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348 items found
- On Doing the Best You Can -- The Manifested Benefits of Doing So
Judging someone's skill solely on experience is a fallacy.
- The Barrier of Modesty -- How It Hinders Us
The Barrier of Modesty is requires an understanding of it to a degree that would oblige you to oppose
- The Solitary Egotist Dilemma -- To Contribute Or Not To Contribute to Others?
It is one of the reasons I devised the Time Lapse Fallacy in the first place.
- Philosophers and Autists -- How I Became a Ruthless Communicator
the reader and the contact must be open minded, avoid hasty judgement, as well as the whole-person fallacy
- Why I Am Against Trigger Warnings - Issue of Proportions
Discarding the objectivity in this would also discard the reason behind the straw man fallacy's existence
- How to be Practical and Pragmatic -- Short Story Analysis (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)
that there is no such thing as an "objective importance", even though the existence of the strawman's fallacy
- The Philosopher and Their Politics -- Insights For Public Figures in Philosophy
That's unfortunately because of one of the most commonplace logical fallacies of ad-hominem.
- Embracing the Power of the Void and Reality’s Emptiness
Minimizing the worth of something or someone because they won't live forever is called the eternity fallacy
- Solomon Maimon and the "Villainy" of Philosophy -- The Ongoing Struggle for Unpopular Ideas
interested in their findings, but lack the proper mindset for it, we can easily commit the newcomer's fallacy
- On Quasi-Specific Terms -- How To Understand and Navigate the Illusion of Accuracy In Communication
authors and speakers often intentionally deploy quasi-specific terms to establish authority, although a fallacy
- On the Path to Philosophership -- Public Ethics Guide
After all, you might be compelled to commit the whole-person fallacy , based on a single situation among
- Galactus -- But Thou Must! A Philosophical Analysis And Villainy/Anti-Villainy Directory
Isaac) Trying to Understand a Narcissist's Rationale (Captain Quark Character Analysis) The Drug Lords Fallacy
- How Relevance and Honour are Intertwined
recognized or they will be overlooked in the name of negative biases ; products of the whole-person fallacy
- On "Dharma", Or the "Right Way to Live" -- Does it Exist?
To claim one religion as superior based on sheer numbers is to fall prey to the ad populum fallacy .
- Why We Still Crave Video Games -- Looking Both Ways On the World of Gaming
They may even use their boredom as a fallacy, saying that life is not as interesting as their virtual
- The Attack on Philosophical Exploration -- A Revamped Critique
pre-internet world, where people like Socrates admitted that they know nothing, and still preserved a certain degree
- The Philosophy and Functionality of Importance
To some degree, for sure, but when the former Prime Minister of Japan is assassinated , people hold this
- Daniel Dennett Philosophy: Exploring Consciousness, Evolution, and the Mind (By Mr. J. Igwe, Mr. E. Peter and Mr. E. David)
He contends that even in a world governed by deterministic laws, agents can still possess meaningful degrees
- Bittersweet Satisfaction -- A Unique Emotion? Contemplations on "Setsunai"
to realize that several emotions can exist and be felt at the same time, and that we have different degrees
- Philosophy As "Basic" -- How It can Touch the Heart
as basic as what I presented, deep contemplations via logic are something that shouldn't require a degree
- 4 Notes On Corruption - The Corrosive Trends of This World
Otherwise, we would be blinded by either pro-tradition philosophies, or the novelty fallacy .
- The World's Compassion -- How to Try and Increase It
Being insensitive is a privilege not everyone gets to have, even if to attain to a degree.
- Explicit Content, Sensitivity and Eminem (Clean Article) -- How To Build Your Mind With the Darkness of Reality
On the one hand, I possess a high degree of sensitivity , to the point where I sometimes feel a need This apparent contradiction is how stereotypes are broken and "The Whole Person Fallacy" is compromised
- On Free Will -- How To Better Exercise Our Ambitions
It exists within a spectrum, where the interplay of internal and external forces determines the degree
- The Two Heads of Wisdom: A Journey of Insight
Beyond the Mechanical Life Society often pushes us into a predetermined mold: Pursue education, attain a degree