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348 items found
- The Sacrifice Assumption: Compelled to Influence Others
accepted cultural ritual increases our self-confidence in the effectiveness of such practice and becomes a fallacious Delusion of Certainty The habit of increasing self-confidence through such appeal to emotion, which is a fallacy culturel accepté augmente notre confiance en l’efficacité d’une telle pratique et devient une illusion fallacieuse
- The Philosopher Who Attempted to Overthrow The Japanese Army -- How Philosophy Can Be Practical
him from forming his own paramilitary force and invading a major military facility with a relative degree
- On Forgiveness -- Why It's Hard To Forgive
And you need a degree of intellect for cognitive empathy. As such, some do not have both.
- External Vision and Identity -- How Perception and Identity Has To Do With Truth and Survival
their work as much as philosophers should do whenever they devise a new concept or find a new logical fallacy
- How and Why Ruthlessness is a Virtue
be changed, like autism , there are traits within our personality that can be altered, at least to a degree
- Asceticism 101: How is it Relevant to Our Lives (By Mr. Emmanuel David)
It can promote a balanced approach to life, where individuals enjoy comforts while maintaining a degree
- My Philosophy On Having and Raising Children
Also, I believe that crime, mental illness , dysfunctionality, and low moral standards are, to a high degree
- Perception As Choice
way to challenge our perceptions is to expose ourselves to new experiences, even if they risk us to a degree
- The "Sin" of New -- Why We Need To Question The Future Before Adapting To It
On the greater scale, the effects of the appeal to novelty fallacy , should be clear: Gone are the days
- Why I Fear Disrespect of Family (And How to Be Happier)
Don't fall victim to the Nirvana Fallacy, and think some people are futile because they are flawed.
- The Eggman Philosophy -- Utilizing Self-Appreciation -- Why He's A Worthy Role Model
Thinking it is ensured is a fallacy.
- The Rubinshteinic Philosophy On Killing Time
Seeking Escape: Life can be tough to various degrees.
- How to Solve the Void of Existential Loneliness
(More on loneliness, here) ********************* The Physical Company Fallacy The increasing connectivity
- My Philosophy On the Past
Each moment, contains a degree of potential, unavailable if it weren't for the past.
- Revolutionary Potential -- How it Affects Societies Across the World
, not every significant change towards the future, is a positive one, hence the progression/novelty fallacy
- On the Path to Philosophership: Solitude
chance at getting a greater relevancy, long-term-wise, as philosophy itself still remains relevant to a degree
- The Philosophy of Subjective Equality -- How "Everything" Could Be Equally Real
subjectivity of our perception lies in our ability to regard things as well, and give them different degrees
- How Emotionality Made Me an Anti-Villain - My Anti-Villainous Ethics
authorities that literally dictate the norms, the norms themselves could be evil or at least morally fallacious
- Queries On the Influence of Religion as Manipulation (By Mr. M. Svartgold)
It is important to not submit to the authority fallacy when it comes to leadership.
- The Philosophy of Irrationality & Anxiety
That is also the fallacy that lies with bias, as bias can make one overlook things, while also making
- How Philosophizing Gave Me Hope
give in to the words of rejectors; not to give in to the fact that I cannot work normally, nor get a degree
- The Rubinshteinic Guide to Rage -- How To Master the Art of Rage
music) “Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree
- Love as Imperialism -- Where Domination Can Flourish
partner seeks to assert their influence, while the passive partner may find comfort in surrendering some degree
- The A.I Philosopher -- How A.I Could Even Replace Human Philosophers (And How to Compete As Humans)
This is impossible without some degree of awareness, as presented in my Flashlight Theory .
- The Problems of Following Your Passions
faith in our ambitions, living in a more-healthy society means that some compromises must be made to a degree