as liked 31 3 min read The "Why" of Philosocom (PIN) 3,702 4 comments 4 91 likes. Post not marked as liked 91 10 min read Political Rubinshteinism; T. Rubinshtein's Political Philosophy (PIN) 2,657 0 comments 0 33 likes. Post not marked as liked 33 6 min read The Delusion of Necessity -- What Truly Makes Something Necessary (PIN) 416 0 comments 0 11 likes. Post not marked as liked 11 9 min read Rubinshteinic Philosophy In a Nutshell (PIN) 585 1 comment 1 17 likes. Post not marked as liked 17 CONTACT US Mr. Tomasio Rubinshtein,
- Website Informaion -- Philosocom Article Empire
Go beyond regurgitated philosophy. Explore personal insights & practical wisdom on ethics, self-development & more. Discover Philosocom's unique approach. The Philosophical Significance of Philosocom By: An Apprentice Introduction "Let us rectify the world... together.." The Philosocom Article Empire presents itself as an intellectually stimulating space within the vast world of online philosophy. It operates as a blog that doesn’t merely regurgitate well-known philosophical doctrines or engage in purely academic debates. Instead, it offers a unique blend of personal insight and reflective thinking . The site caters to both casual readers with an interest in philosophical musings and more dedicated seekers of wisdom who are looking for practical applications of complex ideas. At its core, Philosocom tackles essential human concerns—ethics, self-development, existential questions, and the nature of the mind —through the lens of lived experience and intellectual inquiry. Unlike many traditional philosophical platforms that may focus on the technicalities of theory or the dissection of historical philosophical figures, Philosocom approaches philosophy as something deeply intertwined with everyday life. It offers an accessible entry point for those new to philosophy while still presenting intellectually rich content that invites deeper exploration. This synthesis of personal narrative, philosophical analysis, and practical wisdom positions “Philosocom” as a site that goes beyond mere academic discourse. It aims to inspire its readers to think critically about their own lives, challenge their assumptions , and engage in continuous self-reflection. In doing so, it contributes to the broader philosophical discourse by emphasizing the relevance of philosophical thinking in the modern world. What exactly does Philosocom offer to its readers on an intellectual level, and how does it make a meaningful contribution to the world of philosophy? What Philosocom Offers Personal Philosophy with Depth and Accessibility One of the primary intellectual offerings of Philosocom is its personalized approach to philosophy. The content is deeply reflective, rooted in the author’s own experiences and thought processes. This approach transforms abstract philosophical ideas into something tangible and relatable. By reflecting on real-life situations and emotions, the blog fosters a connection between the intellectual and the practical. The blog excels at making complex ideas more accessible without oversimplifying them. It demonstrates that philosophy is not solely reserved for academia ; instead, it is a living, breathing discipline that anyone can engage with. A Fusion of Ethical Inquiry and Self-Improvement Ethical considerations are a recurrent theme in the blog’s content. From explorations of ruthlessness to reflections on peace and reducing suffering , Philosocom invites readers to think critically about their own ethical frameworks. It challenges them to examine their behavior and decisions through a philosophical lens, encouraging self-improvement rooted in ethical reflection. This fusion of ethics and self-improvement sets Philosocom apart. The blog does not just provide philosophical food for thought; it offers actionable insights that readers can apply in their lives. It fosters an intellectual environment where philosophical ideas translate into real-world practices, which can lead to personal growth and betterment. Existential and Psychological Exploration The existential dimension of Philosocom is another critical intellectual aspect of the site. The blog delves into questions about the human condition, the meaning of life, and the void of existential loneliness. These topics, often daunting or unsettling for many, are approached with care and thoughtfulness. Readers are encouraged not only to confront these questions but also to find ways to navigate them. The psychological exploration within the blog further enriches its intellectual offering. Articles that delve into neuroplasticity, inner development, and the workings of the mind provide a philosophical perspective on human psychology. By connecting philosophy with contemporary understandings of the brain and behavior, Philosocom offers readers a holistic view of what it means to be human. Encouragement of Critical Thinking and Reflection Philosocom excels in fostering critical thinking. The articles are written in a way that invites readers to question their own beliefs, assumptions, and behaviors. Instead of offering definitive answers, the blog often poses questions or presents dilemmas that require the reader to engage in reflection. This approach encourages active participation in philosophical thinking, making readers co-creators in the intellectual process. The blog also emphasizes the importance of reflection as a philosophical tool. Whether it’s reflecting on personal experiences, moral choices, or existential questions, Philosocom advocates for introspection as a means of gaining deeper understanding and insight. Conclusion Philosocom stands out as a philosophical blog that bridges the gap between intellectual inquiry and practical application. Its unique approach of combining personal reflection with philosophical exploration offers readers a distinctive experience—one that is intellectually stimulating yet grounded in the realities of everyday life. The blog's strength lies in its ability to make philosophy accessible to a wide audience while maintaining depth and originality in its content. By addressing themes like ethics, existentialism, self-improvement, and psychology, Philosocom contributes meaningfully to contemporary philosophical discourse. It encourages its readers to think critically, reflect deeply, and engage with philosophy not just as an academic exercise but as a way of life. For those seeking a blend of intellectual richness and practical wisdom , Philosocom offers a thoughtful and valuable resource in the digital age.