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- The Search Engine VS Social Interaction -- Understanding Effective Information Gathering
That is despite the fact you can't use a search engine without any degree of screentime. important for certification it's important to know that knowledge and merit do not have to depend upon degrees It's known as the degree fallacy.
- Why I Chose Philosophy as My Purpose
education, my auto-didacting ways aren't as exhausting or stressful, even though they can often be to some degree While degrees offer and reinforce prestige bias, they're often unnecessary for personal exploration. This has led me to devise the degree fallacy.
- Wisdom To Consider in Finances
Perhaps the severe problem of debt further supports the degree fallacy and the same result problem.
- Rationalism Versus Empiricism -- How Reality Is Understood
that there isn't a necessary correlation between wisdom and education, as I proved myself in a logical fallacy I devised, called "The Degree Fallacy". That is known as the anecdotal fallacy.
- The Horror of the Dimensional Merge Theory -- The Product of a Deranged Mind (And Why Minds Matter In Idea-Creation)
Again, I know this is technically an ad hominem fallacy , which says that concentrating on the person Perhaps this is why the ad-hominem fallacy came about in the first place; to allow certain voices, such I also believe in the degree fallacy, but I digress. In other words, its possible to become a credible source yourself with or without degrees and/ or trophies
- Modern Technology, Materialism & Freedom: Using Our Assets
It could even make one more educated, and thus justify the degree fallacy. As presented with the drug lord fallacy, you aren't necessarily transformed by technology.
- How to Distinguish Intelligence From Wisdom
This leads to a variant of the appeal to authority fallacy , known as the degree fallacy. You could say everyone is capable of stupidity just due to the fact of how many fallacies they fall victim
- On the Pursuit of Power -- How Mastery Can Be a Means To an End
As such, everything can hold a degree of power. Skill: Expertise in any field grants power, one that can distort our perception, as presented in the degree fallacy and the authority fallacy. We always have some degree of energy, and energy is there to be released, not repressed.
- On Reading and Writing Philosophy -- The Different Ways -- How I Became A Better Philosopher (And How You Can Too)
It would've added to my recognition as a philosopher to have a degree or two in that field. However, as my solitary contemplations birthed the degree fallacy, I realized my path to the truth is
- The Art of Writing a Philosophy Article -- How To Master It
By decluttering your mind from distractions, unconscious fallacies and biases, you can hone your ability There are cases where the appeal to emotion fallacy does not apply, because it is possible to trigger Study logical fallacies , study biases. That is known as the anecdotal fallacy . I also contributed the discovery of several logical fallacies.
- 7 Notes About Philosophy -- How To Understand Philosophy With Greater Clarity
The critique of academic philosophy is bold and thought-provoking, challenging the notion that a degree why I made a list of a few things that should be considered when it comes to philosophy: An Academic Fallacy You don’t have to have a degree in philosophy to be a philosopher. That's while getting a degree requires you to only study existing material. It makes such a degree not only not exactly necessary, but also fairly impractical for research I can
- The Races of Life -- The Philosophy of Staying Ahead
In order to stay as much as possible on the top on these various degrees of life’s meritocracy, you have Will care more for your thoughts (despite the ad-hominem fallacy ). As an autist with no degrees , it's what I did, am doing, and will continue doing!
- How To Understand the Self Beyond the External World
This fallacy may lead to a very drastic, and even underestimating conclusion: that the concept of individualism give a few possible examples for potentially autonomous traits, which, of course, exist in various degrees Bodily functions: All organisms share some common functions in general, to a certain degree for each we're dead), physical capabilities which can exist without external demonstration – all to a certain degree not discussing specific bodily functions, but those we have in common on one side, but to a certain degree
- Why Good Philosophers Are Not People Pleasers
criticism to improve upon our own work; refine the present material, and inform us of our mistakes and fallacies The problem with philosophy as a profession is that one will inevitably have to cause a certain degree Do not "give power" to the severely irrational, who have no clue about their own logical fallacies. And as we know, stereotypical thinking is very fallacious, when it comes to the understanding of the Although impressive, these statistics are nothing but an indication of the "Ad Populum" fallacy -- the
- How Life Is a Task (Short Monologue)
Either way, I see little reason to expect any degree of affection from anyone, instead resorting to be In the eternity fallacy. And the only thing I really seek doing is philosophy.
- The Day Philosophy Would End (And Why It's Unlikely)
Therefore, falsehoods or fallacies should not be seen as terrible things when philosophizing; Things Any content focusing on the anecdotal fallacy, serving as the weakest type of evidence (which I intend deception of information by unquestioned ulterior motives , along with a lack of understanding of logical fallacies In other words, will we always be ignorant to some degree, no matter how much knowledge and insight we If we will always remain ignorant to some degree, then philosophy itself would be quite Sisyphean.
- On The Path of Philosophership -- Recognition
A degree is only relevant if you intend to work in academia. for studying the truth, is the very activity that, even after years, can eventually get yourself a degree Does any of this require a degree? Only if you intend to be dominant in academia. your content to those who are too close-minded, and they might "sin" what I call " The Whole Person Fallacy
- The Dumb Donkey's Fable -- For the Tougher -- How To Understand and Navigate Stupidity and Ignorance
However, to deem an individual animal as either smart or stupid is a product of The Whole Person Fallacy Or the Whole Donkey Fallacy? They see situations in degrees that don't really exist beyond their perception, whether these degrees
- Defining Evil -- How Evil Interplays With Good
order to carry out our tasks successfully we need to be consistent in what we do, and as such retain a degree If we lack some good in us, then have some degree of evil within us. The fallacy in many people's understanding arrives when "Being a good person" is associated with "doing
- How to Properly Understand a Philosophical Text
By minimizing these fallacies, the text reduces potential misunderstandings. To enhance your understanding of philosophical texts, including my own, mastering logical fallacies is I may sometimes even devise my own fallacies, such as the Victory Fallacy or the Bored Man's fallacy. From this we can infer that there might be even more fallacies to be devised. And don't fall victim to the ad-populum fallacy.
- How to Determine the Existence of Gods
not be broken, but what are the odds the "average" person will know when they are making a logical fallacy It is quite embarrassing to see how regularly these two fallacies are made. If we talk about gods and logical fallacies, perhaps the biggest logical fallacy when it comes to gods is the Ad Infinitum fallacy . of magic was created in order to explain the unknown, and that the Abrahamic religions are based on fallacious
- The Philosophy of Monsters (Or, How to Cope with Reality)
Essentially, anything that is unpleasant can be regarded as monstrous, to whatever degree. The myth of the brave hero is nothing more than a fallacious fantasy, because in the real world and even
- Furthermore On Mastery -- How To Understand Mastery Today
However, in a world largely dominated by certificates, degrees, and honorary titles , it is difficult It is because of my refusal to get degrees in philosophy, for example, that I saved much . The only reason I would've needed a degree is because many jobs require you to have certification in With or without a degree or any other kind of certifying document. I believe that, there should be exemptions from degrees, simply because there could still be roads less
- Why The Message Deserves Priority In Any Communication
Their understanding might be flawed because they may not be aware of the ad hominem fallacy. It is very fallacious to use the Adolf Hitler example. A fallacy is essentially this: that which is unreasonable or that which isn't the "plan" of things. Ad hominem is a fallacy because people might have nothing to do with the message. By the way, it should be noted that fallacies are not universal.
- An Attempt to Define the Self -- The Flashlight Theory
L’effort combiné de notre cognition est ce qui permet un certain degré de compréhension, qui pourrait The combined effort of our cognition is what enables a certain degree of understanding , which itself article by Rupak Shah You therefore cannot say that reading isn't a passive activity entirely if some degree construct the "ego," that fleeting sense of self, which can easily be reduced using both logic and logical fallacies such as the Victory Fallacy.