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348 items found
- The Rubinshteinic Philosophy of National Identity and Olympics
The article effectively identifies and explains logical fallacies that underpin the traditional narratives The reference to the "hasty generalization fallacy" helps to articulate how national representation It's the fallacy that a single victor, or a select group of representatives, can embody the essence of For true representation, the hasty generalization fallacy needs to be addressed. And thus, our affinity with the olympics, when generalized, turns into the para-social fallacy as well
- The Philosopher's Trap -- The Delusion of the Universal
opinion isn't something that is based on the number of people who hold it as truth; that is a logical fallacy is also a universal truth because we could never perfectly tell the future, thus resulting in some degree World Differently Our truths, from religion to law, are ultimately subjective beliefs with varying degrees
- Followers and Friends (Poem) (Also, Philosocom's Directory On Friendship)
(Articles on friendship: defining-friends-followers-and-fans
- The Case Against Pure Beauty -- Why Beauty Isn't Enough
Such a problem is time that it can lead to a logical fallacy of its own. This is the crux of the ornamental fallacy. Beauty is a fleeting mirage, but one that may bring some degree of benefit that may be worthier to consider
- Human Relations In Philosophy -- How To Understand Public Discourse
I refer to basic and poor ways of treating other people, that are based on the ad-hominem fallacy . People have different degrees of rationality. I'd say that logic is more learned than gifted . And to degrade you even further, they might use the strawman's fallacy.
- How Potential Can Lead to Hope -- Article and Directory
Philosopher (Poem) ( ) Existence, Necessity and Potential -- The Bodybuilder Argument/Fallacy This leads to the reasoning behind the novelty fallacy. After all, you need a certain degree of health to effectively work towards success.
- Philosophers and Relevancy -- How to Become More Relevant As a Philosopher
Higher degrees of relevance can only be attainable by being very important to the formation and continuation A Fallacy of Progression The longevity of a niche does not always correlate with its popularity , especially As unfortunate as their fallacious thinking is, you have a reputation to preserve as a public figure
- Why Sexism Is Wrong From A Logical Standpoint
like men, just because philosophy has historically been male-dominated, sins in " The Way Things Are " fallacy He or she would share their findings and would not really mind the fallacies that lie, by default, within It is, in fact, a variant of a fallacy called the Hasty Generalization fallacy .
- The Problem of (Some) Religions In Philosophy From a Functional Standpoint
An opposing idea might be seen in a reduced value due to the strawman's fallacy. Fallacies of Time and Dominance: Religious traditions can be seen as an endorsement of truth. This could have something to do with the ad-populum fallacy and with the time-lapse fallacy when combined
- On Correct Philosophies: Quest for the Ideal Philosophy
To further reinforce it, and steer it away from the Anecdotal Fallacy, it should also be based on the Furthermore, it should be completely pure of any fallacies, both common in their recognition, and both in fallacies that might not be well known (AKA, devised by philosophers of their respective contemporary something many would agree upon simply due to lack of evidence against it (AKA The Appeal to Ignorance fallacy convince even those who avoid philosophy due to apathy, lack or intellect, or due to the "Bored Man Fallacy
- Defining Friends, Followers and Fans
combination that indeed makes them more distinctive than any other relationships is trust plus a certain degree Such degree of warmth is crucial to even relationships that are more than mere friends, such as romantic Emotions are complex and to understand them properly may require a high degree of emotional intelligence If you want to find friends -- true friends, with trust and a small degree of affection -- the outside
- Philosophy and Attachment -- Why Findings Shouldn't Be Attached To
philosophy reveals its kinship with science , demanding the cold, hard tools of logic and reason to dissect fallacies A discourse that is very much clean from the many logical fallacies and biases that govern our mentality Navigating this labyrinth demands not only intellectual rigor but also a certain degree of emotional
- The Reception Dilemma (And How to Solve It)
The Ad Hominem Fallacy Imagine being judged not for your ideas, but for the lack of a degree in a field This fallacy, the ad hominem attack, shifts the focus from the content to the creator, belittling your The Ad Populum Fallacy A chorus of applause can be tempting to mistake for absolute truth. The ad populum fallacy, however, thrives on the seductive power of majority opinion. Your sensitivity, however rooted in your being, may require a degree of suppression.
- What Clarity Actually Is: A Brief Examination (By Mr. Nathan Lasher)
Introduction Clarity, or the degree to which a person understands or has knowledge of something, is This also relates to the fallacy of pseudo intellectuals believing that their level of understanding
- The Nostalgia Experiment -- When Bias is Right
This proves how the appeal to novelty is a fallacy . experiences, or maybe the sense of adventure fueled by limited technology, with little need for excellent degrees
- The Rubinshteinic Theory On Contentism -- Why Emotions Can be Weakness
Mentioning logical fallacies can minimize human elements, including emotions. The reason why ad hominem is a fallacy justifies the disconnection between the human element and the Technically, the mentioning of logical fallacies can be used to minimize the human element, and that The Nirvana fallacy may discard your hopes for a better future. eliminate versions of articles that were purely written from anecdotal experience, which is of course fallacious
- Issues With Spirituality: Common Struggles and Insights difficult is to rationally deduce nor verify spirituality, it can easily be regarded with the strawman's fallacy It is one of the reasons the authority fallacy, or the appeal to authority, makes sense as a logical fallacy: Being in authority, by itself, doesn't make you a reliable source of clarity.
- The Rubinshteinic Guide to "Growing Up"
There is no need to have power over others in order to become a "real man" ( Drug Lord Fallacy ) A "real man" doesn't have to be perfect (Nirvana Fallacy) . we should question them, forge our own path, while still not abandoning the fact that we have some degree
- Undead: My Story, a New Type, and a Complete Directory
Like, applying the strawman's fallacy to things you don't bother researching and learning further, makes their own incompetence, they apply whataboutism , to make themselves sound logical, despite using a fallacy That we do not exist beyond society to at least some degree.
- Counter-Productivity of Endless Desire and How to Escape
dropping out of it, as I can be a competent philosopher without the need to be advertised that I need a degree ( as that is a fallacy ).
- How to Become a Philosopher -- Philosophy as Art and Science
All you need to be a philosopher is a rational human being who is aware of logical fallacies, is an inquisitive You need to come up with ideas, mention problems in existing systems, point out logical fallacies, and If there's something I recommend for you to study as a philosopher, it's at least some fallacies in logic the main force of philosophy, you must strive to become the most logical person you can be and detect fallacies I myself took a course online on logical fallacies.
- Affiliation Bias (Also, Philosocom's Directory on Biases)
Since offense can be used out of defensiveness, you may use fallacies such as ad-hominem, whataboutism and the strawman's fallacy to divert the feelings of being attacked, by projecting them unto the critic It is even more important when one recognizes their fallacy.
- Equality and Meritocracy: How to Maintain a Fair System
identical, neglecting the inherent differences in talent and work ethic that define us ( and a high degree A fallacy as people aren’t elected for their abilities, they are elected for their marketing and creating
- Intellectualism and Society: Misunderstandings Revealed
Assuming one's intellect makes them a rare "specimen" is a fallacy, inflating positive attributes to an unrealistic degree.
- Unavoidable Events and Logic: Understanding the Unavoidable and The Logically Inevitable
It also uses logical reasoning and philosophical references, such as the Nirvana Fallacy and the Eternity Fallacy, to enhance the argument's depth. Thinking we shouldn't, because it is inevitable anyways, is known as the Nirvana Fallacy, and often times, the Eternity Fallacy.