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348 items found
- Irrational Intimidation -- How Intellect Can Hinder You
confirmation bias, cherry-pick the facts on the matter, out-right deny reality, or use short-term ad-hominem fallacies
- Why Love Hurts (And How To Reduce Its Pain)
The Victory Fallacy is based on this truth.
- How to Use Reason To Relax During War
If I was a soldier, a general or a politician, then I would've worried because I would have some degree
- Thoughts On the Idea of Salvation
Pour les juifs, c'est l'espoir qu'un messie vienne élever le peuple juif à un nouveau degré de réalité For Jews it is the hope for a messiah to come and elevate the Jewish people into a new degree of reality
- Distance In Honour -- The Drawback of Dignity
L'amitié nécessite un certain degré d'amour, le désir d'être ensemble au point de se considérer comme Friendship requires some degree of love, the desire to be with each other to the point of seeing each
- How Cancel Culture Influences Freedom of Speech (By Mr. E. Peter, Mr. J. Igwe and Mr. E. David)
Too many people fall victim to the “look what I did” fallacy. Yes, it's not a known one.
- The Horror of Heat And Its Effect On the Human Mentality (And Why We Need to Decrease It)
That is although we need to remain in a certain degree of heat, as heat allows lifeforms to exist. Et ce, même si nous devons rester dans un certain degré de chaleur, car la chaleur permet aux formes
- Away From The Hermitic Philosopher -- A Very Mysterious Storytime Through A Former Friend's Perspective
At least he has some degree of morality...
- 14 Tips for Reducing Stress -- How To Understand What The Human Body Contains For A Better Existence
Instead, they undoubtedly surrender the vital need to learn, to courses, to other people, to degrees
- Dreams and the Multiverse Theory - Understanding The Metaphysical Philosophy Behind Dreaming
value" to this reality, just because we always return to it, could be a product of the Time Lapse Fallacy
- The Social Risk of Being a Philosopher -- Be Prepared
We philosophers do not act according to the ad-populum fallacy.
- How To Overcome The Timing Bias For Better Relationships
However, unfortunately, it is not very realistic to expect from anyone to have this degree of understanding Cependant, malheureusement, il n’est pas très réaliste d’attendre de quiconque qu’il ait ce degré de
- The Philosopher's Two Archetypes -- The Politician and the Madman -- Understanding The Value of Public Opinion
Due to their eccentric nature some might use the strawman's fallacy to discard them and to minimize
- "Human Godhood" -- How We Are More Than What We Restrain Ourselves
That we are more capable than just working at a 9 to 5 job, raising families and getting university degrees
- Metaphysics In a Nutshell: How to Understand Everything (By Mr. Kaiser Basileus) (And His Articles)
opposed to practical (logic, statistics, game theory , Bayesian reasoning , cognitive biases, and logical fallacies
- "The Lion King" and Its Communist Philosophy
because they do not care about the socialist idea of sharing your resources with others by government decree
- 7 Tips on How to Become More Ascetic
ma vie paraîtrait ennuyeuse et sans intérêt à beaucoup, mais comme moi aussi j'ai réalisé qu'il n'en fallait
- Towards Understanding African Communalism and Western Capitalism: A Comparative Guide (By Mr. E. David, E. Peter, Mr. J. Igwe)
government intervention is an ongoing debate, and different countries implement capitalism with varying degrees
- How To Cope With War Like a Stoic (By Mr. Ogbule Chibuzo Isaac)
Ils croyaient qu’il fallait accepter l’inévitable et maintenir la tranquillité intérieure même face à
- On "The Greater Good" -- A Twisted Morality Across Religions (Subcategory Directory On Twisted Morality)
A higher deity, decreeing that everything is for the greater good, is also to automatically accept determinism
- Crisis Of Love: A Dialogue Between Journalist and a Philosopher (By Mr. Machiek Machiek Akuocpiir Cayier)
there was a modelling event occurring at the University where Jago studies for his Software Engineering degree
- Sacrifices of War -- How To Elect Candidates In the Name of the Greater Good
Théoriquement, tout ce qu’il fallait pour éviter sa mort aux mains du Tsahal était de ne pas supposer
- Thoughts On the Theory of Unity -- "We Are All One" -- Why Interconnectedness Needs to Be Understood More
Il n’y a pas de véritable solidité dans l’univers, juste des niveaux et des degrés de liquidité variables