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348 items found
- Incels: Why Sexuality is Insufficient (Short Article)
failure by that fact alone; and you are not necessarily a failure, that you're alone in life on that degree
- How the Mind Might Be Our Prison -- Why It Needs To be Questioned
Even what is widely considered the truth can be a fallacy of popularity rather than an objective reflection What appears universally true could be a product of collective agreement, a fallacy of popularity rather And I refer to its traditional meaning, not to authority figures, and to the fallacy that comes from all information about the world before it reaches us with the manipulative power of bias and logical fallacies
- The Unconscious Conclusion -- Exploring the Labyrinth Within
And yet, there is no point succumbing to the Nirvana Fallacy, is there? Part III: The Internal Akashic Records Fallacy Man strives toward reason only so that he can make rules The falsehood of it is presented in the Whole-Person Fallacy I devised.
- The English Language
Whatever the case may be, like earning a degree , learning languages isn't something anyone is capable
- The Fourth Philosocom Day Speech -- Building A Beacon of Intellectual Freedom Together
The careless society may throw insults and dismiss our ideas without any degree of examination.
- Government and Elections -- Article And Politics Directory
In fact, to think it is futile, is a product of the Futility Fallacy/Appeal to Futility. Arguably , it's also known as the Nirvana Fallacy. However, do not fall victim to the eternity fallacy.
- Depth In Simplicity -- Insights From Coin Tossing -- The Philosophy of Simplicity
It is a degree of skill I often ponder if I'll ever be able to actualize, thus further promoting philosophy's They don't learn from their mistakes, and may even often commit the causal fallacy , confusing logic
- Ayn Rand's Objectivism and Rubinshteinic Individualism-- Similarities and Differences.
population is theist, that alone does not indicate that theism is correct, and is basically a logical fallacy That is connected to another logical fallacy known as the "is-ought" problem -- the fact that something
- The Inner Child of Light -- The Hidden Virtue of Light -- How To Redeem The Self
lose much of my emotions , to never again taste the bitter sting of rejection in such an unnecessary degree exactly why normalcy is a poor philosophy, if you're going to justify it with "The Way Things Are" fallacy
- How to Become Your Own Professor (A "Self-Professor") (2016, the "Hermitericum")
I do not work according to the authority fallacy's faulty logic . For we are not entirely the shaped pawns of external influence -- we also have some degree of agency
- The Rubinshteinic Critique on Consumerism
This is true to a degree, given that there are many jobs that require constant and repetitive consumption
- How I Became Successful
But should you, when you are prone to suffer as all humans do, each to their own degree?
- The Beautiful World of Numbers and Directory
forms of consciousnesses ), is what allows the display and development of various information on many degrees Wouldn't you agree that there is a degree of beauty in power?
- Why is Deductive Reasoning Valuable
and its past behavior does not necessarily guarantee its future actions, as presented in the victory fallacy Thinking they do, is an expression of the Victory Fallacy .
- Hedonism as a "Religion" and Its Backdraws (Also, Philosocom's Directory on Hedonism)
the-absurdity-of-fun And indeed, dismissing someone or something because they are boring, is a fallacy of its on.
- How Truth-Seeking Is Sacrifice
Even with the eternity fallacy being at presence ( which I devised myself ), do you think humanity will The eternity fallacy contradicts the conclusion that we should just end it.
- How Workaholism Can Be Futile (And When It's Not)
This is the problem with today's world: many of us are not strong enough to admit the fallacy of any It's a fallacy that fails to satisfy our egos for the long run.
- On Truth and its Components: How to Detect the Truth Clearly
Even if you get to a wrong conclusion, to a fallacy, when solving a mathematical problem, there are still factors which made you (or the opposite) to commit a fallacy in the equation; factors, which are representations that has the most specific evidence, the most trustworthy information sources, and the least logical fallacies
- The Tragedy of Philosophy -- Impressions and Truth -- How Our Perception is Hindered
It's a fallacy of its own that I might write about eventually. It's a fallacy because past experience does not necessarily indicate about current or future events.
- On Looking Within: A Brief Exploration (Short Article)
It means seeing yourself as a distinct individual with a degree of depth that is often overlooked.
- The Family/Tribe Bias -- How Sociality Distorts Our Viewpoints (And How To Reduce the Bias)
sensibility of a comment, but also the standing of the person before them, leading to ad-hominem, strawman's fallacy , and the authority fallacy. That is to the point that this concept, fueled by tribal bias, can be considered a logical fallacy.
- The Rubinshteinic Moralist Guide to Hospitality
See the Nirvana Fallacy , I wrote about. to survive, and when we need to rely on others for survival and prosperity, we must attribute some degree ignorant deeds of fools who justify their own actions with whataboutism , a very infantile logical fallacy
- Socrates and The Problem With Philosophy (Also, Philosocom's Socrates Directory)
flawed philosopher myself, I'm comfortable with this reality, merely because I am aware of the Nirvana Fallacy
- Philosophy Versus Ideology -- Why They Are Not the Same (And How To Identify)
to build an ideology, but to see beyond potentially delusional beliefs, understand the biases and fallacies This means that even a belief which can be proven as a delusion, can still have some degree of touch
- The Problem with Standards -- Advocating Disability Awareness -- A Philosophy of Inclusion
As long as you communicate to an effective degree, and manage to reach your destination on time, there Hardships and disabilities are ignored or dismissed using the strawman's fallacy.